Shit x AfgHz


Well-known member

Showering love,
Heavenly forgiveness.
Infinite realities.
Terra, our home.
Always and forever,
Hallowed ground.

Another subpar poem, by yours truly.

I was lucky enough to snag a straw of Shit x Afghan Haze in the auctions, for a steal I might add 😉. About 1/5 of the seeds cracked open after 24 hours of soaking in tap water. All were moved to a plate with papertowels for another 24 hours while the nursery pots I bleached dried off. By planting, most had small tails. They were then sewn into 3 parts happy frog soil with 1 part worm castings. Within two days all 18/18 had sprouted and broken ground. The first true leaves are already growing on all of the sprouts.

I did end up pulling some plants out of my tent early to start these. The pulled plants were all stunted due to overwatering so I decided to pull them early for bubble hash and free up my tent for some unreleased gems! Hopefully I'll do these plants better justice than the others!

This will be my first time growing both Shit and an AC cross. I haven't even grown a pure or even 1/2 skunk cross yet. I am super excited to experience what these gems have to offer. Thank you @SB For these genetics!

You wonderful people, members of Mr. Nice, have spoken and chose this chemovar as my next grow. Please join me on my ShitAfgHz journey. Let us revel in the ups and downs of our chosen craft. 😁

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Hi Diesel840,
is a fast flower,resinous,heavy yielding plant. Great flower excellent hash.

Afghan x Haze
is delicious and can be finicky if over fed or watered. Haze ya know.

Combined into a single plant,
I would expect a vigorous fast growing plant with deep roots.
Heavy yielding and sweet flavor.
Pheno selection will show variation with most being 8-10 wks. Longer flowers will be more sativa expressive.

What AC hybrid are you growing?
If anyone has grown Shit or Afghan Haze, I'm looking at you, @musashi and @Mr. Brown 😅😉, I'd appreciate tips of what to expect and look for. Anyone who has read my first Mr. Nice grow knows that I can use all the help and advice I can get. 😆

My Shit almost grew by itself. In hydro it stretched a bit more than expected and yielded very well (y)
I still have some left and enjoy it everytime I vape it :love: And the bubble hash is excellent :love:

Enjoy your Shit
I did some outdoor Shit some years back. 4 plants that grew like weeds and stunk to high heaven- some sweet, some stinky, all very sticky. All strong smelling. A friend came over to help me cage up the beasts. He was so impressed he got on the auction wagon lol. I gave him the crop for his wedding present. It was over a pound :D What are friends for?

@axiom thank you for the info, very concise and helpful. 😁 For my AC cross I'm also growing a straw of G13HzAC. I had posted a poll regarding which chemovar to showcase and both ShitAfgHz and G13HzAC won with equal votes. So I figured, do them both! 😄

@Mr. Brown thanks for the reply. Your Shit was a real beast!

Within two days all 18/18 had sprouted and broken ground.
Turns out I was mistaken, it is the G13HzAC that has 100% germed. I'm currently sitting at 15/18 sprouts for the ShitAfgHz.
And like @axiom said the AH is delicious. Earlier, when I grew it, I still had an attitude about NL vs AFG. I was convinced that nothing was as good as the 5Hz, certainly the yield was better. Some things need a good cure, my attitude included. I was riding MH and NHM at the time, thinking it was all I needed lol. When I pulled out a bottle of AH that had been sitting in the back of the closet for several months, I was greeted with great smelling and tasting weed. It was so old school. Excellent high with smells and tastes to boot. Proof that I’m a nobody and old dogs can indeed learn new tricks. It pays to grow a variety several times before making judgment. Very soon I’ll be growing the Holy Smoke again in search of a mom to put alongside my 5Hz mom.
Excited to see how these will turn out for you.

Some things need a good cure, my attitude included.
If more of us had this attitude we'd all be in a better world, and have better bud!

Another of the seeds broke ground today. That makes 16/18 germinated. 😁 Here is to hoping the other two pop, but 16/18 ain't bad to work with.

Excited to see how these will turn out for you
Thank you, as am I!
Hey all. I could use some advice. One of my seedlings has stalled out. It hasn't grown at all this past week. Two of the eighteen didn't sprout, I don't want to loose a third to stalling out. Here is the question; do any of you have tips or tricks to baby the seedlings which don't want to begin growing?
Light, temperature, water, genetics. They prefer warmth and humidity early on. Light that is not too intense. Their limited, young roots can easily get overwhelmed, hypoxic if overwatered. Less is more. Some strains take longer to develop a root ball. Any disturbance in this zone will cause a slight delay. They do not need to be fed in their infancy as that’s what cotyledons are for. They need to be left alone as they establish a symbiotic relationship with their environment in this early stage. Easily impressionable, minimal adjustments are a big thing to these youngsters. Limit their exposure to the “big world” until they get 3-4 nodes on them. Got to have faith- in life’s knowing.

Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. The plants are starting to exhibit some yellowing on the bottom leaves. They feel thin and papery. I at first worried I was overwatering, I did this last grow, but I'm now thinking underwatering. I popped several out to look at the roots which all looked healthy and white, no brown or slimy roots. I thoroughly watered them with Ph 6.9, kelp, micho's, and gnatrol. I made sure to not let them sit in stagnant water. More than a few of the plants are displaying short, little leaves. I feel it's safe to assume this is the Shit and not the AfgHz. Their color is a medium green. As seedlings I haven't been keeping track of the PH, I'm going to be vigilant going forward. Temps have been in the 60's-70's, mostly. The heat stopped working the other day, and had possibly been out for more than a few. So, there is a chance the night temps might have dropped kinda low. Humidity has been in the 60's-70;s.

Stay safe and stoned my friends.


