Skunk 2

I hope so i got only 1,80m and thats the Tent with lamp suspension even less i thought toping to make a bush and then in flower tie her branches down to get her under control thats the plan we will see
If you have the space why not build an Individual scrog . On the container with pvc and string
HIDIHO folks
Today my adventure starts in taking cuts and sex them NL5#1,NL5#2,G13#2,G13#4 have the honor the rest is still to small for cuts i hope everything goes well i never take cuts before so we will see in some days
I swelled some Jiffys with water ,Advanced Nutrition Voodoo Juice and filled the Jiffy's hole with Root!T Rooting Gel i know they dont need the roots to show sex but i take every chance i can that the cuts survive so long to show sex
and putted them in the incubator with a lot of moisture directly 12/12 all tips and suggestions are welcome ,because they have no roots i have to spray water everyday to keep the moisture high right? fingers crossed
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all tips and suggestions are welcome ,because they have no roots i have to spray water everyday to keep the moisture high
What you can do is put a hygrometer inside the incubator. As long as you have a humidity of 80% or over there is no need to spray unless they"re wilting .
They will need roots because sometimes it can take pretty long before they show sex. They have to be of a certain age in order to show sex, pure indicas after about 1 month from seed but some pure sativa's can take 12 weeks or even longer. With crosses you just never know, some will be indica leaning and some more sativa leaning and the sativa leaners can take weeks longer. So if the mothers and fathers are still quite young they will definitely need roots.
thx alot they are about 3 week old now so maybe still to short but such vigor root growth i havent seen before with fems the chances should be good that they root fast after just some days and the pots where full with roots
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@Jahnova still got 1 question how wet should i keep the Jiffys dripping wet or allitlebit like with a seedling ?

THX alot
I use rockwool cubes for sex cloning as it is convenient but i rooted cuts on jiffy's before and i would say same as a seedling. So not dripping wet, you need oxygen too for root formation. Too wet is never a good idea. Its why i prefer the rockwool cubes as they provide a perfect balance between water/oxygen.
What you can do is lift the Jiffy's every couple of days. You will notice when they're getting lighter and its time to mist the Jiffy's until they feel right again.
HIDIHO Party people this time a a not so small between report where we are or I .our first candidateis NL5#2 looking promising already has a few shoots, but they are smallIMG_20220210_000021_1.jpg
Our next Canditate is drumroll G13#5 what refuses to bush out hmm we will seeIMG_20220210_000034_1.jpg
Next G13#2 has some nice shots bush out nicely super

Then we have G13#4 also alot shot coming good

NL5#1 is geting some nice little shot isnt so good to see on this pic but on the front are 4 i think little shots coming

G13#1 have 2 and 1 small shot coming we can work with that
G13#3 have 3 good and 1 small shot coming nice healthy looking
Our CH#1 had a ruff start and is small but for day 14 under t8 light in a good development state

And last but not least CH#2 day2IMG_20220210_000223_1.jpg
All looking healthy have really nice roots with and allready coming out of the small pots lucky for the small fellas i have to end my present round to the 16.02.22 because some gentlemen are coming readying the heaters luckely its exakly end of week 9 flower but i think they need some days more but its looking very good for my first true 100% indoo grow here a small pic because of my pride:giggle:
some nice fett kush buds but to many white hairs but i have to sorry the soory is for the plant ;)
and of course a very nice thank you @Jahnova for the tips with the cuts they was cut at the 07.02.22 and see for your self sorry cant more then 10 pics but they live leafs still up green all good:giggle:
Small up still no sex to see but it looks like the first cuts have roots because new green growth is coming :giggle:
You re using jiffeys for cuttings ... Interesting. My success rate with those was only limited. I usually use rockwool. With jiffeys it took them forever to root. But keep us informed, i m keen on how yours will turn out.
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jup NL5#2 is a tinny root coming out the jiffy :cool: and NL5#1 ,G13#2 and G13#4 are living 100% but no sex yet
I let the Jiffy´s soak them full of water with voodoo juice from and bud candy the sugar for the bicrobes a few drops of Cal/Mag because under the leds sooner or later there will be a shortage 100%.Bio bizz top max because that contains humic acid? what can/should renew thes soil or is good for so its must be good for the microbes i feed with the sugar and i didnt needed water the jiffys since the 07.02.22 thats the date i took the cuts the high humidity in the incubator didnt alowed them to dry :cool: was all the time 92%humidity ah and i fill the hole from the jiffy´s bevor puting the cut in with RooT!T clone Gel the gell stays wet then the medium there its i is in stays wet and it holds the cuts nicely they state on the pakage no hormons not like clonex i just buyed it because i got 150ml insted of just 50ml for 2€ cheaper but it seams to work great anf the Jiffys i payd for 100 about 10€ so jea but they will last some time