One plant has yellow edges in leaves


Well-known member
I’m not sure what this is.
This plant is next to the fan and some plants have none of the same yellowing.I don’t know if leaves are rubbing together or maybe Mg defiency.
18 days in bloom.

Hey mate. Have a look and read through this. Might help, save it and you can go back to it later for reference.
Yours could possibly be a toxicity. Manganese and zinc can do some interesting things to plants when at high levels. Still your picture looks difficult to determine. Maybe add some more pictures closer up of the affected leaves. Underside of leaf too helps sometimes.
It’s only the one plant out 6 others that are doing fine.
It is the big older leaves only but less than 6 on the plant.
It’s the end of the stretch and the cuttings were from 6 month old mothers.
I am getting ready to refill the rez and I may back the strength down a bit.

I have 15 different females some in veg others in bloom all getting the same nutrients and they all look great except this pheno. I have another cutting from the same female and it’s also showing the same symptoms just not as much.

I’ll study the leaf pictures and get some better pictures up.
Also one thing that could be the culprit last few days the temperatures right af lights out have dropped between 60-62F.
I use supplemental heat but the last 3-5 days I turned it off.
I need a switch so heat kicks on a few minutes before lights out.
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I gave the effected plants some Epsom salt mixed in with nutrients.
1.0-1.2 grams per gallon.
You need a little more than that
When treating citrus, you start with one tablespoon of epsom per 9L of irrigation
Next time you use two tablespoons per 9 litres
Keep adding a tablespoon per bucket until you notice the deficiency is treated

If that's the only plant you need to treat, just use a folier feed ( 1 teaspoon per 5 litres
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I see some improvement.
I had another fem in bloom showing minor mag deficiency in the lower big leaves and it’s greened the whole plant up.

I use 3ml of Calmag constantly and I rarely have calmag deficiencies.
Adding some Epsom helped so at least I know what was causing the symptoms.
I see some improvement.
I had another fem in bloom showing minor mag deficiency in the lower big leaves and it’s greened the whole plant up.

I use 3ml of Calmag constantly and I rarely have calmag deficiencies.
Adding some Epsom helped so at least I know what was causing the symptoms.

The cuts that throw a lot of bud or bulk roots normally need a little extra magnesium
Using epsom along with calmag stops you getting too much cal, and the sulphur in the epsom boosts terpines
Good luck with your flowers
The cuts that throw a lot of bud or bulk roots normally need a little extra magnesium
Using epsom along with calmag stops you getting too much cal, and the sulphur in the epsom boosts terpines
Good luck with your flowers
I increased the Epsom to 1.5grams or 1/2 teaspoon per gallon in my nutrient mix.
They’ve had two light cycle feeds with 1.5 grams per gallon added and the worst plant is looking better.
Im using 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.
I may try bumping it up again.
The EC increases by 0.2 when I add the 1.5 grams per gallon.
I increased the Epsom to 1.5grams or 1/2 teaspoon per gallon in my nutrient mix.
They’ve had two light cycle feeds with 1.5 grams per gallon added and the worst plant is looking better.
Im using 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.
I may try bumping it up again.
The EC increases by 0.2 when I add the 1.5 grams per gallon.
I just noticed you using Coco
Do you run to waste?
If you do, just make a drench of pure Epsom salt ( at least two teaspoon per gallon )
Drench the plants, and again maybe 4 days later, if they still showing issues

I use coco/clay blend 4/7 and magnesium issues are a constant part of management
With my plant currently in bloom I just add 1 teaspoon of epsom to every 20L of irrigation
The water is RO filtered, and I'm using 1ml of canna calmag per litre too

It's probably one of the easiest deficiencies to spot and treat at the end of the day