HI big boss. Im looking for some fact


New member
Sorry to bother you about that. I'm now making a big article (blog) about legends in the game. For sure you are mentionned and I will write a big article on you as for me you are my idol. Im now trying to get some fact about histoiry of some legendary genetics. What im going to ask isnt directly linked with your work or mrniceseed bank work. But im got a message from an pionner in america that get my intention. He told me that Dj short didnt creat the Blueberry and he did nothing everything its from Heime Cheeba. After got his message (from someone who say representing mrniceseed bank in usa) I was wondering about Cheeba and wanted to know more about what he has done and if it was possible that short didnt creat the blueberry... I wanted to know the real story behind it and then make my own idea. In my opinion getting f1 seed from a preservator and then work 5 to 10 year to stabilize it isnt a stole and if seed got ordered in the seeds bank and than juste selected and give it another name its pure stole.... I couldnt get so much information about Cheeba and hope you can help me to get some serious and sincere infos. Im now want to do a nice an sincere article in respect of cheeba. I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much and best regards Cheers master <3
... everything its from Heime Cheeba. After got his message (from someone who say representing mrniceseed bank in usa) I was wondering about Cheeba and wanted to know more about what he has done ...

Heime Cheeba of Alaskan Cannabis Cache || The Pot Cast - Episode 68 (07/06/22)
yes thank you very much i was going to listen it. I have 2 or 3 podcast with him

A very interesting Pot Cast episode, to say the least. Cheeba's comments about his "Road Kill" strain are very interesting. There is an online seed vendor, who I regard as highly credible, currently selling the F2 version of Cheeba's "Road Kill". I'm curious about what happened to his collection of legacy old school genetics? Did he have a partner that inherited it all?
Cheeba's comments about his "Road Kill" strain are very interesting.

At the 1:01:11 point, he says he was testing a Blueberry cross with his RKS male, sent to him by someone of his inner circle of growers. Wonder how that turned out?

At the 1:01:33 point, he talks about the effect of his RKS males on outcrosses with Skunk #1 and Super Skunk. He says they (i.e. the RKS males) greatly enhanced their Skunk terps.

The real heavy RKS skunk terps, he says, are passed on by the males, not the females. That's why breeding with only feminized plants is a really bad idea.

I realize these observations are off-topic from your question, about the Original Blueberry's true breeder, but since this is a Forum that has great interest in the breeding value of males, I thought it wouldn't be too bad if I added those, to this thread, since they were made in that PotCast.

At the 1:09:04 point, he talks about how the diesel fuel terps accentuate and kick up his RKS terp profile. He says that combining the diesel terp profile with his RKS will create a Skunk terp profile that is far superior to his pure F-13 RKS. He says he crossed his RKS to Soma's NYC Diesel, and it kicked up the RKS skunk terp profile by a notch, at least; making it even "skunkier" than his F-13 RKS.

At the 1:42:00 point, he discusses the genetics of Nevil's Haze, and his relationship with Nevil. He also claims to have the unreleased NL #9, received direct from Nevil himself, strictly for preservation. He has never released it in any form, and claims he would never do so without the express permission of Nevil's family.

It Keeps You Runnin'
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A very interesting Pot Cast episode, to say the least. Cheeba's comments about his "Road Kill" strain are very interesting. There is an online seed vendor, who I regard as highly credible, currently selling the F2 version of Cheeba's "Road Kill". I'm curious about what happened to his collection of legacy old school genetics? Did he have a partner that inherited it all?
I dont know the man who contacted me and "Attack" me because im saying that dj short created the blueberry or im more thinking about the "kind" there is maybe many different version of blueberry but not the "kind" adn this one is very unique. In my idea its very different to get f1 seed from someone and then stabilized it (it can take so many years to end with something very good and stable) and someone who did order seeds or get seeds from a contact and then doing nothing than juste select a nice mother and revendic as your own breed.
At the 1:01:11 point, he says he was testing a Blueberry cross with his RKS male, sent to him by someone of his inner circle of growers. Wonder how that turned out?

