Microgrow Report - La Niña

Week #4 of flowering

Buds keep fattening ... Already gave the lady a tea and she looks happy about it.

Looks like some bugs/aphids got their way from the garden to the closet. Gave her a bit of Neem but can't do that now. So a bit of sprayed Soap and cleaning the leaves one by one.

The smell now it's really subtle and fruity. You can't almost feel it when open the door, but you can feel is there in the air for a while.

Some photos

Week #5

Ronin, yeah buds looks nice and fattier than some photos i saw in the forum. Hopefully it's the one.
Took a clone when topping and a friend is taking care of it outdoors.

Looks like some deficiency start appearing, my idea is calmag as this round it's 40% coco in the soil mix, in the past was some peat too.

Waiting for a ph meter to discard ph before buying anything else.

Happy and the smell is amazing, not pungent but delicious

Week#7 of flower

Switched lights at 11/13 buds are stills fattening and new white hairs appearing.

Got myself most most probably a Calcium deficiency as Ph was a bit low...

Watering at Phed water after just one dose of calmag. Not going to flush or anything else. Let it be.

This one will go >8weeks, hope for a nice sativa high


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Week #9

Almost there ...

I cut the leaves affected by deficiency. Looked to me that them were completely dry, and do not want to have dead material inside my buds ... Do not want bud rot or similar.

Trichomes start to be white and very few brown.... At latest will chop in three days as i'm going for vacation and want the hang it while i'm out and start cure once back.

Some photos


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Chop day after 9 weeks and a half since first pistils showed up.

Found few seeds, seems like i stressed her a lot and i'm aware but i'm happy with it even i did not see any banana/ball ...

The smell it's amazing and got an small ball of hash from the scissors and gloves. She's a sticky one.


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