
I'd go with the Critical Skunk if it were me. I think that it will be forgiving and more uniform than the Dreamtime. If you are worried about stretch, that avoids any Haze for your 1st go.

A foliar spray/soil drench, made by putting 0.5mL of a 10mg/mL melatonin solution into 3.68L of water, used once a week, does wonders for stress and vigor, but as an aside, it also seems to really emphasize putting more energy into secondary growth, limiting stretch. It does it enough that on a cutting I have to prune out the growth, I don't want, as it will try to put all of it's energy into every growth tip at once. You don't even have to use it that many times for some effect. I cut it out towards the end of flowering. Due to it's antioxidant qualities delaying ripening.

Just go to scholar.google.com and search "melatonin foliar spray." There are a ton of articles. Seems like it suppresses stress induced intersex traits to an extent.
And interested as an indoor only grower, what strains have folks had most success with?
I had good luck with Medicine Man. Most of the phenos stayed short with relatively similar heights. A little less than 1/3 of them did have significantly more stretch. These tended to be a bit frostier, though all of the phenos were pretty frosted. You can use training techniques to help keep the height down or flower out clones which won't yield much per plant but can stay smaller and be grown with greater numbers.

Best of luck.