At the 1:01:33 point, he talks about the effect of his RKS males on outcrosses with Skunk #1 and Super Skunk. He says they (i.e. the RKS males) greatly enhanced their Skunk terps.

The real heavy RKS skunk terps, he says, are passed on by the males, not the females. That's why breeding with only feminized plants is a really bad idea.

I realize these observations are off-topic from your question, about the Original Blueberry's true breeder, but since this is a Forum that has great interest in the breeding value of males, I thought it wouldn't be too bad if I added those, to this thread, since they were made in that PotCast.

At the 1:09:04 point, he talks about how the diesel fuel terps accentuate and kick up his RKS terp profile. He says that combining the diesel terp profile with his RKS will create a Skunk terp profile that is far superior to his pure F-13 RKS. He says he crossed his RKS to Soma's NYC Diesel, and it kicked up the RKS skunk terp profile by a notch, at least; making it even "skunkier" than his F-13 RKS.

At the 1:42:00 point, he discusses the genetics of Nevil's Haze, and his relationship with Nevil. He also claims to have the unreleased NL #9, received direct from Nevil himself, strictly for preservation. He has never released it in any form, and claims he would never do so without the express permission of Nevil's family.

It Keeps You Runnin'
Yes its exactly what i did understand thank you to confirm and write those lines. After haering that I was more thinking that Cheeba did creat the Skunk but not the blueberry ahahah
Im intersting now to bring real genetics stories to the world. Im going to work hard and try to get some official stories from creators or people who really know the behind of the scene. I want to add in my blog a study of each genetics that i can track and see where it exactly come from or juste some funny and intersting story about how they did creat it. There is so much to speak specialy in legendaries genetics that people traded or juste give to everybody in hope to get a name and then cry to the industry that they breeded it ahah
I dont know the man who contacted me and "Attack" me because im saying that dj short created the blueberry or im more thinking about the "kind" there is maybe many different version of blueberry but not the "kind" adn this one is very unique.

I'm certainly no expert on the true origin of the Blueberry genetics, so I too would like to read what Shantibaba says about it; because, like yourself, I always thought DJ Short was the breeder; but maybe I missed some important details along the way.

It does seem odd to me that in a 2 hr PotCast Interview, that question never came up; and never once did Cheeba claim he was the breeder of the Original Blueberry. In fact, all through the interview, Cheeba claimed he was not a Breeder but a Preservationist; for the most part

He did make hybrid crosses, clearly, based on what he claimed in that PotCast. But his primary work was preserving legacy genetics by other old breeders. That sounds to me like he might have been "preserving" the Original Blueberry for DJ, at some point; and might even still have it in his genetics library.

In my idea its very different to get f1 seed from someone and then stabilized it (it can take so many years to end with something very good and stable) and someone who did order seeds or get seeds from a contact and then doing nothing than juste select a nice mother and revendic as your own breed.

Yes, I agree.
I'm certainly no expert on the true origin of the Blueberry genetics, so I too would like to read what Shantibaba says about it; because, like yourself, I always thought DJ Short was the breeder; but maybe I missed some important details along the way.

It does seem odd to me that in a 2 hr PotCast Interview, that question never came up; and never once did Cheeba claim he was the breeder of the Original Blueberry. In fact, all through the interview, Cheeba claimed he was not a Breeder but a Preservationist; for the most part

He did make hybrid crosses, clearly, based on what he claimed in that PotCast. But his primary work was preserving legacy genetics by other old breeders. That sounds to me like he might have been "preserving" the Original Blueberry for DJ, at some point; and might even still have it in his genetics library.

Yes, I agree.
That's what I came out with. Cheeba was a real master and a master always want students get higher than himself. He is a preservator more than everything and In my idea he claim some strains but not the Blueberry becaus he didnt stabilized it but juste breeded the first batch and then let others do the work. Its my own idea but yeah for me he says he is more a preservationiste than a breeder and that why is concidered as a master. We dont own nothing down here but we devloppe from god gift. In my idea preservators are much more important in the game than breed / blender. Hunting real landrace isnt the same game and only passion can do it.

