my 2024 outdoor season

If you can get a hold of fresh beets or beet root powder. The compound glycine-betaine, that is in it, helps a LOT with cold resilience. Its what its there for. I have used it as a foliar. Melatonin sprays, aloe gel at 4 tbsp per gal... so... just north of 15mL per L, and moringa are all things, that I have had luck with in that dept. Here, it doesn't get above 60f (15.5c) until sometime in June and likes to be dreary and wet til it gets hot.

Just throwing that out there. Looking forward to seeing how things go for you. I was honestly a little sad that there isn't more yet. Its like "you can fast forward time for me right...?"
If you can get a hold of fresh beets or beet root powder. The compound glycine-betaine, that is in it, helps a LOT with cold resilience. Its what its there for. I have used it as a foliar. Melatonin sprays, aloe gel at 4 tbsp per gal... so... just north of 15mL per L, and moringa are all things, that I have had luck with in that dept. Here, it doesn't get above 60f (15.5c) until sometime in June and likes to be dreary and wet til it gets hot.

Just throwing that out there. Looking forward to seeing how things go for you. I was honestly a little sad that there isn't more yet. Its like "you can fast forward time for me right...?"
thanks for the tip for the moment they are in the green house

for today we have 12C the morning and 16C afternoon with cloudy rainny sky
7C this morning! Global warming? :unsure:
In fairness, nonseasonal cooler weather is being driven by that air being forced out from the poles, via warmer air there. You ever force something to cool down, that is hot? Given the option, the heat moves up the object. It doesn't just go away. Not discounting the political spectacle of it all. Just also not discounting two years in a row seeing photo bleaching on poppies, that LOVE the sun, and woods that are beyond stressed out, by the time the rains come back. So again, not parroting some politician's bullshit and likely failure of a solution (do these people specialize in anything BESIDES getting elected...?) Just saying, its not so simple either.
I'm more of a life sciences guy. Other than needles in his eyeball and the whole heavy metal poisoning trying to realize The Art of Arts thing, I'm down with Newton. Not trying to condescend, just saying "its complicated."
The weather will change soon. It's gonna be a great summer in Europe! July will have a little more rain than usual but the other days will be drier than usual. Will be great for growing. August will be warm and sunny. The harvest will be bountiful. You can bet on it! 💶💰:)

The weather here, normally would still be rainier. So I'm getting a good season for spring/early summer veggies at least!
We must be neighbors :LOL:

Over here it's raining 24 hours a day and temperature is ~16° C :mad:

Not a good environment for plants at all.

Depends on the plants. Mandrake is happy.
The weather will change soon. It's gonna be a great summer in Europe! July will have a little more rain than usual but the other days will be drier than usual. Will be great for growing. August will be warm and sunny. The harvest will be bountiful. You can bet on it! 💶💰:)

I have the same feeling ""

Place your bets please ! :)
The weather will change soon. It's gonna be a great summer in Europe! July will have a little more rain than usual but the other days will be drier than usual. Will be great for growing. August will be warm and sunny. The harvest will be bountiful. You can bet on it! 💶💰:)

Now you sound very sure about that, you must have some inside information!😄
I'm guessing that El Niño has something to do with this?
Statistics show a wetter spring in europe and usually a good and dryer summer!

@quinxstar, same weather here and I'm @49-50°N.
Now it can only become better!