NL5xAf & CM indoors


New member
Hi All, I have 8 MNS nl5xaf at about 12-18" and I have 6 MNS CM newly cracked(paper towel method) and placed in rockwool - I am running hempy buckets, GHE 3 part, perlite/vermiculite 3/1, 3x 400w mixed hps and mh, 4 cfls. We are at the start of cold season so outside its a chilly 88f and in growroom its 60% rh and 83f. I'll get some pics up once there's something worth seeing.

I am tired of looking at all these attitude freebies so I started them indoors to be transplanted outdoors once they are hardened up.

I started the CM so I can replace NL5xAf males in growroom with female CM. My family likes MNS meds so much they we used at least 14 gms daily(jars now empty) so CM will hopefully yield a bit to relieve our MNS med drought. Also, by the time this crop's harvested we will have plenty of quality Thai as well which will relieve the pressure on our MNS med supply.(assuming no more natural disasters for the next few monthes)

BTW,I noticed that these NL5x Af don't sprout/grow close to as fast as BW or CM(only MNS strains I have experience with) and the plants themselves look very small as compared to same growth stage with BW(grown/germed same).

Take Care, P77
1/2 the NL5xAf are about 2' tall(very very small leaves) and 1/2 are 1' (normal ind look)- topped the 2'ers - still 18/6 light

1/2 the NL5xAf are about 2' tall(very very small leaves) and 1/2 are 1' (normal ind look)- topped the 2'ers - still 18/6 light


Hey Prof, looking forward to watching your both grows, but especially the NL5xAfg. I assume you'll let them recover from the topping and go to flowering soon? Now, get your camera working for us please!
i too had similar growth problems with my NL5xAfg, pretty slow compared to other hybrids but it could be an ibl or something who knows...wishing you the best of luck with this gal as it looks phenomenal on paper...i grew her and she was quite different than i anticipated stretching into tall lanky plants, flavor is fantastic but potency and yield were greatly lacking in 3 unopened packs left and if you find something nice maybe i wont give away all my NL5xAfg beans...keep us posted
Hi BR & C101,

Thanks for looking in and for your comments.

Looks like a growth spurt happening - if I delay 12/12 much longer they'll overgrow the room(at 2' now so i assume they'll get to 6'). Took cuts today.

Appears to be 2 phenos - pheno 1 very indica appearance/growth - pheno 2 is the minileaved version, those leaves that are normal sized are long and thin but minileaves are what i would describe as doll leaves - look perfectly normal shape/color but are wee elfin small.

C101 I'll go check your grow report now. I'm sure I have read it b4 but I didn't remember your dissatisfaction.

All the CMs are up and healthy. However the freebies are another story - dinafems & greenhouses didnt crack, reserva privadas la confidential severe mutants and culled. Only freebies that are healthy are a burmese kush and a grapefruit kush. I guess I'll try some MNS Shit in their places.

Be Well, P77
i'd flower em asap...mine were grown to 12inches in 3gal bags of Roots Organic Soil under a 600w hps...temps were 75F-78F and about 10F lower at night..most of mine stretched about 4x to about 4ft give or take, took 70-75days and were mild at best...maybe a good strain for those wanting something light and uplifting, more sativa-ish in the em well and prove my experience wrong, i hope you get some killer meds that live up to its 5star rating from Shanti
Hey CC & C101, C101 got me worried re. potency. Hopefully it was a mixup but just in case I'm upping wattage for lights - will start running 2 400w HPS and 2 400w MH plus 4 cfls. I do this with the hope of maximizing potency. I also will allow them to veg til preflowers appear then I'll go 12/12. If too big for room I'll tie/bend/pinch/prune as required.

Anyone have suggestions for maxing potency during growth or flower? Feed them honey oil perhaps - lol?

Be Well, P77
my grvity is strongest when properly flushed and allowed to finish its life cycle, like fall in nature. Strongest plant I have. Period. And, growing her with worm castings, bat guano and love ( ok,and a little bloom tea) insted of chemmy nutes is night and day. oh, and low humidity, like 40 to 45%.
Hi All,

Went 12/12 today on 8 2' or better NL5xAf. Odd growth is ended. Have very ind pheno and a semi-ind pheno(taller by 15%, rounded but longer thinner leaves, more vigor). Also 12/12 on 3 freebies that are indoors and 3 CM. The other 3 CM will stay in veg room until 12/12 plants are sexed. Running GHE 3 part at full strength and flush every 4th feeding (8 days).

Thanks for input CC! My problem will be maintaining lower humidity - I am going to buy my self a portable aircon/dehumid unit as a NewYears gift(no Hannucha or Xmas celebrated in Thailand) - at least that's my justification to the wifeypoo. My family is not experienced indoors. Anything more than chicken/buffalo dung, human urine, rain and sunshine to them is sillyness. The idea I would buy an aircon for the plants borders on insanity...o well, they are probably right lol.

Be Well, P77

Hey All,

NL5xAf room smelling very af hashy - pruned their lower branches today, in part hoping to slow them down so CM can catch up a bit. I started these CM a while after the NL5xAF since the atit freebies I was gonna run indoors all died or failed to crack except 1 Burmese Kush so I will replace them with these CM once they are developed enough.

I am illuminating the lower/mid branches with 2 400W MH and 4 CFLs and have 2 400W HPS over head. Room is staying at a steady 85f and 50%-55% rh.

Be Well, P77
I think you got your seeds mixed up, c101. or you got mixed up seeds.

i got them straight from Shanti...they were in the package they arrive in when directly sent with a sticker stating NL5xAfghan...unless Shanti mixed them up they are the real deal MNS hybrid, sorry i just felt robbed on this cross! Don't forget that the Gravity came from Neville's selection of the NL5 clone which is now lost and replaced with a new selection from the gravity clone you have came from different parent stock atleast on the NL5 side...i love Shanti's work just not this particular piece of the line up
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hi professor77

well done on the temps in your room, i know the humidity and heat over there is full on, chok dee trying to explain to the wife about your plants needs hahaha khun baa mak

i'm well impressed with you and blb growing the sensi in siam, i hope you find some keepers

best wishes
The Nl5xAf that are beginning to show sex - at least 33% of plants are showing male - those that have the odd growth pattern I referred to in an earlier post look to be all males. I'll move them out and harvest pollen as they mature. I may wait a day or 2 to be sure of their gender. The CM which are only 6" tall will go in to replace the 2.5' tall NL5xAf males. I guess I should put something under the CM pots so they get closer to lights?

Be Well, P77

P.S. Ty Champa - wifeypoo approved ac/dehumid unit for 9k Baht(aprox 300 US$) after I explained we would have more and bigger flowers(a lil fib?) and less chance for mold.
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nl5xaf enjoying afternoon sun

These are both the pheno I previously mentioned with odd branch structure.

Happy Trails, P77
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Hey All,

All 6 NL5xAf females clearly displaying sex today - males showed about 1 week ago. All CMs' gender unknown atm. Have new lighting rack in a allowing more overhead lamps, more plants, more flexability in fixture placement and broader light coverage.

Happy Trails, P77

Very good to get the AC for indoors in the tropics. I have had worthless results with temps over 90 F, it looked decent but no flavor or potency at all. I wouldn't waste my time if I knew it was going to be over 90 indoors and they really suffer at over 85. I predict mind blowing results in your future.
Week 5 12/12 pics

Hi All, here's some week 5 pics - smell in room is mild but if bump stem smell is very perfumy hash citrus



Happy Channukah, P77