Shit x AfgHz

Hi all. I've got some update photos for the ShitAfgHz. They are all doing much better. They are a much lighter shade of green than my G13HzAC. Some appear to have some variegation. Been watering with Ph 6.9. Here is a group shot. A mini group shot of the shortest, tallest, and a middle sized one with some variegation as well as individuals of the three. Enjoy. :giggle:





I did a routine ✔️ of the plants. No sighn of insects and most of the ShitAfgHz have exploded with growth. The nodes are spaced a bit further than my G13HzAC and the leaves have a more indica look as well, with shorter wider leaves. Not much smell yet from a stem rub. One had a bit of a dank odor after rubbing. One or two of the plants are recovering a bit slower, but I know they will bounce back.
I did a routine ✔️ of the plants. No sighn of insects and most of the ShitAfgHz have exploded with growth. The nodes are spaced a bit further than my G13HzAC and the leaves have a more indica look as well, with shorter wider leaves. Not much smell yet from a stem rub. One had a bit of a dank odor after rubbing. One or two of the plants are recovering a bit slower, but I know they will bounce back.

it sounds like it's a good time to be a grower, congratz on the positive results of inspection.
got to love the good
Evening my fellow forum family members. Most of my ShitAfgHz are doing swimmingly. Unfortunately, two or three are suffering a bit... One more than a bit. I am thinking that they are suffering again from underwatering, exacerbated with a light feeding while they were already stressed and fed before they needed it. In the likely chance that I am misdiagnosing, I'm posting up some pics. For the last 24 hours- temp high:76.5F, avg:71.7F, min:66.9. Humidity- Max:73.2%, avg:67.9%, Low:58.0%. VPD: max:1.23kPa, avg:0.86kPa, min:.61kPa. For the last week- temps: Max:81.1F, avg:74.0F, Min:66.9 humidity: max:73.2% avg:64.6% min:45.7% vpd: max:1.8kPa, avg:1.02kPa min:0.61kPa.

I re-calibrated my ph pen and watered with a ph of 6.8.

Most of my ShitAfgHz look great, but a few are still stressed.



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Evening my fellow forum family members. Most of my ShitAfgHz are doing swimmingly. Unfortunately, two or three are suffering a bit... One more than a bit. I am thinking that they are suffering again from underwatering, exacerbated with a light feeding while they were already stressed and fed before they needed it.

post up some photos of your soil,
looks wet,

some of the best soil ive used is store bought cheap bagged potting mix with no nutrients in it.
its got perlite in it and has enough air pockets so its loose and drains well but holds enough moisture for a day.
i used that soil with these fertilisers by themselves and in different combinations hydro a+b, all-in-one mineral fert powder , and fish emulsion, and found they all work really well... i never checked PH levels always checked PPM for the ferts.

i used other potting mixes out of the bag that i transplanted 4-6 week old seedlings into and killed them with root rot.
@Ken Abbis Here are the photos I promised. The first few photos are of the ShitAfgHz which is most affected. I did not water that plant, nor did I water one other which hadn't drunk as much. I had moved them to a new spot two days ago. This is the first time in weeks that the affected pheno was not bone dry upon watering the other plants.

The last photo is of a healthy, unaffected pheno of the ShitAfgHz. Most of the plants are doing great. I wanted to show a good example.

Thank you everyone for stopping by.




Hi all. When checking on the ShitSfgHz, I noticed that most of them are proudly displaying female or male pre-flowers! Tons of pistils and little sacs popping up, everywhere. So far phenos #1, #3, #7, #10, #13, #15, and #17 all have female preflowers. Phenos #5, and #8 have decent sized male pre-flowers. It looks like I am going to have a decent number of ladies to grow out! Two are still indeclared and another few might have male pre-flowers forming but nothing definitive.