Skuncle Lenny's search for an Angels Heart

Angel Heart 4 weeks flowering(yesterday)
The two girls on the right were not topped and are now 5 feet and 5 1/2 feet. I have the light as high as possible and still it’s only 6 inches away. I’m going to pull down the top a little bit just to get a few extra inches.
The two girls not topped are showing beautiful Christmas tree structure. I defoliated earlier in the week and that’s why you don’t see many fan leaves. Due to the height, I want the light to reach down as low as possible, so defoliation time.
The 4 topped girls show beautiful structure. I have access to live bamboo, so great for a good spread. Ideally I like to have 6-8 main branches.
Since I’m almost halfway through I added the last group of amendments=fish bonemeal, worm castings, a little Stonington blend fertilizer and lobster compost, topping off with a good inch layer of coco coir, which I found to help drainage tremendously. Notice first true scent of sweetness, maybe mango, when I was defoliating and playing with the plants. I like getting inside of the plants and rustling them all around them making sure they are strong, sturdy and healthy. Won’t be so lucky when it’s time to return to the 4x4 tents in the garage vs the open laundry room space. That’s OK, variety is the SPICE of life.
Angel Heart @35 days
Front to back. 2 non-topped ladies front R and mid R. Beautiful structure to front R and sister behind benefited from some LST(Txs Mu). I’d say da sista’s stopped growing and now buds are filling up.
The sweet smell is starting, even for this smell to description challenged snoz...
Some budlets are round, some spherical, all with extra long eyelashes/hairs.
1/2 way point
Oh boy 🌹
All I now need is a better camera phone, and that’s next 👍
43 days from flip
Ain’t she the Funky Cold Medina...
This is my first time growing AH and I have no experience with Haze, but from my readings I’m guessing that Pheno is showing Haze influence?
As opposed to this girl who is showing much more rounded buds all around and the most orange hairs to date.
Then there’s the tallest and leanest of the bunch that speaks for herself. As written, the smells are really developing in our super sweet.
Angel ♥️ has been no maintenance, beautifully lean with nice developing buds, just like I like my women...😂


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7 weeks flowering today.
The Angel’s are developing as beautifully as Charlie’s...
The aromas are just as advertised. Sweet, fruity(mango) and getting stickier each day.

5 of the 6 girls are fox tailing left, right and up
Tri’s glistening and delicious smells getting deeper and stronger. The next 3 weeks will be AWESOME.
Would anyone add 🐠 bonemeal this late with only three weeks ago?
I already did at the fifth week so I just started going with molasses water every other watering. The girls don’t look like they need any more nutrients but I’m always interested in how others do what you do...
what a jungel o_O I couldn't handle that just because of my place as u can see the Orange and Mango is about 3 month veg the rest 4-5 weeks in 0.64m² have 4 other plants and the fear that the OnG will overtake the Tent completely
my only hope is that she is so mature that she will not strech so much in my first indoor round or should i say 50/50 round i had the plants on the balkony and then i buy the tent light etc and switched to 12/12 as they normal whould go into flower
harvest was end of september and they didnt streched so much not so much like my sec run 100% indoor 5 weeks veg then 12/12 and they streched more then in the 50/50 round so there is hope on the other hand she could to overgrow the whole tent
fingers crossed wish me luck after this round is for sure mns gear and as i have seen how fast the OnM how the growth exploded when put in a larger pot with nutrients and good light so then i know gender i put 1-2 plant outside they should explode outside with space for the roots and the rest become 1-2 week veg to to recover like the OnM did and direct 12/12 that should be the fastest round without the taking cuts and determine the gender thats all from me have a nice day boys and girls

Orange and mango.jpg
Girls finished 8th week, 56th day flowering
FYI, The lighting is a little bit off in the picture due to my older iPhone. However, the colas of every single plant are foxtailing and staying white, versus the lower 3/4 sections of the plants that are all mostly orange hairs by now.
I have a light meter and check the strength to see if that was triggering the fox failing, but none of the readings are in excess of 1700, which from my experience should not be a problem.
So whether it’s the Haze genetics, or light intensity, the lower section Trichomes are mostly cloudy, which makes me feel a good 10 days to 14 days until those are ready.
Aside from the visual headshaking appearance, the aroma is extremely sweet and the touch is also, including superb stickiness. There is variation in smell and stickiness, as well as two of the plants showing more rounded buds with barely any foxtailing.
I’m extremely happy with the ease and beauty of these plants. I only wish I could spread them out a little further, but I’ll have more than enough to be complaining about. Nutrient wise, I added the last dose of molasses water this morning and I’ll just use straight water until harvest.
I just dropped to 11/13 yesterday. I’m gonna stretch 💦 time from every 3 to 4 days to stress them at the end of their lives. Let the girls know their time is ending so they push out everything they have left. It’s gonna be a fun May harvest 😋
62 days flowering for the FunkyColadina’s ladies and they b getting close.
While each girls has top cola(s) sexy foxtailing and white hair appearance, the magnifying glass tells a different story.

So while the 🦊 tails are white, their Tri’s are mostly cloudy.
I’m on a little bit of a time schedule due to a vacation scheduled in three weeks, so I’ll start selecting those furthest along to go into 36 hours of dark before the final chop starts over the next 5-12 days. 🥰
Angel Heart #5 went to dark yesterday for 36 hrs before harvest tomorrow at 65 days. Compared to her sisters, she has the most skunk like qualities. Stinky and sticky 😋
Great leaf colors and buds too. Very little, if any, foxtailing.
I compared against the pictures and height I took when I first put them to flower, and this girl only grew from 40 to 54 inches tall. She is topped, and has more Indica traits, so it makes sense.
I’ll do my best to keep humidity down with dehumidifier, of course it’s a rainy week here, leaves on and my usual dry is 5-7 days, then a tight trim and start the mason jar cure. I wanna get a little early start on things so I could get a decent cure going before I go on vacation for a week and leave the jars with the boveda packs inside only.
This is fun 😎
Harvested #5 Thursday morning and #1 this morning. IMO, these 2 have the most dominant Afg 🦨 traits.
The Final Four is heading to the chopping Sun-Wed, primarily to simply space out the trim time since I’m a solo barber 💈
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it’s interesting to note that for this strain the bud hairs are maturing from the bottom up. The top cola for each girl is the least ripe vs lower 2/3rd.
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under the microscope the tri-combs are all cloudy in comparison to the predominantly white hairs of the top Colas.
i’m very happy and impressed with the aromas, stickiness and extreme abundance of tri-combs. While the buds aren’t huge, they’re dense with tons of walnut size buds.
😋 Trimmed up the 1st girl today and a delicious time it was. The aromas are a creamy, skunky, musky sweet. Holding and rubbing the stems while trimming gave back some delicious finger and scissor juice rolled into a nice bugger ball.
3 mason jars + another 1/2 jar for edibles.
Best surprise was on the last bud, biggest cola of course, foxtail top and literally the final trim, I found 1 seed, mature and brown. If I had it my way, every plant would yield five seeds as a final thank you. There was no pollen anywhere around the plants so it only came from itself and kind of makes sense about the top foxtail. What a polite girl 👧
Lastly, I noticed that the flowering clones of the 👧 which had the most extreme 🦊taling are already doing the same thing. Ergo, IMO the haze genetics, so I look forward to extending the best one. I love the appearance and trimming of the non-symmetrical Haze/Sativa buds.
Expecting some nice variety with these, and I’m just getting started, oh boy 🥭🦨