La Niña: Indoor Grow Journal

Countdown to harvest

Just fed these plants for the last time. Nothing but water from here on out. Trichomes are still all clear so I'm guessing this crop will go 2 more weeks for a total of 10 weeks.
G`day Scrog
Nice work bro !
I think your doin the strain proud ,your writihg style hits the spot with me .
Can you imagine what you may produce after a cpl of clone runs ? You would know the strain intimately .
For me a lot of the growing process is in the observation of the plants and their subleties . Much can be learnt just sittin and lookin and lookin and lookin some more .
Having some good smoko to set the mood can be an enhancer but not totaly neccessary .Keep it up Scrog I`m enjoying the show .thanks
Thanks for sharin
Elmer Bud
G`day Scrog
Nice work bro !
I think your doin the strain proud ,your writihg style hits the spot with me .
Can you imagine what you may produce after a cpl of clone runs ? You would know the strain intimately .
For me a lot of the growing process is in the observation of the plants and their subleties . Much can be learnt just sittin and lookin and lookin and lookin some more .
Having some good smoko to set the mood can be an enhancer but not totaly neccessary .Keep it up Scrog I`m enjoying the show .thanks
Thanks for sharin
Elmer Bud

Thanks for those kind words elmer! I know exactly what you mean regarding observation. Two months of doing is worth two years of reading. You are either a scientist as well or at least one at heart. As it goes currently, I'm trying to find that plant that inspires me to know it more intimately. I don't have much experience with MNS strains and we all respond differently so I just running through the strains to find the characteristics that meet my medicinal needs. Thought I would chronicle this grow since we're dealing with a new mother. Been considering an Ortega x La Nina breeding project. See if I can hit the sweet spot in that cross.
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Good job so far scrog. I don't have much experience with haze hybrids either. By the looks of those last pics you have been treating them well. I just popped a la Nina about 2 weeks ago. I only sprouted one so that I could somewhat dial it in without messing up a whole pack. I thought that if it's male then I would hit my Ortega or bb with it. I'd say if breeding/crossing interests you then by all means go for it.
Would love to see more pics if you got'em
The Final Countdown: Day 63 of Bloom

Here we are right at the conclusion of week 9 of Bloom. Swelling and resin production kind of tapered off for a couple weeks after my last photo post so I didn't feel like updating the journal. The last couple of weeks though have been been pretty critical to this plant. Trichome production has picked up noticeably and the buds are getting pretty thick.

These photos were taken last night during the flush. Trichomes are about 50:50 clear-cloudy. I plan on harvesting them in 7 days unless they tell me they're ready sooner. My goal is a 10:70:20 clear,cloudy,amber ratio.

Tough to think of the information you might want on these plants so feel free to drop a question if you have any.



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The Final Countdown: Day 63 of Bloom-continued

This post started a new page so make sure to check out post 29 and 30 as well. They are part of the most recent update.

Last one for the day. Anyone know how to increase your photo limit? I've used my limit from one journal. No more photo posting for me I guess.




I hope you enjoy the pictures. I've sure enjoyed these plants. I'll post again at harvest. Until then, happy growing.
No questions here bro. Just loving the job you've done with these ladies scrog. I didn't think they'd get buds that big. I like your's buddy, so I think I'll be getting a pack of la nina's in my next order. You did em justice my friend. Thumbs up here.
No questions here bro. Just loving the job you've done with these ladies scrog. I didn't think they'd get buds that big. I like your's buddy, so I think I'll be getting a pack of la nina's in my next order. You did em justice my friend. Thumbs up here.

Thank you for the kind words Mt.Man. Let me know when you get some going. They seem a bit bigger than I expected as well. Especially the main cola and especially being grown under a 400W. Maybe be some SOG potential for this strain. Vajra might be doing that soon so keep your eyes open.
Beautifullest buds of the weekend ! :) ! :) ! :)

From : GM ,
To :La Nina --Congratulations ,your so beautyfull
Scrrog bro knows well how to take care of you .... :):):)

Wish you courage and discernment about breeding La l Nina with Ortega , great idea ,and porpusefull to ,

...Ortega x Nordle can be good idea to preserve older genes ,I reckon ...

I'm into starting my breeding peojects stairway with , Afghan haze (F) x Black Widow (M) (and along Black Widow (F) x Afghan Haze (M)), since they are parentage that SB used so much in his strains soon as I have environment ready . so I can then sit n stare without thinkink I 'll have to hurry to do other things...

Have stoned weekend ,

...Ortega x Nordle can be good idea to preserve older genes ,I reckon ...

I'm into starting my breeding peojects stairway with , Afghan haze (F) x Black Widow (M) (and along Black Widow (F) x Afghan Haze (M)), since they are parentage that SB used so much in his strains soon as I have environment ready . so I can then sit n stare without thinkink I 'll have to hurry to do other things...


Thanks GM. I liked your uniquely styled post:D. You're dead on about preservation. Save some special haze genetics from the La Nina and some classic indica genetics from the Ortega. That's the hope at least. Have to save selection for a later day when I actually have the room though.
I tell you more , perhaps I will do exactly the same crossing you planning one of these days .
great idea!!!
lets go for it and

All the luck,

Thanks for the update Scrog - been following this one. 1st pic in post #30 is spectacular!!

Have a couple La Nina seedlings that are about 2 weeks old now.. Couple more germinating..

Especially looking forward to that smoke report!

Also guys and gals.

I posted a poll in the strain base forum. I need your help deciding what to grow next. Please stop by. The poll is open for the next 7 days and whichever wins, I'll grow.
Harvest: Plant 1-Day 66

Harvested this plant at a 10:90/clear:cloudy percent.

Just a couple pics for the update.

Bad lighting as usual.


Entire plant.






Will update again as I harvest the rest.

Happy Growing,

Killer plants, Srorog :D What if that is a tiny remote, though??? :p Jus kiddin, those look like they make a sound when they fall in the woods ;) Great job with em. Nice trim job, you must hate larf too :D