Im pretty sure from sure source that dj short and shanti breeded the "flo" in switzerland. I really wish to have an answer from shanti to have his own idea of it.

I guess behind all of that the cannabis game is little bit like one piece... Many pirate want and wanted to be the king but now one can really say that he done it alone and after when work pay everybody want a part of the cake ahahha
That's what I came out with. Cheeba was a real master and a master always want students get higher than himself. He is a preservator more than everything and In my idea he claim some strains but not the Blueberry becaus he didnt stabilized it but juste breeded the first batch and then let others do the work. Its my own idea but yeah for me he says he is more a preservationiste than a breeder and that why is concidered as a master. We dont own nothing down here but we devloppe from god gift. In my idea preservators are much more important in the game than breed / blender. Hunting real landrace isnt the same game and only passion can do it.

Im pretty sure from sure source that dj short and shanti breeded the "flo" in switzerland. I really wish to have an answer from shanti to have his own idea of it.

I guess behind all of that the cannabis game is little bit like one piece... Many pirate want and wanted to be the king but now one can really say that he done it alone and after when work pay everybody want a part of the cake ahahha
Interesting info Mate thanks 🙏 Im very interested read your Article (blog) Im also writing some articles for a cannabis Mag now and them .

The Kings chairs is long time empty many attempted to claim it as theirs but they have failed.

But New Era has come to take over the race has began.

Interesting info Mate thanks 🙏 Im very interested read your Article (blog) Im also writing some articles for a cannabis Mag now and them .

The Kings chairs is long time empty many attempted to claim it as theirs but they have failed.

But New Era has come to take over the race has began.

woaaw thank you very much for your answer, Im now translating everything in english because Im french speaker myself and we cant find the real informations in french language and i want bring my idea of the true to the french speaker.
But im now translating everything in english and then i will realase it on my website. I did a huge work about the major players in cannabis market I would be very happy to be corrected if I made some mistake and give some wrong infos... Im now going to investigate on genetics and bring my small knowledge to the people and will try to bring some official sotries from the creators too. Lets see with what I will end up with.

Thank you so much and yeah the new era is now and we cant let the true go away that easy. We need to fight for the true and not let opportuniste take the whole cake for them ahaha

Let's show to the pionners how we love that industry.
At the 1:01:11 point, he says he was testing a Blueberry cross with his RKS male, sent to him by someone of his inner circle of growers. Wonder how that turned out?

At the 1:01:33 point, he talks about the effect of his RKS males on outcrosses with Skunk #1 and Super Skunk. He says they (i.e. the RKS males) greatly enhanced their Skunk terps.

The real heavy RKS skunk terps, he says, are passed on by the males, not the females. That's why breeding with only feminized plants is a really bad idea.

I realize these observations are off-topic from your question, about the Original Blueberry's true breeder, but since this is a Forum that has great interest in the breeding value of males, I thought it wouldn't be too bad if I added those, to this thread, since they were made in that PotCast.

At the 1:09:04 point, he talks about how the diesel fuel terps accentuate and kick up his RKS terp profile. He says that combining the diesel terp profile with his RKS will create a Skunk terp profile that is far superior to his pure F-13 RKS. He says he crossed his RKS to Soma's NYC Diesel, and it kicked up the RKS skunk terp profile by a notch, at least; making it even "skunkier" than his F-13 RKS.

At the 1:42:00 point, he discusses the genetics of Nevil's Haze, and his relationship with Nevil. He also claims to have the unreleased NL #9, received direct from Nevil himself, strictly for preservation. He has never released it in any form, and claims he would never do so without the express permission of Nevil's family.

