Parent Origins Of The Original Cali Skunk1 ?

Another home trick is germinate (malt) some barley and use the water for your cannabis seeds. It’s full of the enzymes from the barley that will in turn help the cannabis germinate. Corn could work too, but use something that has a lot of starch for the enzymatic activity.
Haven't been able to get any of my 1995 seeds pop. Tried cheap kelp, H2O2, scarify, round up the usual suspects, tried praying in one hand, shitting in the other(one hand actually did fill up faster). So.......👁️ Hopefully some of musashi's will pop.

Sometimes thy just dont pop. I had a sister line that has been made samme exact time as another and was stired the same insufficient way never pop a healthy bean...fungus infestation i believe has them already weakened to the core.
Didnt try H2O2 yet tho.
The @Fish option is promising and cheap to do.
Malted Barely and (sprouted) corn can also be useful later on so its a solid move to invest in some.
Havent tried mixing Aloe gel with water yet on beans but what works for the snip may be also working for seed...
I plan to use kelp. Rhizotonic is basically kelp. Expensive kelp.

Little bit of magnesium does wonders for rooting vigour in seed and cuttings
The kelp extract is a good one, for the hormone as well as trace elements
Two things that make old seed unviable is loss of starch and moisture content, so a bit of soak will fix one at least
Kelp has sugar, but not sure if it does more than boost a weak sprout
Good luck
Maybe a long soak with Potatoewater can help fix with a drop of soap to make it flush in...just thinking out loud...
Decent looking beans there
For a while, I scarified with a little pure sugar, to aid old seed
Also tried yucca extract and molasses.
The minerals in molasses probably pretty good, but the carbs are complex, so better for feeding benny bac/ trichoderma than the seed germ
Scarified a lot of seed in diluted solution, about 300-400 ec, with calmag amount raised, and some with a sprinkle of Epsom salt
Some seed is pretty sensitive to being soaked 12-16 hours though, so you could add an airline
Assume Acapulco Gold.

Thanks for the info @Namaskar. I had already determined to use the first recipe which is similar to how I usually start seeds. I love kelp! The only additional step is placing seeds in the freeze beforehand as @axiom suggested. I was also going to use a recipe with fulvic acid. I will also set aside some seed for GA is this proves necessary. It is nice to see that I am not too far off the mark on best techniques. And encouraging to see that many of the highest germ numbers came from kelp mixtures.

Recipe #1: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml botanicare blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 20ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. This recipe is what I use for all the fresh seeds I pop and it’s always worked great for me.
Recipe #2: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml of kelp extract or kelp based nutrient, 5ml blast off.
Recipe #3: 1 quart of pure water, 1/4 tsp of bloom booster nutrient (or 1/4 strength of what bloom booster you have), 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Recipe #4: 2 cups pure water, 5ml of blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 2ml of molasses.
Recipe #5: 2 cups pure water, 2ml of botanicare fulvex (trace mineral extract), 5ml of blast off.

The germination rates with each recipe:
Control test: 7% germination rate
Recipe #1: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #2: 8% germination rate.
Recipe #3: 6% germination rate.
Recipe #4: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #5: 12% germination rate.

The comment on Worm bins woke me up.


Mystic Funk

  • Nov 16, 2016
    Worm bins!

    Worm bins!

    Worm bins!
    Yup! Worm bins work great to pop hard to sprout seeds. I don’t know exactly what’s going on in there but it works. maybe it’s the fertile casting, the high oxygen content from the worms fluffing the soil, the anti-mold / antibacterial properties, the consistent temperature the worms keep the soil. Maybe it’s all of the above? Hopefully someone will chime in and fill me in on the science behind this.
    I think every organic grower should have a worm bins around. Worms are very easy to care for. They don’t cost anything once you buy them and set up the bins because they eat your old food scraps that would get composted or thrown away. If you don’t over load the bins you shouldn’t have any smells coming off the bins so you can keep them in your house and they don’t take up much space.
    How to build your own bins:

    I didn’t buy my bins I made mine out of black Rubbermaid type containers because I’m a cheap bastard and I wanted a huge worm bin to hold 5 pounds of worms or more. How I made my bins was I bought 19 gallon black contains with heavy duty snap over handle type lids and drilled a bunch of ½ holes in the bottoms to let the worms pass through each level freely. You will also need a stick of 2’’ PVC plumbing pipe too but I’ll tell you about that later. You need to find a smaller size container with a lid that can hold the full weight of your bins; this will be on the bottom of all your bins. my bins hold about 200 pounds of dirt and worm shit. You will need to drill a bunch of 1/6’’ or smaller holes in the lid to let access water drain through this container and not the worms. You should put a drain off one side of this container to be able to capture this liquid gold that will drain down over time.
    First I take my old used up organic soil; lay that on the bottom of the larger bins a 1/3 of the way up that’s “bedding” for the worms. Then take the 2’’ PVC pipe and cut a piece as long as the height of the soil that is in each bin, these are there to hold up the bin above it so the bedding doesn’t get compressed, stack each bin one on the other then take one lid and drill small 1/6’’ holes in it for the very top one. You want good air circulation in your bins or they will rot.


    drain on bottom


    Ok. Back to seed germination.
    If you put the seeds in the bins right away they won’t sprout. So what I do is a full run with the bins first to get the worms to work their magic. Put your food scraps and news paper in the bins and let the worms eat all of it until you see lots of worm casting on the top of the bedding. This may take a week or months it depends on how many worms you have. By now you should see lots of castings and little to no food scraps left and there should be no bad smell. Now mix up all the castings on the top evenly, now place the seeds on top of the soil and cover lightly. Place another worm bin on top to keep the heat and moisture even. In a week or so you should see many sprouts. Another cool thing is when your seeds sprout, don’t worry about them dying right away for some reason the seedling won’t rot or die in this black gold even though there’s no light in there you will have at least a week or more of good growth before they get too lanky.

