Managing autism and adhd with cannabis


Well-known member
Hi, I thought I'd introduce myself.
I turned 60 this year and have been growing and consuming weed on and off since I was 12.
1975 to be exact. I have recently been diagnosed with asd and adhd. Something I was alerted to by my Grandkids diagnosis.
Unfortunately for me I have been considered to be bipolar since I was 19 after a breakdown which involved pot.
With my recent correct diagnoses I'm coming out of a 19 year fog from pharmaceuticals prescribed through the DSM5 criteria.
My psychologist has described the diagnostic tool as a path to a pill. Cannabis+psychosis=bipolar,schizophrenia=mood stabilisers antipsychotics.
Unfortunately I've never had bipolar in my life apparently and I now have diabetes and heart disease as a result of the pharmaceuticals prescribed. Had my first heart attack at 45.
I now believe that I've always been attracted to cannabis due to its healing properties not just the fact that I love getting stoned.
So over the last 5 years I have been growing as many strains as possible to see what the correct fit may be. From NL to Haze range.
There is much research going on into this at the moment but I am following Shanti and his ratios. For me I think 16-20% thc with matching cbd ratio is going to do the trick.
Anyway this year I've had to buy a tent. La nina has forced it here on the Aussie east coast.
Previously I was able to grow giants in organic soil under my bedroom window. Bad weather and new neighbors have changed my situation.
Haven't grown indoors for 20 years so have to learn again. Looking for phenos to mother.
Have black widow, nl5xhaze,shit,la nina and ortega. My original plans were to purchase property and start my selections under a large tunnel greenhouse. Since covid cheap acreage has disappeared Unfortunately and drones have made bush pretty tough.
What I have found is that cannabis helps autistic people to self regulate, stops seizures prevents meltdowns and total shut-downs.
Can't get in Australia for this disorder. Given our backward system here I'm considering the fact I may never get it here legally at my age.
Anyway I've been following Nevile and Shantis work for a long time. My gardening hero's. A geneticist and a biologist.
Thanks Shanti for your vision.
I used to drive to Mullum a lot in the early 80s too.
Yeah I reckon that's pretty hard without the right equipment. I've been following the work currently underway in Israel regarding cannabis and autism. A bit worried pharmaceutical companies are going to go for cbd or thc isolates. When I read into Shanties work with ratios and full spectrum medication I came here.
Welcome Jonesie!

Maybe interesting to watch..

It's all in Hebrew but the video shows kids (on the spectrum) that are being treated with cannabis (high CBD, low THC)

I've been coping with adhd my whole life.. certain cannabis strains really help but finding the right dosage is still a challenge :)
I just watched that. What I got out of it was the kid with the Helmut. That's me. I've cracked my spine hitting walls so hard with my head. Until 3 months ago everyone thought I had a bad temper lol. I'd have my hand up for cbd trials if offered. I grew some cbd sweet tooth a few years back but it didn't seem to do much for me.
Be very welcome .
I remember when I was asked who I would be without weed. They were not prepared for my very well elobarated answer. I see that force in you too. :) Because of many disturbance I choose weed too and I don't take painkillers, not even vaccines. The best medicine is a liberated mind with happy thoughts and rooms filled with laughter and joy.

One love
Be very welcome .
I remember when I was asked who I would be without weed. They were not prepared for my very well elobarated answer. I see that force in you too. :) Because of many disturbance I choose weed too and I don't take painkillers, not even vaccines. The best medicine is a liberated mind with happy thoughts and rooms filled with laughter and joy.

