Hey all. I'm relaxing with a bowl of Medicine Man after my first workout in months. Been puffing almost exclusively on Medicine Man for the last week or so and my back is finally starting to loosen up a bit. Anyways, here are some photos of the seedlings. They are all a bit darker in person than they look like in the photos.

Stay medicated my freinds.




Your plants look great (y)

Can't wait to see them flower :)

Keep it growing
I did a routine inspection of the plants tonight. No insects, healthy growth since the watering was fixed. The stems seem fairly thick, and they are a lovely glossy green. Most exhibit some form of garlic or an acrid odor. One though, had a distinctly sweet aroma upon stem rub.

I feel the AC father might have made the leaves a bit thinner than the ShitAfgHz I'm growing. I think the G13 is showing in the shade of green and serrations, possibly stem width and node stacking.

Anyways, they are all doing great. Still 21/21!

Stay hazed!
Hello, my fellow forum family members. The G13HzAC all look flawless. I decided to top them for the first time. I took off a good inch or two, multiple nodes, with each topping. The plants are all very uniform in growth whether one is looking at height, leaf morphology, node stacking, and shade of deep green. Btw, the lightong in the photo more accurately shows off their beautiful deep green, than the lasp photo I had up. I feel that I should have topped them a week or so ago. I picked one of the phenos at random to show off. I hope you enjoy the picture.


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My tents are otherwise occupied for aome home crossesI am flowering out. So, I recently moved the girls to my mother chamber. There isn't much height in the mum chambers so I topped all of the girls at their 3rd best leafset. About 2/3 of the biomass was removed on each. The G13HzAc are the bushiest of my chemovars I'm currently growing. In a week or two I should have more than enough plant matter for 3-healthy clones. The bottom nodes are beginning to show low light symptoms, the topping will help get light to them.

Two days back I fed them their first aerated veg tea. With how vigorous the growth has been, they need it.
