Got some going

Right on Ronin!

I just got my sexing finalized on Saturday.
Had to kill 4 of my 9 La Niñas, 3 of the most Sativa looking were males.
I was somewhat disapointed about that but I still have one pretty Sativa dom lady. Most of my ladies are showing their Indica influence...
Should be fun to sample huh?

I'd love to see some pics as they flower!

The camera I have has the big old cards and none of the computers I have now reads those big ol things. I need to try and find the special sized USB cable for it. I'd like to show some of the keepers and some of the non-keepers I have found in packs of MNS. Money been tight!.

I would love to get up a pic of a Mango Haze and Critical Mass that both have a week to ten days max left in them. They look killer next to each other - two radically different looking plants even in the shades of green the leaves are.

I have a few SD cards, more than enough storage, I will start taking pics tonight so I can show you how they progressed when I can finally pose them. I grow in soil too, it will be nice to compare.
I have these in, I am guessing, 1 liter pots to keep em small but I am gonna re-pot them tonight or tomorrow before they grow unhappy.

I will try to get a pic up of the male I have. It has much thinner leaves than these two. The thing is, these have thicker leaves than any of the other ones I grew. The one has fatter leaves than my Critical Mass I have going, if they weren't started at different times and in different types of containers I would think there was a mix up. I can't wait to see what this fatty brings to the table. It has gotten pushed to the front of the line. Actually, it is going in tonight under prime real estate. I will move one of the clones to one of the lesser spots.

I am excited!! I love this plant! I love the hybrids and poly-hybrids from MNS - you aren't sure what you are going to get but you know there is an excellent chance it is going to kick ass. Sure, the true breeding strains kick ass and are crucial for commercial people or people who have no time for trial and error but I love the hunt ...

The first is the fatty and the other is the chubby chick -


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Took cuttings and popped both of these ladies into the 12/12 room tonight.

My 2 fastest of 2 packs were the two thinnest leaf plants I had. I expected both of those to be ultra Hazey and go for 140 days when they came in around 60 of flowering.

I am super anxious to see what becomes of these two, and one (we'll call LN2 from here) has me as curious as anything else in the garden. While both have way fatter leaves than most of the other 30 LN's I grew out, LN2 is way different. While having the fattest leaves out of them all it also has considerably shorter leaves and is the most compact. It has the makings for a very practical indoor plant. I don't wanna jinx myself but, I have a really good feeling about this one. I haven't had a Widow Indica-dominate female yet , maybe this is the one?

Wish me luck !
I should add -

Both of these fat leaf'ers have a very sweet and fruity smell to them. They don't stink of what is common with growing marijuana. I really wish there was a way to transfer smells over the net like images. It is crazy how sweet these things are, like candy sweet. Pretty cool.
These things are responding real well to the re-pot and the stronger lights of the flower room. I am psyched.

This strain makes my skin burn and gives me welts where contact is made with the living plant material!! It is usually worth it though ....
Is this the only strain that does that to your skin? I've heard of that before but no one seemed to link it to any stain. Sorry that you have that experience.

I am reading your updates, thanks.

Not the only strain that makes my skin burn but it sticks out as it is more intense and seems more often. Maybe it is the Widow? Who knows, will have to grow more Widow and Widow hybrids to see, maybe it is the Haze C?

Man, you have to go through some super shitty stringy yielders with this strain but when you find the one it makes it soooo worth it.

I misjudged and put the bigger fatter leaf one in a 5 gallon and the other in a 3 liter pot. The one in the 5 is about done with terrible looking buds while the other has got a ton of big flowers kicking. You can look at it and see it is going to fuck you up. In the little pot it is gonna yield more than 3 or 4 other LN's put together.

It blows away any I have come across in 2 packs as far as yield and manageability but the ultimate test comes after a chop and cure. I will try to remember to get some batteries for the camera tonight so you can see the gals.

The calyx on a stick plant is what the best smoking LN's I have grown looked liked so that is good but it is too ugly to do much with. I bet I get a half to a z on this thing while I have been getting 2 - 4 off everything else. Big fucking ugly bitch. I got sick of tying her down after I saw the airballs start to red up and it has been off to the side finishing up. Gonna kill all the clones of it tonight - I don't care how good it is if it is 4 times the size of the other plants and yielding less than half. I just don't have the space or watts. I might feed them to a cow!! Fuck with me again, bitch....

Wait till ya'll see the one though!! I talk dirty to this thing. It is my filthy little whore at this point. If I can get a close high with this yield she is gonna be a top contender with my Mango Haze and CM for yield vs time/size.

I will try to get a pick of the MH too - this thing's clones has tops fatter than baseball bats and almost as long.

This isn't the strain I would suggest to a beginner or cash cropper but if you have things workin out and have the time/space to look for some great head smoke, this is a good place to start.

Gosh darn, I love Shantibaba!! You fucking rock, my brother!
Probably won't get any pics up tonight - just got a pick-up gig and have a couple plants to trim. Thank the Lord that the MH has hardly and leaves to snip off!!

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.
Hey man, we understand how life is but PLZ post some pics! (when you can)

Mine are @ 67 days, all 5 have some cloudy trichs, a couple have a bit of amber thrown in. I'm thinking that they will come down in the next 10 days or so.

