U2 D2J Test Grow


Week 7. (4.5 weeks from 12/12)
All good. pH runoff of last feed was a little low, and EC a little too high for my liking, so next watering was pH 6.5 water only. This resolved the issue- runoff was in acceptable range. Next feed tomorrow.
Starting to smell a bit, delicate, with a good hazey fragrance and a bit of Jasmine Benzopyrrole poo smell.

Bonus pic of Shark Shock twins. Big twin had kicked little twin out of bed.
Day 60


Starting to shape up now. U2 takes well to supercropping. I supercropped one plant as a test, it recovered exceptionally well and very quickly & has grown fat. Probably too many plants in this space. I'd like another run of U2 with two plants in 16l pots - I have a clone mother I'll take cuttings from for that.

She seems to feed lightly on N, so would go for a lightmix next time around.

Have been feeding @ EC 0.9, I'm going to drop that a bit from this week on.


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you are in week 8 of flower now right? so another 6 - 7 weeks. i admire your patience. - till then you can enjoy the benzopyrroles : ) how does the mks compare?

im gonna wait for your smoke report, but im pretty sure that ima need to pop some u2 too, they look too pretty. me2.
you are in week 8 of flower now right? so another 6 - 7 weeks. i admire your patience. - till then you can enjoy the benzopyrroles : ) how does the mks compare?

im gonna wait for your smoke report, but im pretty sure that ima need to pop some u2 too, they look too pretty. me2.

Yep, hopefully wrapped up in 6-7 weeks. Might go a bit longer?

Stem rub on U2 is like shaking a jasmine bush that's growing between the junction of a sewage treatment plant & a catholic church 😅

MKS has a good fresh kush, skunky pong. Not super deep & dank.
Day 80

I overwatered a bit last week, just as the plants slowed down a bit and the temp dropped. Apart from that, all seems well.
Mostly cloudy trichomes now, and three of the four are swelling up.
One plant with thinner, airier buds than the rest but it's giving me psychedelic vibes. Time will tell.

Great report and wonderfully documented with the photos...well done.
I think this strain has one of the most unique and unusual scents in the MNS camp...along with MK x AH , both have produced some incredible selections for mothers to clone...so looking forward to hearing more. All the best Sb

Thank you. The scent really is quite unique. I'm tempted to keep two for buds and two for ice hash.

This plant is on my playlist now, and will be on frequent rotation.

I have Pink Floyd & The Stones in the greenroom (Well, fridge) and they are begging for gigs.
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