It Keeps You Runnin'
People asking him to creat a blueberry linage due to some comlombian and mexican would bleed red and this purple afghani bleed purple.. and ge said that he is working on it...Red + puple = blue? He talk about a Blueberry festival and a linage that had blue beautifull lavender blood when cutting it.... Im now thinking that Blueberry its an original name for a cannabis strain. They may had 2 differents strains with the same name (short was targeting the blueberry fruit, and cheeba more about the blue blood linage) inspired by the name of the festival or maybe the festival got that name from the blueberry he got 30-40 years ago as he said (for market reason or to give a shot to that festival) this is an idea that come in my mind when i hear that.

1;15:00 Purple afghani... we have blueberry 30-40 years ago ... we have a blueberry festival here... Some colombian and mexican would bleed red will this purple afghani bleed purple....
People asking him to creat a blueberry linage due to some comlombian and mexican would bleed red and this purple afghani bleed purple.. and ge said that he is working on it...Red + puple = blue?

Hi bons89, those are some excellent observations that you make. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. Not sure how I missed, or overlooked that part of the interview; but after listening to it again, I have to agree with you that there was more than one Blueberry strain.

Based on this interview, Cheeba claims he created 2 versions of the Blueberry; the first one in 1982, and the re-created version of it, during his work with polyhybrids, for the Alaskan Blueberry Festival.

He talk about a Blueberry festival and a linage that had blue beautifull lavender blood when cutting it....

Yes, you are correct, but I also got the impression he was referring to the flower color as well, though I could be wrong about that. Based on what he said, it sounds like the new version was a cross between Sunset Sherbet and his Purple Afghani.

I'm unfamiliar with Sunset Sherbet, so I have no idea about its flower color. He says the Sunset Sherbet had a blue "tint" to its color, which was enhanced by crossing it with the Purple Afghani, but he doesn't get too detailed about it. If the Sunset Sherbet has a blue tint to its flower, then I suspect Cheeba's Purple Afghani enhanced that.

Im now thinking that Blueberry its an original name for a cannabis strain. They may had 2 differents strains with the same name (short was targeting the blueberry fruit, and cheeba more about the blue blood linage)

I don't recall Cheeba saying what he named this new polyhybrid creation, but I can't imagine him naming it just "Blueberry", as it seems unethical, or at least disrespectful to DJ Short, for him to do that; and we know Cheeba was very respectful of other people's hard work.

You are correct to observe, though, that Cheeba seems focused entirely on the blueberry color and not the terpene & taste profile(s). He never once said it smelled or tasted like blueberry.

inspired by the name of the festival or maybe the festival got that name from the blueberry he got 30-40 years ago as he said (for market reason or to give a shot to that festival) this is an idea that come in my mind when i hear that.

That would be a real "long shot", in my opinion. I really don't think the Festival was named after Cheeba's 1982 Blueberry strain. Alaska is well known for its blueberries. I'm pretty certain the Festival was named after the real berry grown in Alaska.

1;15:00 Purple afghani... we have blueberry 30-40 years ago ... we have a blueberry festival here... Some colombian and mexican would bleed red will this purple afghani bleed purple....

At 1:14:34, Cheeba says the Purple Afghani was one of the first strains he sourced in Afghanistan, himself. He doesn't state the exact year, but it certainly sounds like it was in the 1970s.

At 1:15:15, Cheeba says: "I bred a blueberry years and years ago, here," in Alaska, "40 years ago."

At 1:15:19, he says "40 years ago" exactly. That dates it to 1982, which is certainly earlier than DJ Short's 'Blueberry'.

Some questions that come to my mind are:

1. What happened to Cheeba's 1982 Blueberry strain, though, isn't made clear but it sounds like he lost it, somehow, because at 1:15:20, he talks about re-creating a new "Blueberry" strain for the Alaskan Blueberry Festival. That seems to imply he no longer had the "original" 1982 Blueberry.

