Long Candle Lighters?


Well-known member
Does anyone else use them are your house so people don't steal them or so you don't take them out and lose them?

I only have 3 friends that come over between them every couple of months but my girl, now that bitch has a bottomless magic pocket or something. Her (perfect) fat ass makes it so you can see everything in her pockets but she somehow ends up with all of my Bic lighters the next time I go to the other house ....

Anyways, I have seen people try all kinds of things to keep people from stealing their lighters but, for home use, I find the candle lighters to be the least easy to talk away, unless you have one of the friends who will steal it just for the challenge ...

I am baked
i use dunhill and dupoint lighters, no way will my friends help themselvs to them babys, plastic crappy ones are fair game though!
I buy at least one 5 pack of bics a week. This will save me ALOT of money Ronin. I and my family thank you.

You should write a book. Maybe you could title it Being Stoned on a Budget.

Thanks Bud,

KB 8)_~
I think we've all had our fair share of lights "stolen" or accidentally pocketed..
I must say Ive never thought of a good plan to combat this issue, but I have seen some interesting tactics..

The Lighter Leash

Ive heard of guys buying pink lighters, bc they know no other man is going to want to swipe there PINK lighter..

These wicks are handy too. Instead of passing your lighter around use a wick next time.. No worries of losing your lighter, and its healthier too 8)

... I have seen people try all kinds of things to keep people from stealing their lighters but, for home use, I find the candle lighters to be the least easy to talk away, unless you have one of the friends who will steal it just for the challenge ...


Kind of hard to slip this flame thrower into your pocket/ purse by accident. Handle with care!! LOL
