Pink Floyd


hey man..thx for this thread :) The buds look delicious and I bet they were pretty speedy when toked! Better to harvest early then have to sift through moldy buds.
I have a 5 x 5 tent in a pretty high humidity area. Six inch inline is a must..minimum of 400 cfm's...and the light (usually a 1K but sometimes I put an additional 400 in there) is always air cooled. If I don't air cool the reflector (I can only do this in winter) I have LOTS of fresh air coming in.
Good luck...the buds look great :)
Hey Fellas,

Some good convo here, thanks for dropping some knowledge on us ON, much appreciated. On the bubbling thing, i think its a good idea no matter what nutes you are using because it does take some time to fully disperse and become soluable(rather than just mixed up 10 minutes ago). Plus your water gets nice and airated.

I am no expert ON but do you think Chana and myself would benifit from adding some "compost tea" to our regimine? Of course assuming we are not useing salt based ferts. Also at what point and how often? Or would it be best to just get some voodoo juice or something similar?

Sorry for all the question there buddy, just trying to wrap my brain around this a little better:cool:

Hi itsbenfun,

No problem, just a subject I'm always learning about.

You and Mr. Masala would definitely benefit from areated compost tea (ACT). You can use ACT anytime and to wet your mix before use. In small pots I'd say every 10-14 days. Compost tea blows voodoo juice out of the water! Way better and cheaper.

Questions are good and I like to help where I can. You all have so much knowledge of this plant and indoor gardening(fairly new to me). So I'll have lots of questions too.

Peace + Respect

Thanks guys

hey man..thx for this thread The buds look delicious and I bet they were pretty speedy when toked! Better to harvest early then have to sift through moldy buds.
I have a 5 x 5 tent in a pretty high humidity area. Six inch inline is a must..minimum of 400 cfm's...and the light (usually a 1K but sometimes I put an additional 400 in there) is always air cooled. If I don't air cool the reflector (I can only do this in winter) I have LOTS of fresh air coming in.
Good luck...the buds look great

Thanks bud! Yeah got a 425cfm now and shes purring like a kitten :cool: They are pretty speedy! and thats ok with me :D

Hi itsbenfun,

No problem, just a subject I'm always learning about.

You and Mr. Masala would definitely benefit from areated compost tea (ACT). You can use ACT anytime and to wet your mix before use. In small pots I'd say every 10-14 days. Compost tea blows voodoo juice out of the water! Way better and cheaper.

Questions are good and I like to help where I can. You all have so much knowledge of this plant and indoor gardening(fairly new to me). So I'll have lots of questions too.

Peace + Respect


Thanks for the reply bud. I got my soil all mixed up, a few buckets and bubblers ready to go! Cant wait to try this out. Your advice is much appreciated ON.

Peace and Respect to all you guys, I really appreciate everyone chimeing in lending a helping hand to fix the issues i had with this grow and all the kind words. The Pink Floyd marches on, improved grow space and 100% organic.
Hey Itsbenfun,

Nice grow man, I`m jealous of your Hazy Beaded pheno!!

I got 4 keepers from my PF run

in terms of flavour I have three that taste similar, sour and very full bodied with varying, minimal degree`s of (what I believe is) skunk/afghan influence.

In one of the three plants the sk/af influence in the flavour seems to me to be allmost absent. It is my favorite weed to smoke. it is so full bodied and satisfying. (feel I should note that PF has the highest % haze influance of any plant I have grown so I`m not comparing to Nevs haze here)

It has a pleasing and pungent smell although, strangly, this pleasing smell could definatly be described, as I believe it has been many times before, as "Warm Piss".

My last plant has a noticably differant aroma, I believe it could be the aroma of the Haze A male, could well be described as spicy incense imo. but it does not seem to translate to the flavour for me yet:mad:

I`m gonna mega flush this plant on the next run `til the leaves turn white in an attempt to bring this flavour out!

I gotta say, none of my plants look as sativa expressive as your Hazy bead pheno, have you had the pleasure of smoking her yet??

Good marketing by MNS in my opinion offering the Rock and Rollers at £60 they blow pretty much everything else i`ve got out of the water so I now want to buy Nev`s haze and Mango haze to search for more refined haze flavours/ effects!
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Hey Itsbenfun,

Nice grow man, I`m jealous of your Hazy Beaded pheno!!

I got 4 keepers from my PF run

in terms of flavour I have three that taste similar, sour and very full bodied with varying, minimal degree`s of (what I believe is) skunk/afghan influence.