2. Did he share the 1982 Blueberry seeds with anyone, back in the early '80s?

3. Did any of those seeds ever find their way over to Amsterdam, in the '80s?

It's interesting that DJ Short's name never came up in this conversation, in relation to Blueberry genetics. It would be great if The PotCast could get DJ Short on the Show soon, to ask him if had any contact with Cheeba, or somehow acquire the Purple Afghani from him, for breeding stock.
Yes thank you very much to clarify it for me.

Yes Cheeba said that he has it many years before it if i understood good and you confirm it to me. In that case I feel like the first bluberry can from Cheeba and yes I guess he lost it and couldnt get it back in that case i can understand the man who contacted me has a very good friend from cheeba and swear that short is a stoler and even his name stolen from cheeba from David Jhon he said (few years ago somebody told me that dj short was a stolen name already ) In that case this is may the reason why Cheeba never mention short during interview and try to keep quiet about the blueberry to make sure he doesnt give credit to it... This is only speculation ahahah

That man that i believe that he know some true about the origine told he was working with Cheeba and 3rd party (I dont know nothing about 3rd party... maybe its juste an experession...

" From (Dutch passion) :https://dutch-passion.com/en/blog/top-5-cross-cannabis-strains-of-the-1970s-blueberry-n1101
1)DJ Short bred Blueberry, he contracted the strain to both Dutch Passion and Sagarmatha seeds (maybe the work from cheeba....oth companies took his cutting, and put it through their own breeding program to make it commercially viable, however they left DJ out of the breeding process. I am hoping that working with DJ's original IBL of Blueberry, currently on the F5 generation, and crossing it with the best version of "3rd party" Blueberry, I will be able to create the ultimate Blueberry hybrid. (I believe that short made 100k on this deal has he said on the oregon cannabis podcast when he blam dutch passion to rip him off.)

2) Dutch Passion were the first to bring original Blueberry cannabis seeds to Europe after meeting the creator DJ Short in the USA. The genetics were eagerly received and soon gathered a cult following who loved the deliciously sweet Blueberry flavours and the soul-soothing effects. Many still claim that Blueberry has the most relaxing high of them all. Soon after she arrived in Europe the Blueberry legend was born and with it came some world class Blueberry crosses. Here are the top-5 Blueberry crosses as well as the main reasons for their popularity!
Blueberry: a connoisseur delight since the seventies

In the early days of the cannabis community, back in the 70’s, there were limited genetic options available to growers. Cannabis was arriving in Amsterdam from various countries and was often seeded allowing early collectors of cannabis genetics, including Dutch Passion, to gather a wide selection of genetics from around the world.
High quality new cannabis genetics were particularly valuable, and at the time few offered better bag appeal than original Blueberry with blue/purple hues in the buds, a delicious taste/smell and a banging high that was not easily forgotten.
DJ (David John) Short was an early contact of Dutch Passion and provided the first Blueberry seeds for European evaluation. These were grown in The Netherlands and the early Dutch Passion crew loved the fruity taste and powerful high.
The effects were satisfyingly enjoyable with a long lasting high. Dutch Passion knew these genetics were genuinely special and set about improving and crossing them. Today, decades later, the Blueberry legend lives on with some Grade-A Blueberry hybrids for you to enjoy. "
Has they wrote (David John) i dont know who is him and "back in the 70’s" mean they are talking about the one from the old generation but is dj short really name Daniel John.. In that case it maybe a mistake to blame him for that ahahahaha

From Dj website: https://www.djgenetics.com/about-dj-short/

A Detroit native, but currently operating out of Oregon, Daniel John “D.J.” Short has been practicing his magical marijuana alchemy since 1978, when he started experimenting with cloning techniques under a fluorescent desk lamp at the foot of his bed.. Since then he has crafted many popular cannabis strains, the most iconic being Blueberry, which actually smells like fresh blueberries.
If i understand good he started the expermienting at 1978...