Thanks for the info/update!

Don't have any pics but I am pretty sure this La Nina I chose has the best high this side of the river. Tastes like lemons too! Well, lemony cat urine...

This shit just fucks you up. The shadows from the ceiling fan are about an inch from being overwhelming. It is kinda like a speedball - you're up but stoned. I am guessing this is a more Widow dominant plant due to its weight compared to the others.

I am gonna try and take some of the clones, or parts, at various stages to see where this plant can take you.

This short message took me about 35 minutes.

Shit fucks you up. It is so unique compared to everything else in my garden.

I hope ya'll get to work with this amazing hybrid one day. It is truly something special.
Thanks for the response man,

I've been blown away by the quality as well!

Best smoke I've ever grown!


P.S. I finished my comparison thread if you want to check.
I tell ya, the keeper pheno (which I will refer to lovingly as "36" from now on), is amazing. I need to hit up the other growers to see if they have any exceptional pollen stored up. Now it is cured it is so smooth.

The high lasts forever, 4 hours later and you are still riding strong. You are so high but you can still have intelligent conversation. This is opposite side of the spectrum for head highs as opposed to the Nev's Skunk. The NS is really in the head but the head is so mushy that intelligent conversation isn't gonna happen an if it did, you wouldn't get what the people were talking about anyway.

You can't hide that you're high off of the LN after 2 or more hits but you can function right well. It has the "outta the corner of your eye" type of visuals (like shadows playing tricks) and you can easily get locked into tasks but you can do thought intensive tasks just fine.

It is beautiful grass in all aspects, especially aesthetically , though high, ease of growth, yield, time, size, etc all get top marks. I will try to get some pictures of the first round of clones, I will go as far as saying this is the most valuable of all the clone mothers I have. Mind you, this is the only one I found in 2 packs that I felt was worth the space in my 1 600w HPS with supplementals surrounding it grow room. Every LN I grew had topnotch smoke though all but this one had really airy buds and many were very stretchy making the amount of herb to the space used ratio were not practical in my little area. I wish they had better medical laws here so y'all could come visit and pick up a clone.

The first clones are a few weeks into 12/12, so a little over 2 weeks of flowering, and they look so strong and beautiful. I have to be somewhere but I may be able to go a little later, the lights come on in an hour- I can show up late and take a few pics of these girls for ya. The mother really is something special.
Ronin - I'd LOVE to see some pics of that pheno!

I am contemplating growing out another pack in a year or so, that's when I'll have time/space. I didn't find one quite like you describe...but NO complaints here on the girls I got.

I don't know which one(s) to keep out of my 5 as no single plant is that far superior. I think I'm going to run them all again and then make the cut.

They don't have killer yield but when you grow for yourself and you don't need to smoke anywhere near as much, it's not a problem.

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm. La Niña is an unsung hero.

I was doing some chores this morning and found a jar with about ten grams of the seed-plant of my keeper LN!! It has been curing about 12 weeks, give or take a few. It is even better cured though my one grower friend digs the fresh since it tastes so lemony.

So, speaking of tastes, the cured version tastes and smells like pepper with some subtle skunkiness. I know there is supposed to be no Skunk in the genetics but something is giving it that smell in all stages.

I asked my girl to grab her camera from her mother's house tomorrow so I can take some pics. She told me her camera is new and kicks ass but I just hope I can get a decent close-up without bursting a vein in my brain.

The color of the cured version is a color I have only seen with a few Haze hybrids, Nev's Skunk being one.

I have a clone ready to chop tonight but will most likely do it in the afternoon. I would like to put some comparison shots up for ya.

Smoke report, kinda - No matter what stage of the cure, this is the ultimate herb for music performing. Every time we hit the LN we have the best sets. If we are having a shitty first couple of sets and smoke it after the 2nd set the third set will be amazing. If people are arguing they are hugging and giggling about how kick ass the last set was. It is fantastic though with the cure it is even better.

Pepper! Pepper, I tell ya!!!!
This is my favorite strain.


Cash-croppers need not apply.

Head herbs!

the old lady said it smells like armpits when in bloom. it sticks to your skin until you wash with alcohol after just brushing past when watering.

(she thinks the CM smells like puppy breath so I don't know if you should trust her)

If there is a God, Shanti is doing his work.

love, my brothers and sisters.
Ronin, I pulled my 'most la nina leaning' LN x Shit last week, and it was like LN with a lil 'chunk' to the buds. Same musky/pissy/citrusy/incensey smells + a lil funk. The high was very strong, but not as nice as the momma (now lost ln f1 cut).

Yo glad to hear that she pushes your buttons, Ronin! :D
I am hitting her and my HUGE yet super potent CM with any Shit, MK/Sk, and Afghan Skunk males I get. I want to start having seed plants in every run now. I like new things!

My keeper LN is the stinkiest thing I got. I have one that is sitting in dark waiting to be chopped and I wish I could explain the smells that are coming from her. I just went to smell it to give you a description but I can't do it. It is crazy - so many smells hitting at once.

I am guessing, crossed with a skunky Skunk, the offspring would be crazy stinky.

Is your Shit dad Afghan, sweet Skunk, or skunky Skunk?

Psyched to be makin some seeds!