Start 2024 with some NICE ASH and friends

10 1/2w under 12/12.
2 harvested so far, 6/3 & 6/8.
That leaves 4, of which 2 aren’t being watered to stress before harvest this weekend:
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2 are showing more Sativa traits and need more time:
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Aromas range from fruity/tropical to hazey.
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Its so satisfying when they start to droop from the weight.
THANKS FOR THE KIND WORDS & agree with the droopy branches.
These last 2 will be harvested Monday at 12w.
2 ⭐⭐⭐️ plants left with different expressions.
Kielbasa Cola has longer buds, rock hard and more 🦨 smell than haze.

Last one is all Haze in structure and aroma. Long triangular fluffy hard buds.
Rufus approved:

My boys that stayed home during last months Utah trip were happy upon return home:
You've got some serious colas there! You're clearly keeping those ladies happy as can be. 😁

I adore that picture of Rufus, he's so photogenic. My cat climbed off of my lap and onto my keyboard in an attempt to sniff his picture and check him out! 🤣 She probably wants to join Rufus in your garden to nibble on those ladies. 😅🤣. I fell asleep the other day after trimming some test nugs of the Wedding Cake and woke up to her happily munching away on it like popcorn. 😅😆

Anyways, thanks for sharing. Your grow looks amazing!

FINAL SUMMARY REPORT FOR ASH(Afghan Skunk x Afghan Haze): Jan 1, 2024-June 25, 2024(155-177 days) ** 10-32 DAYS SINCE HARVEST **

10 soaked, 9 germinated, and luckily got 6 females.
GROW MEDIUM: Organic recycled soil. Coast of Maine Stonington blend, Raised bed mix, Lobster compost, worm castings, fish bonemeal and molasses water, if needed.
FLOWERING TIME: 63-85 days.
LIGHTING: 673w Pro Grow 1800 Grow Light Science.
POT SIZE: 32 oz cups to 1.5g pot to 10-gallon fabric pots, but approximately 7g soil.

CHARACTERISTICS: Beautiful structure shown throughout life. Topped 5 of the 6 since I did an extended 90 day soak/germ/veg. As you can see, they branched beautifully.
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This run was very consistent. 5 of the 6 are Afghan Skunk dominant in growth, bud appearance, smoke and effects. However, while the fruity and berry AROMAS are distant, they are found in the aftertaste like a fine wine. Spaced branches and tight nugs. Sweet smelling, nice size nugs with excellent lead Cola’s. GLAD I TOPPED 5 OF 6 AS THESE ARE PLENTY BIG. 1 LEAD COLA WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO BIG(I never cure them as well). Very nice leaf coloring, especially with age. 1st to finish was at 9w, longest, and Haze dominant, went 12w. Bud squeeze test=Floral, firm but moist, fluffiest with the final Haze dominate pheno.

This is the 1st usage of my newest toy, the Cannatrol Cool Cure machine. I wanted to compare, so I did my usual hang with all leaves(8 days), trim up, Mason jars w/humidity readers, Bovada packs and burp them down to 62 RH(7 days). Burp 1x/week until 30 days post harvest and then sample. Plenty of time spent and room for error with controlling temp and humidity when burping.
Vs. Cannatrol Cool Cure:
Hang plant(s) 24 hrs, trim of fan leaves, cut branches, rough trim/buck and hang on branches clothes line style for 12 hrs, then cut up buds and put onto the trays, close the door and hit START and pretty much done for 8 days.

Cannatrol buds are firmer, while still moist; Hand dried is more aromatic when jar opened, but Cannatrol buds are more aromatic when broken up and more so when smoked. Big aftertaste.
I’m impressed with Cannatrol. FAR easier and barely any room for error. Buds are universally that firm yet moist cure that breaks up best in a grinder.

5 of the 6 plants are all Afghan Skunk, while the 6th that went 12w is classic Haze. No fruits or berries in that funk. 😊

Buds break up nicely, leaving beautifully stanky fingers I love to constantly smell…Glass bong, nice slow burn with an extremely clean hit. REALLY smooth with an initial light, floral taste with it developing more complexed in an after taste. Nice head high. Let’s go for another 😊 Threw that bud back in and pulled another. continuing smelling… This one hits harder in both the chest, though light, as well as my head… I’d say 2 are good, for now. 😊

YIELD: I break my down into Top Shelf, Mid Shelf & Edible Popcorn 😊.

Since there’s 6 plants I’ll just summarize:

AVERAGES: 55g of Top Shelf with the lead colas 5-8g; Mid Shelf=26g + 20g for edibles. Nice yields, though expected for such a long run.

