The Resuscitation, Revival and Resurrection of Old Heirloom Seeds

@musashi if you want to go in on an esoteric level you can start some by taking the seeds in your mouth for a few minutes while visualising your hopes and wishes for the upcoming cycle, then when you think you're done spit them out on paper towel and soak them in 1:10 diluted peepee.
For the scientific touch it should be compared to other methods.
Now were pretty spot on with shamanistic practices.
I have used precision calipers before but its a delicate operation and like @Swifty said positioning is a factor to consider. I had best results cracking them this way with the navel at the bottom position applying pressure directly to them seam @90° to the flat surface area. I only press them until a slit visibly opens and let them do the rest. You can also remove a half shell and letbthem continue 50% exposed but way more delicate and it could have negative effects if done too early or late.


A micrometer may be easier, if you have one thats already off duty for precision measurements you may want to use a round carbide or diamond tip on a Dremel to grind a concav holding position on both ends to fixate the seeds easier. This has only to be minimal in depth to make it work. Too deep may interfere with the cracking action.
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I am sorry. Not sure how to post without quoting the last post. To clear up any possible confusion,
View attachment 78168October 8. 17 MR. NICE STRAINS. Most obtained in 2011. Some in 2016. 95% germination in 48 hours.
7 seeds per plate. 3 plates had only 3 seeds. ONE plate was a superb shit X shit named by a passed friend. He was quite familiar with the mother, as I had kept her alive for five years by then. Upon exhalation of second exhalation, .......and a long...
pause......he proclaimed very quietly, MAN that is some Deeeep Shit! So I call it DEEP SHIT
An update.
I am 8 weeks into my current grow. Assume I have another 6-8 more weeks with the Sats I am growing. It is time to think about a future project. Probably an Indica is in order this next go round. MKS or Kaze?
These seeds have been in the fridge for roughly 3 months to simulate winter. So I am thinking to try the germination techniques that I had earlier posted. I will probably start with two batches and two different hatching techniques. One will be the Coots plan and the other will be the more complex one with an EWC/fulvate/kelp/etc. tea. It would be a miracle if I can get these ancient ones to awaken. We shall see.

I'm hoping that you get some plants from these seeds. :)

That micrometer is a good idea, I bought something that works similar and will test it on my older seeds.

The Bean Buster Seed Cracker (Demonstrated by Mr. Toad of Boneyard Seeds)

Simple Tips To Germinate Wild Landrace Seeds! || Khalifa Genetics (06/17/19)

NOTE: This second video demonstrates how to crack open a hardened landrace seed by using some 'pliers'.
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An update.
I am 8 weeks into my current grow. Assume I have another 6-8 more weeks with the Sats I am growing. It is time to think about a future project. Probably an Indica is in order this next go round. MKS or Kaze?
These seeds have been in the fridge for roughly 3 months to simulate winter. So I am thinking to try the germination techniques that I had earlier posted. I will probably start with two batches and two different hatching techniques. One will be the Coots plan and the other will be the more complex one with an EWC/fulvate/kelp/etc. tea. It would be a miracle if I can get these ancient ones to awaken. We shall see.

Raft trip seeds @musashi !
Please... I got to know.

Just saying....

You also know about the option of H2O2 for germination? If you soak your seeds in 1-3% solution they pop really fast 24-48h, it helps a bit to get the hard shell off and keeps the start environment clean. But transplant as soon as roots show, too long root soaking damages it.

Here’s a paper about it, first picture perfectly shows the differences between different H2O2 ratios.
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Well brothers and sisters, it has been around 5 months since putting seeds in the fridge to simulate winter.
Here goes-->>> 80's SKUNK SEEDS! Chapter one.
Average temp during this time was 37.4 Fahrenheit. Time to attempt miracles- 50 seeds have been pulled from the fridge and have set out for 24 hours. During this time, an incubation tea was prepared. I had to remind myself not to make this too potent as the seeds just need a little nudge. EWC, fulvates, kelp, molasses, Bio-Ag VAM.
incubation tea.JPG

This morning, with excitement, I cracked 50 seeds with my new, trusty micrometer purchased for this purpose
50 seeds.JPGmicrometer seed.JPGcrack seed.JPG

These were then placed in a sieve.

Temp and pH confirmed, seeds placed in tea with added top to keep temp stable.
temp meter.JPGsieve bucket.JPGbucket top.JPG
I plan for a 6-8 hour soak and then to soil. Ever stalwart!

I have just been gifted a whole lot of old Durban, Malawi, and other African seeds lines - so Il be searching these with similar methods some time early this year - I am hoping to find what I know as Durban Poison... Or better 😄
Will share my progress as i crack in to the hunt...
Imagine the crosses 🤤🤤 Durban Poison x 80s skunk.. or DP x shit, DP x stud devil, DP x black widow...
Or even DP x Nevs Haze..
The possibilities make me moist 💦😂