Parent Origins Of The Original Cali Skunk1 ?


2022 COE Winner
Hi all,
I was sitting here contemplating the Origins of some old parent lines and was wondering if anybody has the same thoughts on this subject.
Skunk1 is reputed to be an afghanXcolumbian X(Thai? OR Mexican Acapulco Gold?) the male/female is a mystery to me since I’ve never heard from anyone who would know the parents of the original seeds.
The Question is…
Do you think the sativa side was actually a Haze plant combined to the Afghan?
It seems logical to me and absolutely possible considering the
Who made them and when and where the Original Skunk arose from.
Santa Cruz
Please feel free to comment.
Hi Mate :).

Seeds many banks seems they change the genetic make up of the stains as we go, afghanXcolumbian Xacapulco gold is what i remember the make up of skunk#1
Now you said this @axiom "Do you think the sativa side was actually a Haze plant combined to the Afghan?" it make sense to me that can be really the make up.
But who knows what the hell had happen back in this days.
In Europe Skunk #1 was always very sweet compering to the USA one that was more sour.
@musashi was around back in the days :cool: He might have some thoughts on this subject :).
Thanks Apollo
I was around then too. So were many others.
The Acapulco Gold and the Thai can be documented in print as parents.
According to Sacred Seeds they had a Sk1 and a Sk2 seed line listed on their price sheet listing all the varieties they sold.
I believe the Sk1 was the Thai hybrid Sk1,
And I believe the Sk2 list is the Acapulco Gold hybrid as Sk2 .
Obviously this is my opinion based on the in print information I can find.
Also there seems to be no mention of which parent was the Afghan.
The female was always assumed to be Afghan. But for ease of seed production, the Afghan would be selected for the pollen source making it much easier to pollinate long flower like Thai, Columbian or even Acapulco Gold.
Feel free to comment
Hi all,
I was sitting here contemplating the Origins of some old parent lines and was wondering if anybody has the same thoughts on this subject.
Skunk1 is reputed to be an afghanXcolumbian X(Thai? OR Mexican Acapulco Gold?) the male/female is a mystery to me since I’ve never heard from anyone who would know the parents of the original seeds.
The Question is…
Do you think the sativa side was actually a Haze plant combined to the Afghan?
It seems logical to me and absolutely possible considering the
Who made them and when and where the Original Skunk arose from.
Santa Cruz
Please feel free to comment.
the skunk#1 from sensi seed is more sativa than the mister nice one
in the strain description of mister nice you have precised is the afghan dominant
the skunk#1 is a 75% sativa strain the 25% is the afghan so if you put more afghan on it you should reduce the sativa part of the strain

for the male i am not sure of nothing but i bet to the afghan for reduce the time of bloom

i think the skunk#1 and the haze are not the same sativa base is more tropical for the haze with long time of bloom
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Found these in my dresser drawer in an airtight container recently. However, these are from circa 1985. Found during a rafting trip on the Rogue River in S. Oregon. I didn't give it much thought but today, I will attempt to see about germinating these. Not much hope but my dear braddah thinks I have a gold mine. I am looking at all the ways to bring these to life. Perhaps you have some experience and some suggestions?

skunk85 copy.jpg

I am looking at all the ways to bring these to life. Perhaps you have some experience and some suggestions?
Hey Mu, this stuff seems to work well for old seeds, BAC X-Seed. It is a Dutch company but BAC is a big player in the industry so i think there are hydrostores in the US that have this stuff on the shelf.
Lightly scratch the seeds and soak for 60 minutes in the solution before
Hey Mu, this stuff seems to work well for old seeds, BAC X-Seed. It is a Dutch company but BAC is a big player in the industry so i think there are hydrostores in the US that have this stuff on the shelf.
Lightly scratch the seeds and soak for 60 minutes in the solution before planting.View attachment 76732
Any idea what the ingredients might be? Doesn't look available in US.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Found these in my dresser drawer in an airtight container recently. However, these are from circa 1985. Found during a rafting trip on the Rogue River in S. Oregon. I didn't give it much thought but today, I will attempt to see about germinating these. Not much hope but my dear braddah thinks I have a gold mine. I am looking at all the ways to bring these to life. Perhaps you have some experience and some suggestions?

View attachment 76729

I would fridge for a week then soak in a weak rhizotonic solution mix and plant .
Pick out 20% of the best looking ones and start there.
Good Luck Mu!
I think it depends on how they were stored. My friend had a baggie full of NL x Haze seed from the early 90s. Not one would germinate 20 years or so later. I think they have to be frozen or refrigerated. We didn't know that back then. All you can do is try but the odds are against you if they were just kept at room temp.
Thanks braddahs! I’m not hopeful but worth a try. I’ll start by freezing. I’ll scarify then use H2O2 for the soak perhaps with fulvic acid, kelp. I do have some GA and perhaps a portion could be tried this way.

At the very least, with the right packaging and marketing, I can sell as souvenirs hahahaha. Imagine each seed impregnated in plastic and framed should sell for $500/pc :ROFLMAO: People are crazy with their money these days hahaha

*just kidding here 😉

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Found these in my dresser drawer in an airtight container recently. However, these are from circa 1985. Found during a rafting trip on the Rogue River in S. Oregon. I didn't give it much thought but today, I will attempt to see about germinating these. Not much hope but my dear braddah thinks I have a gold mine. I am looking at all the ways to bring these to life. Perhaps you have some experience and some suggestions?

View attachment 76729

Those beans look popable still bro try a few straight up. Maybe just scarify them a little
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Found these in my dresser drawer in an airtight container recently. However, these are from circa 1985. Found during a rafting trip on the Rogue River in S. Oregon. I didn't give it much thought but today, I will attempt to see about germinating these. Not much hope but my dear braddah thinks I have a gold mine. I am looking at all the ways to bring these to life. Perhaps you have some experience and some suggestions?

View attachment 76729


Looks like a lot of fun to me!
Should be enough seeds to at least get a 2 digit rate pop! 'Bet a straw' ;)
I'd try different ways like 10-20 each method, give them some chances...
Drop a few in a glass of water
Put a few in paper towels
Plant a few in soil directly
Some in coco...
See what they like!
I always feel like organic works best. Using bottled water makes me feel more confident than tap and if i really try hard i use something like willow water, coconut water, valerinflower extract or somethibg in that direction. A fee drops of stinging nettle manure imdiluted in the soaking water alsow worked for me.
If there is no fungal infection all the H2O2 is just not needed imo.
Good ol' homemade ingredients...they'll feel the luv and wake up...