I'm gonna need a bigger boat...

Awesome, thanks Ray! Can I ask what characteristics make you think that, as I've never tried super skunk before, and would love to know for the future?

You're welcome L123, she's a beaut..

The short answer is bud structure and frequency there of.
The longer and perhaps more personal opinion is that widow has larger running bracts. It's half "sativa" after all..

For reference take a peek in the Nordle and Widow sections of this forum for comparison..

Enjoy your harvest.
Hi everyone, meant to post this yesterday evening. It's day 55, everything is going super well. I finally bought a handheld microscope so a few better trich shots.

The pointed bud plant is smelling quite old school fruity at the moment. The more rounded bud plant smells very rubbery, sometimes it's burnt rubber, other times it's just warm rubber.

Likely will harvest in the next week or so, just waiting for some more amber trichs.

Thanks to everyone who's joined this journey with me, I couldn't have done such a good job without the support of many members, so thanks again!

I will update with some pics just before harvest and of course a smoke report when it's ready 🙂

Hi everyone, just a quick update. Chopped these lovely ladies a week ago today, and they are still drying. I will do a wrap up final post on this thread when it is dried properly, with a smoke report when I have some cured for a few months.

My initial impressions are very positive, the Shark Shock 1 (with the pointy shaped buds) is much more upbeat, slightly energetic but not lazy. The Shark Shock 2 (with the more domed/ flat ended buds) is a good bit more sedative, but in a really nice way. Its perfect smoke for relaxing or watching a film. But you wake up so refreshed, it has been something I have been looking for a while now.

The smells keep changing. Its definitely fruity, some days more bubblegummy, others more citrus fruity. I have massively underestimated the smell. I have the same carbon filter as my first run, and this is my third now. I need to change it as it is nearly a year old now, but it has managed to keep up with the smell of it growing/ drying. I've left a bit ground up in a grinder and it has stunk out the living room. Left the tent open by mistake last night and the whole house stinks!

Looking forward to doing a proper review in a few weeks.

Well thank you to all for joining me on this journey. I have quite a few MNS strains at this point, and Mu had recommended Shark Shock as my first MNS grow- thank you @musashi it was an excellent recommendation.

Due to several reasons, I can only really grow 2 plants at a time. In the future I will definitely do another run of it, as it has been one of my favourites so far, but I would like to do a bigger selection. Judging from these two plants, there will be something very special to find. Despite toking on it for about 5 weeks straight now, it hasn't really build a huge amount of tolerance in terms of effect. Other strains I have grown I found that I needed 4 or 5 joints after 2 weeks to get to the level of high that 2 gave before. 3 joints of SS and you won't know where you are.

I had two phenos, from what I can tell, the pointy one is leaning more towards the window family, and the rounded one is leaning towards the super skunk side of things. Harvested on day 61 of flip, in the future I think I would let it go slightly longer.

Shark Shock review:

Smell: 4/5

Shark shock absolutely stinks. I wouldn't want to take it out with me unless it was in a smell proof container. Whilst it was growing, a carbon filter will 100% manage the smell, but if you leave a jar open or nug out, expect it to stink up a room. There's been a few times I couldn't work out where the smell was coming from to find a popcorn sized nug had fallen under the table. The smells have changed over time and from when they were growing.

Pointy one is very bubblegummy smelling, similar to that alcoholy artificial bubble gum smell. The rounded one is a touch more burnt rubber/ herby smell. I have been trying to put my finger on what the herby smell is like, and realised as I brushed against a sage plant outside, it is very sage like. Both have a slight corriander/ spicy smell.

It definitely gets better with age. My favourite strain I've grown so far has been Trainwreck from GHS, and I thought that it was better than the Shark at the start. Tried both yesterday for comparison and the Trainwreck is a shadow in comparison to the potency of the Shark, it is beautiful flower.

Effect: 4.5/5

The effect I value most is that upbeat, smiley euphoria. I met up with some friends a week ago, and brought some of it with me. It was a perfect social smoke, we were laughing, joking, telling each other stories and coming up with some amazing ideas. It is very creative in an "out of the box" thinking way. If you have a problem to solve, I would highly recommend trying some of it out and seeing if it helps. I've stopped smoking joints, and have moved to the volcano completely now, but I remember joking to a friend: "one joint, and you're like right, lets go clean the house. 3 joints in, and you might wake up naked in the local forest wondering what the hell happened".

The pointy one is a lot more energetic, and the rounded one is a lot more stoney. It will give you one of the best nights sleep you've ever had.

Effects in a few words- upbeat, happy, euphoric, energetic, rocket fuel if you smoke too much.

Yield: 5/5

So I only grow for myself, and just aim to have enough to get me between crops. I actually didn't get a final weight as I was dipping into the plants as they were drying. For the rounded one, I did get a rough estimate as around 135g dried weight. The pointy one yielded slightly more. Approximately 270g from the two plants under a 250W Migro Led.

Some final pics of the buds:

F@cking hell mate.....those plants of yours look amazing. Great job, are you still growing Shark Shock? Or moved on to a new strain?
We are truly spoilt for choice with the strains from Mr Nice ✌️
Hey dude, apologies for not responding - didn't get a notification for some reason (I'll blame it on the shark!)

I'm now on a tester run for the zunami x med man https://mrnice.nl/forum/threads/medicine-man-x-zunami-test.18619/

And exactly that man, I've been so taken with Shantis genetics that I am very unlikely to try anyone else's any time soon. We definitely are spoilt.

I've been debating on going on a haze journey after this one as I feel im ready as a grower. But there is something so special about the shark, it's just delightful on all fronts. If I find what I'm looking for in a haze run, I am tempted to do a bit of searching in the shark, the only downside is plant numbers, I only ever do two at a time.

Can't wait for this med man x zun run too, plants are just as delightful looking!
Hey dude, apologies for not responding - didn't get a notification for some reason (I'll blame it on the shark!)

I'm now on a tester run for the zunami x med man https://mrnice.nl/forum/threads/medicine-man-x-zunami-test.18619/

And exactly that man, I've been so taken with Shantis genetics that I am very unlikely to try anyone else's any time soon. We definitely are spoilt.

I've been debating on going on a haze journey after this one as I feel im ready as a grower. But there is something so special about the shark, it's just delightful on all fronts. If I find what I'm looking for in a haze run, I am tempted to do a bit of searching in the shark, the only downside is plant numbers, I only ever do two at a time.

Can't wait for this med man x zun run too, plants are just as delightful looking!
Well looking at these Sharks, I'd definitely say you don't have any problems for growing Haze 👍
At least you can grow 2 huge plants to get a big yield mate ✌️