    With this test I didn’t presoak the seeds I just dropped the seeds in a worm bin, lightly covered with castings/soil and put another bin on top. Five days later I saw some seeds popping tails out and by day ten there was a mass of long seed sprouts popping out everywhere! I couldn’t believe how high the germ rates were and how fast they germinated it blew the seed soak and paper towel method out of the water. I got a 67% germination rate! I then planted the seedlings in solo cups and they are growing healthy and strong now.
    I didn't have enough room for all the seedlings so I just put a small cfl in the bin and their growing great LOL!

    just shows you how good worm bins work I threw in a piece of broccoli in there and it started growing!!




So what could help that the worm bin brings to the table?

- Humic acid
- Enzymes

I do not own a worm bin yet i have castings in the garden, i should try to pop some of the known candidates with some castings diluted in EMa...
@Namaskar actually doing some 'research' right now.


But i am not using coconutwater as you would drink, im using ground up coconut flesh soaked for few days in the fridge, sifted out afterwards. Same nutjuice but a bit more on the manure side, some particles left, milky solution, starts to smell a little funky with time. Hope the auxins and cytokinins still got their spin. Stored in fridge, used to soak clones and also watered in the clones.


Took a few more today, just for fun and to cut the mother back some inches.
Runoff from these cuts in cups watered in with the Coconut extract (50/50 mix with water) looks really like leaked gas, oil or like runoff you would get when using synthetic nutes. Pretty damn interesting effect, would love to know which elements make up this colorful spectrum...

Last edited:
Assume Acapulco Gold.

Thanks for the info @Namaskar. I had already determined to use the first recipe which is similar to how I usually start seeds. I love kelp! The only additional step is placing seeds in the freeze beforehand as @axiom suggested. I was also going to use a recipe with fulvic acid. I will also set aside some seed for GA is this proves necessary. It is nice to see that I am not too far off the mark on best techniques. And encouraging to see that many of the highest germ numbers came from kelp mixtures.

Recipe #1: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml botanicare blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 20ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. This recipe is what I use for all the fresh seeds I pop and it’s always worked great for me.
Recipe #2: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml of kelp extract or kelp based nutrient, 5ml blast off.
Recipe #3: 1 quart of pure water, 1/4 tsp of bloom booster nutrient (or 1/4 strength of what bloom booster you have), 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Recipe #4: 2 cups pure water, 5ml of blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 2ml of molasses.
Recipe #5: 2 cups pure water, 2ml of botanicare fulvex (trace mineral extract), 5ml of blast off.

The germination rates with each recipe:
Control test: 7% germination rate
Recipe #1: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #2: 8% germination rate.
Recipe #3: 6% germination rate.
Recipe #4: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #5: 12% germination rate.


I'd be a bit cautious with the freezer, as it seems to effect 40% of seed viability
Ice forms as microcrystals in the endoderm and pretty well drops viability to 60% per freeze
If you are already working with low viability, you are running on low margins
Do you think refrigeration to assist scarification might work?
Assume Acapulco Gold.

Thanks for the info @Namaskar. I had already determined to use the first recipe which is similar to how I usually start seeds. I love kelp! The only additional step is placing seeds in the freeze beforehand as @axiom suggested. I was also going to use a recipe with fulvic acid. I will also set aside some seed for GA is this proves necessary. It is nice to see that I am not too far off the mark on best techniques. And encouraging to see that many of the highest germ numbers came from kelp mixtures.

Recipe #1: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml botanicare blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 20ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. This recipe is what I use for all the fresh seeds I pop and it’s always worked great for me.
Recipe #2: 2 cups of pure water, 5ml of kelp extract or kelp based nutrient, 5ml blast off.
Recipe #3: 1 quart of pure water, 1/4 tsp of bloom booster nutrient (or 1/4 strength of what bloom booster you have), 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Recipe #4: 2 cups pure water, 5ml of blast off or a few drops of super thrive, 2ml of molasses.
Recipe #5: 2 cups pure water, 2ml of botanicare fulvex (trace mineral extract), 5ml of blast off.

The germination rates with each recipe:
Control test: 7% germination rate
Recipe #1: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #2: 8% germination rate.
Recipe #3: 6% germination rate.
Recipe #4: 10% germination rate.
Recipe #5: 12% germination rate.

Refrigerator not the freezer.
@Namaskar actually doing some 'research' right now.


But i am not using coconutwater as you would drink, im using ground up coconut flesh soaked for few days in the fridge, sifted out afterwards. Same nutjuice but a bit more on the manure side, some particles left, milky solution, starts to smell a little funky with time. Hope the auxins and cytokinins still got their spin. Stored in fridge, used to soak clones and also watered in the clones.


Took a few more today, just for fun and to cut the mother back some inches.
Runoff from these cuts in cups watered in with the Coconut extract (50/50 mix with water) looks really like leaked gas, oil or like runoff you would get when using synthetic nutes. Pretty damn interesting effect, would love to know which elements make up this colorful spectrum...

I have been using coconut water & coconut water extract on some other plants and both improved the growth enormous, but found that coconut water extract did it even better, especially in flowering and seed making.It speed it up.