The Myth «Government Marijuana» Michael Hallman, Mississippi 1960's

G13 Winter Garden.gif

This thread as you should know if you read just a bit further than the title, is built around the 2009 Article... you can download it in the link provided... the two accounts of JessE have been provided.
If it helps the ones lost in can see this as a Time Capsule. A look back at the story told in 2009.

If you don't like it... go ahead... make a detailed & sourced thread...We are watching you.

JessE said:

Hey folks :)
I just received a copy of the February edition of Treating Yourself Magazine and Im very impressed with the job the TY team did with this months issue. A few members here at MNS helped contribute too the G13 article, chiefly redeye24/7, hempy and Shantibaba. I would like to take the time to thank these three individuals, their contributions proved invaluable.


Again... everyone is welcome to comment, but try not embarass youselves by commenting something you did not even read. This is embarassing for grown men.

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This thread as you should know if you read just a bit further than the title, is built around the 2009 Article... you can download it in the link provided... the two accounts of JessE have been provided.
If it helps the ones lost in can see this as a Time Capsule. A look back at the story told in 2009.

If you don't like it... go ahead... make a detailed & sourced thread...We are watching you.

JessE said:

Hey folks :)
I just received a copy of the February edition of Treating Yourself Magazine and Im very impressed with the job the TY team did with this months issue. A few members here at MNS helped contribute too the G13 article, chiefly redeye24/7, hempy and Shantibaba. I would like to take the time to thank these three individuals, their contributions proved invaluable.


Again... everyone is welcome to comment, but try not embarass youselves by commenting something you did not even read. This is embarassing for grown men.

Who told you we are all grown men here 😂😂😂.
I personally feel like a teenager 🥳🤩

Plus we have some ladies to 💃.

But I agree with you 💯 percent.

Everyone should read before express any arguments so we can have constructive conversations.

like @#NightMare# said, Nevil sourced her when in the USA from another equally famous weed star, while staying at his house, iirc, they came from an agricultural source.

Thanks for your not sourced commentary.
I know this very well since i sourced my grow around it.

What you see hereunder will be used in the next update of this grow report. Stay tuned.

Thank you again for comments and interest.

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@Efesto thanks for your interest it is a honor.

...Bitter Sweet aromas incoming...

All right !! Your boy Tetsuo (again) for a G13 Skunk flip update
Since most don't even download their FREE magazine containing JessE article... I guess i will post it here so you can't miss it. (don't thank me yet)

┌∩┐_( ͡° _ ͡° )_┌∩┐
I wonder wich one will come next and give us his beliefs on the story(like anyone cared) with no research or investigations. Your opinions on the story are fine but keep it for you if you not done a real investigaton research.
┌∩┐_( ͡° _ ͡° )_┌∩┐

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Nothing to see down here for the moment... Flipped on 11 Jan...everything seems fine...I pushed the feeding since this is known being hungry for decent amount of food.
Neem oil coat for now...they are 5 weeks veg... 11 nodes tall.

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@everyone One last thing... next time you come and state something...Try to find at least an exemple or some references or a source, a citation... anything that could help demonstrate your OPINION.

⬇ Now facts... ⬇

and read, unless you are one of these 4 redactors and want correct something.

Keep It Green 🍃
G13Skunk Mr Nice seed
“B” clone , very viney and haze like.
So resinous it almost chokes the flower.
Grows like a tropical sativa wit small compact medical grade flowers.
Hope you find one
very viney and haze like

Thanks man !! This is discussed by the people i refer to. Funny thing is, that the initial controversial sativa pheno is now depicted by historicals like the pheno to hunt for.
If i remember correct during Beta test(~2009) this was something that surprised everyone cause you would expect a indica dominant structure.

Anyway... many thanks for being on point. Edit : And the sourced picture !!!
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We need better words, I’ve seen several forms in both
Thanks for your not sourced commentary.
I know this very well since i sourced my grow around it.

What you see hereunder will be used in the next update of this grow report. Stay tuned.

Thank you again for comments and interest.

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just saying the guys who’s house he was at is still around to tell tale’s
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G13Skunk Mr Nice seed
“B” clone , very viney and haze like.
So resinous it almost chokes the flower.
Grows like a tropical sativa wit small compact medical grade flowers.
Hope you find one
View attachment 68964

That looks very good axiom, looks similar to bud from a very potent old clone that used to go around under the name "The Dunk", which was similarly also a g13 x skunk, I think it was found in one of nevils g13 skunk batches. Nice find.
Just some info to help. G13 wasn't government cannabis, that was just a misunderstanding in the history nevil gave with it. What he actually said was it was sourced by someone working in an agricultural facility. Now whether the government was doing cannabis experiments there or the staff were just privately unbeknown to the higer-ups breeding some plants there while taking advantage of the equipment and facilities they had there, or it was just sourced from one of the workers there who was doing private plant works at home is unknown.

I first heard of a government grown super potent variety grown in Mississippi USA at a government facility in 1971 so I’m guessing well before Nevil was up and running. I didn’t really believe the story then but all I know is that I grew some Sensi Mr. Nice which supposed to be G13 x HP and it was very short and potent. Very potent. This was some 15-20:years ago and can’t remember exactly. It may be his G13 and whatever this G13 is, it and the HP mated well and like I said were very potent The plants smelled like hash. I made a cross of Mr. Nice with a pure HP back then. Hard to believe but they stored very well in the fri and got some going at almost 100% this past spring. Gave the babies away and will see in a month or so how they are.
I went to graduate school at Ole Miss and the only thing I can add is they had a special area for growing cannabis.
Fenced in with chain link,cameras, rolling barbed wire around the top,and it if memory serves well government signs warning about trespassing.
The rumor makes sense that genetics found a way out.
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I went to graduate school at Ole Miss and the only thing I can add is they had a special area for growing cannabis.
Fenced in with chain link,cameras, rolling barbed wire around the top,and it if memory serves well government signs warning about trespassing.
The rumor makes sense that genetics found a way out.
did you disable the security system and take a cutting ?
Nah, who ever told you that is pulling your leg.
Nothing surprises me anymore with myths and facts.
The internet makes it even worse.
There’s a few things I had to find out by trial and error because the some of the myths were complete nonsense.
Once cannabis is added in the myths increase.
There may be myths about growing tomatoes but I doubt there are many compared to cannabis.
Nothing surprises me anymore with myths and facts.
The internet makes it even worse.
There’s a few things I had to find out by trial and error because the some of the myths were complete nonsense.
Once cannabis is added in the myths increase.
There may be myths about growing tomatoes but I doubt there are many compared to cannabis.

It's cult imo. Once you stray from plants to personalities, anything goes it seems. 🙃