
Well-known member
G, how I love the Ganga grown.
1, seed can set us free.
3 men, who shaped the canna world
Always be kind
C the blessing that's life.

Everyone voted, and here is the winner! I am tackling Shantibabas unreleased cross of the mythical G13 crossed with the undeniably stellar stud, HzAC.

I was lucky enough to have 21 seeds roll out of the straw, and all have successfully rooted and are growing beautifully! They were soaked for 24 hours then transplanted into 3 parts happy frog soil and 1 part worm castings. I am not experiencing ANY of the overwatering issues nor soil/fungal issues I experienced with my first Mr. Nice grow; hopefully I learned my lessons! 😄

I'll take photos within the week. All are strong and healthy with some variation in leaf shape and size.

A big thank you to @shantibaba for the opportunity to win and grow these iconic genetics! 🙂 I am thrilled to explore what these plants have to offer.

Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I had a bit of a scare on my side. I'm continuing for now but may need to reset and not grow for a bit. Hopefully it won't come to that, I'd hate to lose these genes.

Any who, the G13AC are all doing wonderful. There is some minor yellowing on a few of the older leaves. At first, I thought over-water, which is what I did on my first Mr. Nice grow. After taking a closer look, I'm thinking underwatering. The plants have the dark green, almost glossy, leaves I've read about with the G13. The AC seems to be showing himself by "blunting" some of the edges on certain phenos and with leaf width.

I watered the plants with kelp, micho's, and some gnatrol. I tried to properly saturate the soil then fully drained the excess. I'm very excited about these!

I truly hope everyone is safe, happy, and pleasantly stoned. :giggle: Diesel840

Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I had a bit of a scare on my side. I'm continuing for now but may need to reset and not grow for a bit. Hopefully it won't come to that, I'd hate to lose these genes.

Any who, the G13AC are all doing wonderful. There is some minor yellowing on a few of the older leaves. At first, I thought over-water, which is what I did on my first Mr. Nice grow. After taking a closer look, I'm thinking underwatering. The plants have the dark green, almost glossy, leaves I've read about with the G13. The AC seems to be showing himself by "blunting" some of the edges on certain phenos and with leaf width.

I watered the plants with kelp, micho's, and some gnatrol. I tried to properly saturate the soil then fully drained the excess. I'm very excited about these!

I truly hope everyone is safe, happy, and pleasantly stoned. :giggle: Diesel840


Hey Diesel, looks like there should be 2 pictures? Not seeing any. Is it just me?

Have you tried the admins on this site?

Maybe they can help you.
I messaged @KristianC just waiting on the reply. Worst-case scenario, if they can't fix it, I'll be posting new pics in a week anyways. I'll double check the settings on my G13HzAC album. Perhaps I fucked up and needlessly bothered admin. 😄

This seems to be the week For me to underwater. Every houseplant in my home is bone dry. It's like the Sahara desert in here if you look at my plants. My smallest pothos even has the same exact symptoms as my ShitAfgHz! 🤣😅
All good now. When using BB code to post pictures, if some pictures work and some don't, the ones that don't work will always be a problem on your end, not the sites. Keep that tip in mind for future use.

Thanks for letting me know that it's working now. I'd been puffing on Medicine Man for hours when I saw your post about the photos. Needless to say, I spaced out and hadn't realized I messed up the settings. This pheno of MM is nice! It is great as a muscle relaxer and makes ones head feel as if it's been injected with novocaine. 😁
The G13AC are doing great. They are doing well since I increased the amount I'm watering with and added kelp. I bought a new light for my 4x2, a Spider Farmer g4500. I cleaned the tent with peroxide and will move the plants into their new home tomorrow. I'll take a photo or two tomorrow after I move them.
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Hey all. I'm relaxing with a bowl of Medicine Man after my first workout in months. Been puffing almost exclusively on Medicine Man for the last week or so and my back is finally starting to loosen up a bit. Anyways, here are some photos of the seedlings. They are all a bit darker in person than they look like in the photos.

Stay medicated my freinds.


