Surprise with others help

CBD Mango Haze
- have lot of pleasant smells, I still did not guessed what it is
- is also flowering quite quickley
- producing good amount of resin


Nevilles Haze Mango 1
- quite a producent
- still just faint smells (stealthy)


Nevilles Haze Mango 3
- have much bigger and fuller buds
- also quite bushy structure


- smells are kind of kushy with big amount of citruses
- is pretty fast, almost done


- smells are also kushy with lower amount of citruses
- also almost done
- I love this one bud dwarf structure, but the leafs OMG :D

So, I have harvested both PCKs... I believe it was just 7 weeks ? :O
But, glass is glass, all milky, few ambers...

NHMs and cbd Mango Haze need some space now :)

PCK2 - dwarf
- Iam pleased with this litlle plant, by smells it is kind of some Sour kush

- pretty flowered out from inside out as you can see
- nice trich coverage, also pretty sticky as can be seen from macro shot :D
- not much purple, but some is there

pck - dwarf.jpgpck - dwarf1.jpgpck - dwarf2.jpgpck - dwarf3.jpgpck - dwarf4.jpg

- all around kind of cripled plant from start, but shge finished
- have quite pretty purple buds, that should look just above pretty after proper cure
- smells of fruits, not so sour as PCK dwarf


see you later with mr.Nice plants ;)
So, I have harvested both PCKs... I believe it was just 7 weeks ? :O
But, glass is glass, all milky, few ambers...

For purple show, PCKs are good

Have to say, I expected more weight in buds, dwarf only 7g crawly thing 10gs :( I did expected atleast 15 on each
Sticky as hell but very airy.
Honestly, best are its smells. It is like forest, strawberries and peppermint for dwarf... Clawy thing bit less of that smell.

I got it, nature knows why the clone does not root... It does not want it to be crossed to mrNice gear :D
I will post photos and bit of info on vape soon...

Just to let you all know my experience so far ;)

Shortly I will be back with Nevilles Haze Mango that is gaining mass :)
And cbd Mango Haze that is not far from finishing
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bit of update here...
As you can see Iam quite strugling with nutrition... I may have just kept soil recipe, not doing it milder..
I also did some top dressing, but it was wrongly timed I believe...
So gonna try better next time.
Still, the plants are flowering quite nicely.
I have also switched to 11:13 light schedule

CBD Mango Haze
- flowers pretty quick
- it smells wonderfull, I think only way to describe that smell is, it smells of everything, deep dank smell, but not pungent
- have some sturdy buds too


Nevilles Haze Mango 1 (flat)
- have some pretty pyramid like shaped buds
- she have litlle fruity to no smells
- pumping the buds in size each day


Nevilles Haze Mango 3 (new)
- have bigger buds
- morte fruity smells, still discrete
- aswell gaining in size each day


Both Nevilles Haze Mangoes pumps up like crazy.

NHM1 is making pyramidoid shaped buds with some sweet scents, it is bit airy, yet seem full and fluffy !


NHM3 is more into serious big buds, it deeply smells of some fruits. It produces some nice amounts of matter too and is much heavier overall :)


- some fruity smells from there
- looking delicious :)
- expecting 1,5-2 more weeks to go


- pretty plant
- fruity + bit dank smells
- lot of crystals
- looks like one more week is needed here :)


- NHM3 clone is OK as can be seen below, next to NorthernWidow2

View attachment 84883

- some fruity smells from there
- looking delicious :)
- expecting 1,5-2 more weeks to go

View attachment 84876View attachment 84877View attachment 84878

- pretty plant
- fruity + bit dank smells
- lot of crystals
- looks like one more week is needed here :)

View attachment 84879View attachment 84880View attachment 84881

- NHM3 clone is OK as can be seen below, next to NorthernWidow2

View attachment 84882

All your NHM look great (y)

What kind of LED do you use in your 'project tent'?


Nevilles Haze Mango 3
was just harvested
It has some special smell into it. It is fruity and think of hazy, not loud, but good weed smell for sure :)
Next time, I will try to flower her much more better, as you can see there was lot of missed potential I believe, and still there is good amount of mass to be seen :)
Buds are full and medium hard..
Good peek into Haze world

Will see how it will smoke also :)


See you soon, as NHM1 is also going into finishing line :)
Yesterday, I found out I didnt make vape report for these ladies. . .
I didnt have much of time to do that previously, so now I will try to fix that, before I start my next litlle project :)

Nevilles Haze Mango #1 ( quarter year after the harvest :))

- the buds are fluffy and airy, they somehow stick together, so good here
- smell is fruity but not that much pronounced, is is kind of mango, with bit of some fish behind, all very subtle
- taste is decent herbal

This one ensures more head high compared to #3 but it not lasts that long, you have to smoke much more, I always stick with NHM3, she is much much better.
Day time smoke for sure


Nevilles Haze Mango #3 ( quarter year after the harvest :))

- the buds are pretty full and fluffy, medium-rare hard, they keep together nicely tho
- smell is very fruity, mango with just a bits of peach or mandarine or something orange in the background
- taste is pretty acidic, with buttery-fruity notes, it progress to herbal taste after just while

The session feels very mellow, it setlles very easy on you.. It is immediatelly very cerebral type of high too, creativity is thing to do with these buds.
You can smoke this one forever. To me #3 is pretty good :)
This I think is realy mind relief, after daily stressfull situations ;)


CBD Mango Haze ( quarter year after the harvest :))

- the buds are very hard, even some indicas could stare just by looking how hard :)
- very sweet smells of mango after cure
- taste is not that fruity, but good for regular session, it is very herbal and peppery

High is pretty much up, even tho it is CBD strain, I can tell you it is very satisfiing state of mind.

Good for my painy legs :)

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