He was constantly comparing his own product to the A-grade stuff in his stash, and by 1981, he thought he’d created something special — a series of Sativa-Indica crosses that smelled of honey and berries. One was his soon-to-be-famous Blueberry, which produced “a seriously narcotic and euphoric body high.” After Blueberry came Flo, a psychedelic, motivational herb. DJ circulated some clones, and the plants spread quickly, taking root in Oregon, California, Europe, and beyond.
1981????? in 3 years he could creat if from 0 with landrace..??LOL In 80's.... i dont belive it was more like 5-10 years of work if you start from 0 with landrace and not with 16 seeds but more with 1000 seeds and im not sure short from farmers family with a lot of space like Cheeba or some others who could throw like 15'000 seeds ahahahah... MMMMMMHHHH i start to understand something....

he first instructional books on how to grow the plant came along in ’76 or ’77. Short bought some fluorescent shop lights and began experimenting. He grew indoors to avoid getting caught. His plants were all Sativa at first. Sativa takes 16 weeks to grow and is notoriously difficult to maintain; Short’s grow rooms teemed with hundreds of pain-in-the-ass plants. A solution seemed to come along in the late ’70s, when American indoor growers started circulating Indicas, a breed of plant imported from Afghanistan....
I think i got my answer ahahahaha he only start at the 76 or 77 if i understand good and with non selected seed that he probably get in low quality weed that he used to smoke before..... as they said (Most of the weed available back then was ditch weed, low-quality product of Mexican origin) My idea is that at first he tried to hunt that with he small grow indoor (hard to hunt landrace we know it all) and then he find a shortcut... take something already hunted.....
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Keep in mind that the only strain available to him was a really low quality Mexican bud

Hunting seed bag from low quality mexican and have 3 years after finish selected those seeds to end up with the blueberry official that he sold 100k to dutch passion in 81.... Sound totaly impossible ahahahahaha people taking risk to loose life to go grab the best seeds in the regions where they grow and him pretent to get something legendary easy like that... I start to change my idea and understand that the man who contacted me was correct and short a stoler... Lets keeping doing the investigation... we are going to get it done and I hope in live from the POTCAST directly
Keep in mind that the only strain available to him was a really low quality Mexican bud

To be honest, that article on GrowBarato comes across, to me, as a little inaccurate, if not misleading, by claiming that Blueberry first originated in Canada 50 years ago. That was a red flag to me, to beware of everything else it says.

As for what genetics Short had access to, in the 1970s, in Canada, all I can say is that I'm also Canadian, and lived about 15 minutes outside of Toronto, Ontario. I was buying Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold and Thai Stick in 1977, where I lived; so, if I had access to those back then, I suspect Short did as well, and possibly more, depending on what he could afford. It wasn't hard to find, if you had the cash; and had friends with older brothers / sisters.

The one thing I never had access to in the '70s was Afghani. Just sativa(s); as far as flower is concerned. As far as what I was paying back then, it was usually $250.00 for a pound of Mexican Brick, negotiable, or $240 for a quarter pound of Acapulco or Columbian, in my area. Better pricing was available if you "moved" a lot of it.
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To be honest, that article on GrowBarato comes across, to me, as a little inaccurate, if not misleading, by claiming that Blueberry first originated in Canada 50 years ago. That was a red flag to me, to beware of everything else it says.

As for what genetics Short had access to, in the 1970s, in Canada, all I can say is that I'm also Canadian, and lived about 15 minutes outside of Toronto, Ontario. I was buying Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold and Thai Stick in 1977, where I lived; so, if I had access to those back then, I suspect Short did as well, and possibly more, depending on what he could afford. It wasn't hard to find, if you had the cash; and had friends with older brothers / sisters.

The one thing I never had access to in the '70s was Afghani. Just sativa(s); as far as flower is concerned. As far as what I was paying back then, it was usually $250.00 for a pound of Mexican Brick, negotiable, or $240 for a quarter pound of Acapulco or Columbian, in my area. Better pricing was available if you "moved" a lot of it.
haaa yes sure I guess he could get probably seeds of afghani easier in Oregon when he moved. You could get sativa easy from worldwide Nevil shippement, what nevil needed it was the good indica that Cheeba was wokring on and then he got it from Watson