U2 D2J Test Grow

Hi D2J,
things are looking good in here! Hope you don't mind me pulling up a recliner.
Will follow with interest, there are some great genetics in the mix to make up U2

Is that a CMH light you are using?

Best of luck bro

Day 34. All sexed. 4 female, 3 male. I've put one particularly handsome male out to pasture for a couple of months, and plan on bringing him in to use after this run.
pH6.2 water. I've given one small watering with some cal-mag (minimal amount, but water here is super soft so may adjust up a little, later on.) & plagron pure zym. EC 0.3

Using plagron grow mix, no problems, but I think I'll use light mix for the next U2 grow - it's just a little hotter than necessary for this plant imo.

I think I'll let this run for another week, and then start watering in a bit of bloom.
Those leaves are significantly wider than the leaves on my outdoor U2 plants at 42N. I wonder if the difference is all in the environment or if the mother/father are different or maybe some combination of both?
Those leaves are significantly wider than the leaves on my outdoor U2 plants at 42N. I wonder if the difference is all in the environment or if the mother/father are different or maybe some combination of both?

Fatty in the middle is Master Kush Skunk. U2 leaf a little less slender than I thought they'd be, but typically hybrid shape.
I have a few seeds left, and I might grab another pack on auction as I think it's definitely one I'll run again.

Phenos very consistent so far!