One love
Thanks Cannalicious.
Yeah sounds like me LOL
Thanks Deach. A pleasure to me you to mate. Feeling a sense of community already. 😊
I’ve seen too many lost their lives before actual death for trusting doctors and their representatives.
Not that I am against medical care, but it’s corrupted like everything else man touches.
When a “medicine” causes huge profits, that medicine will be good even when it’s bad.
When they can’t patent the medicine, the medicine is very bad.
I’ve seen too many lost their lives before actual death for trusting doctors and their representatives.
Not that I am against medical care, but it’s corrupted like everything else man touches.
When a “medicine” causes huge profits, that medicine will be good even when it’s bad.
When they can’t patent the medicine, the medicine is very bad.
I completely agree Canna. I tell everyone they should be on cannabis but they all think I'm joking. Am currently working with my GP and Psychologist and documenting as closely as possible my dosages using a vape each day to medicate. To be honest I just thoroughly enjoy getting bent. Always have. Have been trying to get cannabis to medicate legally in Australia since I was 19. Doctors insisted I needed pills. Pills were awful and I attempted suicide twice. With no pills and my home grown buds I'm fine.
Trying to get things sorted for my family to get access without being harassed for being healthy.
Hi, I thought I'd introduce myself.
I turned 60 this year and have been growing and consuming weed on and off since I was 12.
1975 to be exact. I have recently been diagnosed with asd and adhd. Something I was alerted to by my Grandkids diagnosis.
Unfortunately for me I have been considered to be bipolar since I was 19 after a breakdown which involved pot.
With my recent correct diagnoses I'm coming out of a 19 year fog from pharmaceuticals prescribed through the DSM5 criteria.
My psychologist has described the diagnostic tool as a path to a pill. Cannabis+psychosis=bipolar,schizophrenia=mood stabilisers antipsychotics.
Unfortunately I've never had bipolar in my life apparently and I now have diabetes and heart disease as a result of the pharmaceuticals prescribed. Had my first heart attack at 45.
I now believe that I've always been attracted to cannabis due to its healing properties not just the fact that I love getting stoned.
So over the last 5 years I have been growing as many strains as possible to see what the correct fit may be. From NL to Haze range.
There is much research going on into this at the moment but I am following Shanti and his ratios. For me I think 16-20% thc with matching cbd ratio is going to do the trick.
Anyway this year I've had to buy a tent. La nina has forced it here on the Aussie east coast.
Previously I was able to grow giants in organic soil under my bedroom window. Bad weather and new neighbors have changed my situation.
Haven't grown indoors for 20 years so have to learn again. Looking for phenos to mother.
Have black widow, nl5xhaze,shit,la nina and ortega. My original plans were to purchase property and start my selections under a large tunnel greenhouse. Since covid cheap acreage has disappeared Unfortunately and drones have made bush pretty tough.
What I have found is that cannabis helps autistic people to self regulate, stops seizures prevents meltdowns and total shut-downs.
Can't get in Australia for this disorder. Given our backward system here I'm considering the fact I may never get it here legally at my age.
Anyway I've been following Nevile and Shantis work for a long time. My gardening hero's. A geneticist and a biologist.
Thanks Shanti for your vision.
I used to drive to Mullum a lot in the early 80s too.
Hi Jonesie, have you tried legal access? It's really easy now and think you can get it for ADHD & ASD but not 100% sure. I get flower scripts for PTSD based anxiety, nightmares and insomnia.
Its still a bit over priced but can get some brands quite cheap if you have a pension or concession card. $ 190 for 30g is cheapest I've heard. Initial consult can be a bit pricey but it's their business to say yes instead of no.

Yeah the last 2 season have been pretty shitty with La Nina weather. Never seen so much botrytis in my life, every plant I have seen has suffered and I live in dry climate where humidity is quite low compared to other place further north. Sadly it looks like La Nina is here for the 22/23 season. Sad for me because I've had to stop growing indoors to make way for both my young kids living with me full time and can only grow a couple of plants on my balcony until we move to a larger house.

My son has just been assessed for ASD but yet to get his diagnosis. Suspect he has the high functioning form of ASD.

Going legal has its benefits even if you only get a couple of scripts as you can travel on planes etc with your meds without a worry and the tubs it comes in are like the Magic Pudding as you can refill them with your own buds for transport and the authorities would be none the wiser if they ever stopped to check.
I'm pushing 50 and I very much doubt your age would prevent you from getting the legal Green light.

Edit: I forgot to mention you can get Shantibaba's CBD oil here in Oz on prescription albeit rebranded for Australian standards. It's called Phytoca.
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Hi Jonesie, have you tried legal access? It's really easy now and think you can get it for ADHD & ASD but not 100% sure. I get flower scripts for PTSD based anxiety, nightmares and insomnia.
Its still a bit over priced but can get some brands quite cheap if you have a pension or concession card. $ 190 for 30g is cheapest I've heard. Initial consult can be a bit pricey but it's their business to say yes instead of no.

Yeah the last 2 season have been pretty shitty with La Nina weather. Never seen so much botrytis in my life, every plant I have seen has suffered and I live in dry climate where humidity is quite low compared to other place further north. Sadly it looks like La Nina is here for the 22/23 season. Sad for me because I've had to stop growing indoors to make way for both my young kids living with me full time and can only grow a couple of plants on my balcony until we move to a larger house.

My son has just been assessed for ASD but yet to get his diagnosis. Suspect he has the high functioning form of ASD.

Going legal has its benefits even if you only get a couple of scripts as you can travel on planes etc with your meds without a worry and the tubs it comes in are like the Magic Pudding as you can refill them with your own buds for transport and the authorities would be none the wiser if they ever stopped to check.
I'm pushing 50 and I very much doubt your age would prevent you from getting the legal Green light.

