germany legalized cannabis ?

Just thinking about this. I wonder if they'll start stocking grow kit in the middle aisle?

We'll see soon brother, a hardwarestore already had some rubbish grow sets 1+ yrs ago - many will try to sell you stuff but not many who actually know what they do. Like in most businesses those who dont know what they do can only sell to those who dont know what to buy...
Step by step ...

Forward ever backward never

Historical day for our country!

For reference:
It’s been a while since the parliament had its plans, but today they decided and give it a go. So it seems like 1.4. is the day of legalisation here!

I heard something about Mr. Nice Cuts in the states, would be great to see that around here too! :D
Historical day for our country!

For reference:
It’s been a while since the parliament had its plans, but today they decided and give it a go. So it seems like 1.4. is the day of legalisation here!

I heard something about Mr. Nice Cuts in the states, would be great to see that around here too! :D
Seemed a year ago it was starting 1.1.24 and now we're delayed 4 months and already stripped down to 3 plants and who knows what else will fall victim...and if this time the date will be kept. They keep coming up with random excuses. Suprise? Not for me...

It looks like everything is not as sure as it seemed... The Bundesrat now has to decide again if the Cannabisgesetz (CanG, Cannabislaw) will pass...
It may delay the whole thing until October, if not longer 😬🙄
Support the DHV (Deutscher Hanfverband/"German Hempassociation")!
Legalize it now!
Step by step ...

Think positive
I know spain also has these "clubs" but what is actually the difference with a Dutch coffeeshop? A club can grow plants according to the amount of members?
@ZenC I think the main difference will be that you have to be a member of the club to get your herb and dutch coffeeshops still get their product of the black market and basically everyone can go there and buy...
Time to celebrate 🌱🌱🌱
dutch coffeeshops still get their product of the black market

As far, i'm informed there has been a regulation some months ago which allowed some producers (like Karel Schelfhout) to supply the coffeeshops and transform the whole buy-in process into a white market which is regulated/controlled as in America. From the point of existence/cut the plant is labeled and can be looked through the process afterward. When I got it right, this seems to put a centralization/monopolizing effect on the cannabis culture in the netherlands, but triggers to push the quality and acceptance in the country a whole bit forward which seems to be overlooked in the whole years of allowing the consume of soft drugs.

But for germans that means, from 1.4. you can grow 3 Females per adult (18), Grow Associations of max. 500 Members each can legally grow for their members and 25g in pockets on street are legal, as a member of a club you can buy 50g/month.
Somehow the amount you´re allowed to store at home is just 50g, but if you´ve ever popped a seed you can tell that 3 plants should overcome this scale...whatever let´s hope for the revaluation in some months, i think it was 18 months or so and the whole law will be proved to the test.
A huge step for our country, and i hope it will transform into a domino effect across the entire european complex. It will bring a lot of free joy i recently experienced with cannabis to so much more people in my surrounding space, and i think that will work positively on communities.
If you ever want to keep one political speaker for hemp in germany out of the mass, it would be Karl Lauterbach, a professor & dr. and a (in my opinion always wise and overlooking) politician who was against legalization a few years ago and then changed his mind because of American/Canadian studies which showed the legalization brings benefits on paper. Reminds me somehow of Dr. Grinspoon, who wanted to prove his friend that weed is harmful, but got flipped by the truth. A scientific background which resulted to the fact that cannabis needs to be legal for people to access.

Even CBD Plants we´re banned since now to grow (besides you´re a farmer at a certain scale), means a lot of demand will show for seeds in the CB-X Sector from now. Will definitely get my mother some CBD-Crew Seeds, because she don´t gets the high. Whatever, it´s a huge step for personal medication with maybe the greatest plant i´ve occurred by now.
History has been written. 🤙
how many plants per member.

50g per month & member, but plants will depend a lot on the technique... cuts/seeds/, mineral/coco, (living)soil, etc... but somehow the club thing will start in July when i got it right and comes with a lot of regulation for the operators. For myself, I live in the most restricted place in germany for a cannabislover, and i would only take the risk of getting into white market after the next legislature period to see which crafts will control politics you´re given data. But i feel experienced growers like myself should stand up for a group of people to supply them with their right demand.
Thanks again.
Hm i was assuming the government would like to control everything in numbers even when they dont add up (plant / gram). Also they restrict plant and grams for homegrow.

How is it logical to think a homegrower can only have 50g max at his house stashed while you can buy 50g per month (=150g in 3 month grow cycle) which will be like 9 plants in their logic.
They really are afraid of a homegrow thats bigger than 3 plants i suppose...

I live near the German border and would love to "work" legally on our plants.. is there any way to check out whats happening in my area ?
I know spain also has these "clubs" but what is actually the difference with a Dutch coffeeshop? A club can grow plants according to the amount of members?

- 3 plants per member
- 1 club membership per person total
- non commercial (all money stays in)
- 50g max. per month/member
- 500 member limit
- very strict laws about processing
- consuming inside the club forbidden
- not open for outsiders
- club member pay monthly fees

These are the baselines.