In one of the three plants the sk/af influence in the flavour seems to me to be allmost absent. It is my favorite weed to smoke. it is so full bodied and satisfying. (feel I should note that PF has the highest % haze influance of any plant I have grown so I`m not comparing to Nevs haze here)

It has a pleasing and pungent smell although, strangly, this pleasing smell could definatly be described, as I believe it has been many times before, as "Warm Piss".

My last plant has a noticably differant aroma, I believe it could be the aroma of the Haze A male, could well be described as spicy incense imo. but it does not seem to translate to the flavour for me yet:mad:

I`m gonna mega flush this plant on the next run `til the leaves turn white in an attempt to bring this flavour out!

I gotta say, none of my plants look as sativa expressive as your Hazy bead pheno, have you had the pleasure of smoking her yet??

Good marketing by MNS in my opinion offering the Rock and Rollers at £60 they blow pretty much everything else i`ve got out of the water so I now want to buy Nev`s haze and Mango haze to search for more refined haze flavours/ effects!

Hey Squalid, Thanks man, much appreciated. I agree the PF is great smoke! Very flavourfull and potency is fantastic! The flavours and smells do vary from pheno to pheno, fruity, spicy, incense, piss, and not always translating from smell to flavour. I am going to try flushing alot more with these also.

I have smoked that hazy beaded pheno, and although she is a low yeilder the potency is first class! All incense and spice with a touch of sweetness on the taste. I feel the need to share a story about her, i busted some out one night with a buch of friends, i was packing one hitters and the first person couldnt even finish it, so i pack a fresh one and the second person couldnt finish it, these are all seasoned smokers by the way, now the people who havnt gotten one yet are starting to wonder what the hell is going on here, this goes on and on, no one can even finish a single one hitter! Everyone was high like it was there first time, laughing fits and all. I love tearing peoples heads off like that :D

I will get some more pics flowing here soon, been busy, but they are doing good. Ive got 32 going for sensimelia and a bunch of others for making F2s and im also crossing PF to early queen and i have an amazing original haze x skunk #1 male i want to hit a few PF phenos with especially the hazy beaded one :D
Wish You Were Here...

So after the air circulation improvements all is well. At about 11 weeks. I will harvest within 2 weeks.







"Guess whos back in town?"

do i hear a bump for putting this under the "Pink Floyd" slot???


I agree to put this thread in the PF time slot. Maybe request admini to move it there?

Also a question if you have done this, or have the time. Have you ever grown out the SSH, or MH? If so any thoughts on comparison if you would. Be well...Ns
Also a question if you have done this, or have the time. Have you ever grown out the SSH, or MH? If so any thoughts on comparison if you would. Be well...Ns

Sorry for the delay noshow, been away dealing with life, all the have to's and what not. I did grow Jack Herer from sensi and i would have to say they were very similar in many ways to the Pink Floyd, taste, smell, high, growth, feeding ect. According to Nevil they were some NL/Haze hybrid that won the cup and crossed it to something??? So all in all they all are very similar. You wont be disapointed with her.


No need to explain. We all have things to deal with away from here.

If I remember correct. Now that you say it. Nevil had said something about JH. Again no quotes please, but I think he said it was the same thing as SSH. Either way your thread, and how you described the PF. I am more than happy it was a choice of mine. I had been speaking of it with another friend for sometime now, and I think it will be a great choice. Best to you...Ns

nice grow !!
but the strain didn't really impress me, the haze pheno look good, some other too, but i see much better from the critical haze.
i will keep an eye but i think i will go with the craze... ;)
Nice grow with PF. Been somewhat jealous, because my PF grows have not been such fun. Just 5/16 seeds popped so far. 2 found crushed in vial(!!!)... Got 1 female in spring, that I had to cut way too early because holiday. I really liked her, althought not properly done, so I was expecting to do proper grow at fall.
August put more beans to grow, got 2 males, which I culled ofc. 9th october(last sunday) put remaining seeds(5) on water and 1 has popped. Not so positive mood as I hope to find one girl for planned scrog project. Seems I have to plan something else. :(

Here's pic of those males, August 2011.
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Hey HE

Your germ rate and m/f ratio differ so much from
my own. Judging by your pic its definitely not any error
of yours as your plants look healthy and loved. I think
you should contact shanti directly about it. A replacement
pack may be in order here as this sometimes happens
. Its just nature. If u get another male maybe utilize him.

Its a great strain, super easy to grow and a good, potent
yeild. Deffinately worth another shot.

Sorry for the late response, life has been busy lately.
great thread IBF. very interestimg with lots of good info. will be adding this to the collection. will be looking out for your future grows.