TIDBITS: If running long, or outdoors, I recommend topping. Keeps buds ideal/practical size. 😊

MyDx TESTING: I know that this isn’t scientific testing, but for home use I’m satisfied:

1st tested 19.65% THC;

2nd tested 23.22% THC.

3rd tested 21.88% THC

SUMMARY: Long soak/germ/veg(90 days), followed by 9-12w to flower under 12/12 in 7g of soil in a 10g cloth pot under good lighting yielded a very nice consistent mostly Afghan Skunk good yield of strong buds.


1720227670418.png1720227672602.png1720227674257.png1720227675934.png1720227677688.png4.5 OUT OF 5 FOR GENETICS AND RESULTS.
FINAL SUMMARY REPORT FOR ASH(Afghan Skunk x Afghan Haze): Jan 1, 2024-June 25, 2024(155-177 days) ** 10-32 DAYS SINCE HARVEST **

10 soaked, 9 germinated, and luckily got 6 females.
GROW MEDIUM: Organic recycled soil. Coast of Maine Stonington blend, Raised bed mix, Lobster compost, worm castings, fish bonemeal and molasses water, if needed.
FLOWERING TIME: 63-85 days.
LIGHTING: 673w Pro Grow 1800 Grow Light Science.
POT SIZE: 32 oz cups to 1.5g pot to 10-gallon fabric pots, but approximately 7g soil.

CHARACTERISTICS: Beautiful structure shown throughout life. Topped 5 of the 6 since I did an extended 90 day soak/germ/veg. As you can see, they branched beautifully.
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This run was very consistent. 5 of the 6 are Afghan Skunk dominant in growth, bud appearance, smoke and effects. However, while the fruity and berry AROMAS are distant, they are found in the aftertaste like a fine wine. Spaced branches and tight nugs. Sweet smelling, nice size nugs with excellent lead Cola’s. GLAD I TOPPED 5 OF 6 AS THESE ARE PLENTY BIG. 1 LEAD COLA WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO BIG(I never cure them as well). Very nice leaf coloring, especially with age. 1st to finish was at 9w, longest, and Haze dominant, went 12w. Bud squeeze test=Floral, firm but moist, fluffiest with the final Haze dominate pheno.

This is the 1st usage of my newest toy, the Cannatrol Cool Cure machine. I wanted to compare, so I did my usual hang with all leaves(8 days), trim up, Mason jars w/humidity readers, Bovada packs and burp them down to 62 RH(7 days). Burp 1x/week until 30 days post harvest and then sample. Plenty of time spent and room for error with controlling temp and humidity when burping.
Vs. Cannatrol Cool Cure:
Hang plant(s) 24 hrs, trim of fan leaves, cut branches, rough trim/buck and hang on branches clothes line style for 12 hrs, then cut up buds and put onto the trays, close the door and hit START and pretty much done for 8 days.

Cannatrol buds are firmer, while still moist; Hand dried is more aromatic when jar opened, but Cannatrol buds are more aromatic when broken up and more so when smoked. Big aftertaste.
I’m impressed with Cannatrol. FAR easier and barely any room for error. Buds are universally that firm yet moist cure that breaks up best in a grinder.

5 of the 6 plants are all Afghan Skunk, while the 6th that went 12w is classic Haze. No fruits or berries in that funk. 😊

Buds break up nicely, leaving beautifully stanky fingers I love to constantly smell…Glass bong, nice slow burn with an extremely clean hit. REALLY smooth with an initial light, floral taste with it developing more complexed in an after taste. Nice head high. Let’s go for another 😊 Threw that bud back in and pulled another. continuing smelling… This one hits harder in both the chest, though light, as well as my head… I’d say 2 are good, for now. 😊

YIELD: I break my down into Top Shelf, Mid Shelf & Edible Popcorn 😊.

Since there’s 6 plants I’ll just summarize:

AVERAGES: 55g of Top Shelf with the lead colas 5-8g; Mid Shelf=26g + 20g for edibles. Nice yields, though expected for such a long run.

TIDBITS: If running long, or outdoors, I recommend topping. Keeps buds ideal/practical size. 😊

MyDx TESTING: I know that this isn’t scientific testing, but for home use I’m satisfied:

1st tested 19.65% THC;

2nd tested 23.22% THC.

3rd tested 21.88% THC

SUMMARY: Long soak/germ/veg(90 days), followed by 9-12w to flower under 12/12 in 7g of soil in a 10g cloth pot under good lighting yielded a very nice consistent mostly Afghan Skunk good yield of strong buds.


View attachment 88644View attachment 88645View attachment 88646View attachment 88647View attachment 886484.5 OUT OF 5 FOR GENETICS AND RESULTS.

Great grow and smoke report like always :love:

Love the template :)