Edit: I forgot to mention you can get Shantibaba's CBD oil here in Oz on prescription albeit rebranded for Australian standards. It's called Phytoca.
Hi Sundog, My GP was conferring with me on Tuesday that there are now studies underway with cannabis and asd adhd with surprisingly good results. To the best of my knowledge it is no where near legal in Australia yet for these 2 disorders. Possibly in the future. I'm sure they would give it to me at 60 if it was legal but until they do I have to grow illegally. Bit worried I'll die waiting. Have been following various trials around the world for years. Seems thc has been so demonised over the years due to possible psychosis, everyones horrified of it.
High thc is what controls my asd. It resets the brain so to speak, lower thc levels don't do the job at all.
Am realising now with both asd and adhd that either disorder can manifest in different ways and at different times. Also every person experiences various different symptoms so no 2 people have the same experience of asd.
So have been growing as much variety as possible and experimenting on myself lol.
Hi Sundog, My GP was conferring with me on Tuesday that there are now studies underway with cannabis and asd adhd with surprisingly good results. To the best of my knowledge it is no where near legal in Australia yet for these 2 disorders. Possibly in the future. I'm sure they would give it to me at 60 if it was legal but until they do I have to grow illegally. Bit worried I'll die waiting. Have been following various trials around the world for years. Seems thc has been so demonised over the years due to possible psychosis, everyones horrified of it.
High thc is what controls my asd. It resets the brain so to speak, lower thc levels don't do the job at all.
Am realising now with both asd and adhd that either disorder can manifest in different ways and at different times. Also every person experiences various different symptoms so no 2 people have the same experience of asd.
So have been growing as much variety as possible and experimenting on myself lol.
My feel for the plant over 48 years of consuming is that the 1:1 ratio should eradicate the negatives. But just a guess.
So am heading back indoors. Lab gardening.
Very keen on advise on growing and selecting in a confined area, as DJ short managed to do.
His Blueberry absolutely nailed my adhd last night.
Hi Jonesie, have you tried legal access? It's really easy now and think you can get it for ADHD & ASD but not 100% sure. I get flower scripts for PTSD based anxiety, nightmares and insomnia.
Its still a bit over priced but can get some brands quite cheap if you have a pension or concession card. $ 190 for 30g is cheapest I've heard. Initial consult can be a bit pricey but it's their business to say yes instead of no.

Yeah the last 2 season have been pretty shitty with La Nina weather. Never seen so much botrytis in my life, every plant I have seen has suffered and I live in dry climate where humidity is quite low compared to other place further north. Sadly it looks like La Nina is here for the 22/23 season. Sad for me because I've had to stop growing indoors to make way for both my young kids living with me full time and can only grow a couple of plants on my balcony until we move to a larger house.

My son has just been assessed for ASD but yet to get his diagnosis. Suspect he has the high functioning form of ASD.

Going legal has its benefits even if you only get a couple of scripts as you can travel on planes etc with your meds without a worry and the tubs it comes in are like the Magic Pudding as you can refill them with your own buds for transport and the authorities would be none the wiser if they ever stopped to check.
I'm pushing 50 and I very much doubt your age would prevent you from getting the legal Green light.

Edit: I forgot to mention you can get Shantibaba's CBD oil here in Oz on prescription albeit rebranded for Australian standards. It's called Phytoca.
Hi, I thought I'd introduce myself.
I turned 60 this year and have been growing and consuming weed on and off since I was 12.
1975 to be exact. I have recently been diagnosed with asd and adhd. Something I was alerted to by my Grandkids diagnosis.
Unfortunately for me I have been considered to be bipolar since I was 19 after a breakdown which involved pot.
With my recent correct diagnoses I'm coming out of a 19 year fog from pharmaceuticals prescribed through the DSM5 criteria.
My psychologist has described the diagnostic tool as a path to a pill. Cannabis+psychosis=bipolar,schizophrenia=mood stabilisers antipsychotics.
Unfortunately I've never had bipolar in my life apparently and I now have diabetes and heart disease as a result of the pharmaceuticals prescribed. Had my first heart attack at 45.
I now believe that I've always been attracted to cannabis due to its healing properties not just the fact that I love getting stoned.
So over the last 5 years I have been growing as many strains as possible to see what the correct fit may be. From NL to Haze range.
There is much research going on into this at the moment but I am following Shanti and his ratios. For me I think 16-20% thc with matching cbd ratio is going to do the trick.
Anyway this year I've had to buy a tent. La nina has forced it here on the Aussie east coast.
Previously I was able to grow giants in organic soil under my bedroom window. Bad weather and new neighbors have changed my situation.
Haven't grown indoors for 20 years so have to learn again. Looking for phenos to mother.
Have black widow, nl5xhaze,shit,la nina and ortega. My original plans were to purchase property and start my selections under a large tunnel greenhouse. Since covid cheap acreage has disappeared Unfortunately and drones have made bush pretty tough.
What I have found is that cannabis helps autistic people to self regulate, stops seizures prevents meltdowns and total shut-downs.
Can't get in Australia for this disorder. Given our backward system here I'm considering the fact I may never get it here legally at my age.
Anyway I've been following Nevile and Shantis work for a long time. My gardening hero's. A geneticist and a biologist.
Thanks Shanti for your vision.
I used to drive to Mullum a lot in the early 80s too.
Mate, I've checked and I think your pharmacist is pulling your leg. TGA has previously approved people with ASD and ADHD. I can share if you wish. Those 2 conditions are listed on Honalee.... a website for medicinal Cannabis patients.
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It was never legal but it only stopped me twice not to grow. I learned the hard way and just started growing my own weed, which I don’t share with anyone to avoid any problems. I don’t even take it on me when I go outside. The stigma is still very alive. But it doesn’t stop me anymore.
In this world, persecution is a regular thing for thousands of years. By laws which were corrected over time, time and time again. If weed is a good medicine improving life quality traditional medicine can’t give, than weed is my prior #1 choice.
My body my choice. :)

My girl always said: at least you have something that expands the quality of life, use it!
I took from the apple and ate it.