EQU2EH at 42°N

So this paper was using mutagenic herbicides on a plant - the type that dissolve the spindle fibers and cause ploidy mutations, and a rather high percentage of the embryos derived from leaf explants after said treatment had cotyledon mutations, including having four cotyledons.

Ploidy mutants can arise naturally. I was torture testing some sativas, with a grow room at 140F at times and never dropping to any reasonable temperature, and crossed a sativa from Jamaica (Columbian?) with an African plant. The resulting seeds were so extremely mutated, they seemed super sized. I never tested to prove the reason, but it seems highly likely to me that the high temps also damaged the spindle. I wonder if the seeds are still viable, it’s been a decade or so.


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As far as the MAC, I suspect when cap washed the seeds in the laundry, killing all but one, that the detergents somehow mutated Miracle, so that it passed on diploid gametes to make mac. Certainly the odds of a natural polyploid are a lot lower. I’m curious if @shantibaba has ever seen a pot plant with four cotyledons, as he probably has grown more plants than anyone who has ever lived.
Happy midsommer to all my MNS amigos in the northern hemisphere!

I appreciate your input, diocious and musashi. I am going to drop $25 plus shipping to get U2 #1 ploidy tested. This will be interesting.

The plants are on their 8th node (except U2#1 at 6 nodes) and now range from 15 to 27 inches, with most around 20 inches tall. The selection process will take place in the next week or two when the sex of the plants are more certain. I have six 3-gallon grow bags loaded with compost from @BuzzardsBay ready for two female transplants from each strain. I don't plan to keep any males from this batch, although I will probably flower Early Haze #1 and use him to make some seeds if he turns out to be a male as suspected.

Preflower observation today and current thoughts on selection:

U21=? U22=M U23=F U24=?
Hello Markus_in_the_Darkus,

I'm intrigued by the looks of your Early Haze, it seems that this is also a special line worth exploring.

Especially the first one in the line, that is the male correct? (I love the way his leavves are shaped).

Good luck and looking forward how these will turn out!
Thinks High-mish! Hey Swifty, I agree that Early Haze male looks kinda special. I'm going to separate him from the girls pretty soon and collect his pollen which I will use to pollinate a branch on each of the EH, EQ and U2 plants. I might also hit them with some pollen from my outback haze male that was the slowest male to show sex that I've run across to date. I think that crossing early and late-flowering genetics might make for some interesting progeny.

I up-potted the six selected females to 3-gallon grow bags. I'm reusing the soil I got from @BuzzardsBay last year that has already sustained a haze/sativa crop. I cut the compost he gave me with about 40% perlite and the second batch of plants seems to be as happy as the first. Gave them each a tablespoon of organic ferts when I up-potted.

Here they are in their new home. I doubled the size of my potager this year and all the plants are looking very happy. That's the sunniest part of my back yard, although I took these pics at dusk on a beautiful midsummer evening. So now in addition to basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, chives, savory, tarragon, and marjoram, I have some early-ish MNS strains in my herb garden, along with a couple heirloom tomatoes. God I love this time of year, and I love being able to walk outside my kitchen to snip a few fresh, choice herbs for whatever I'm whipping up on the stove top. My Angel's Breath F2 clone, now over four years old, is on the right.

potager2 06252022.jpg

potager1 06252022.jpg
Left to right we have the Early Haze male still in its original pot, U21, U23, EQ2, EQ4, the two EH girls.

Also some interesting leaf mutations going on with U21, in addition to unusually high trichome development:

U21 6-bladed leaf.jpg
Six-bladed leaf is something you don't see every day.

U21 leaf mutation.jpg
Another leaf mutation with the smallest leaflet displaced along the petiole.

U21 leaf overlap mutation.jpg
Most of the "regular" leaves on U21 have the smallest leaflets overlapping their neighbors.

First outdoor grow (that I expect to complete) since 1975, and I'm loving it!
We're having a beautiful summer in New England this year, unlike last year's wash-out. Here are some pics I took of the early strain girls this morning. The plants with haze genetics are noticeably photokinetic...they are all pointed toward the morning sun and will track the sun all day. U2#4 is in the hands of a friend who noticed this as well. He identifies as a submarine fan and has renamed it U24. :)

U2#1 (L) and U2#3 (R). The mutant is no longer the runt! U2#1 is now the second tallest plant of the bunch. I think it's because she has twice as many leaves per node, therefore twice as many solar panels and twice as much energy as the other plants have available. Aroma is sweet and lovely.
U2 07072022.jpg

Here are the Early Queen plants...pretty broad spectrum of expression between these two phenos. EQ#4 has a strong sativa expression while EQ#2 is more Indica leaner. Both smell beautiful. I'm really excited to keep an eye on EQ#4; she's gorgeous.
EQ 07072022.jpg

Finally, here are the Early Haze girls. Aroma to me smells like a fine men's cologne. The EH male is still with the girls in a small pot.
EH 07072022.jpg
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Here's an update for early August. The plants are doing very well. The tallest is Early Queen #2, now close to 6 feet tall, while the shortest (U2 #1 )is about 4.5 feet...all plants in 3-gal grow bags. They are drinking heavily in the summer heat, and if they don't get water every day they begin to shrivel up. Aromas are improving but nothing has started flowering yet, although one of the Early Haze plants looks to be getting close. The most interesting aromas are from the sativa-leaning EQ#4, which has a beautiful piney, earthy, peppery smell that reminds me of the Mexican from days gone by. The Early hazes smell wonderful, of men's cologne. The aromas seem to come and go depending on time of day, temp, humidity, etc. We've had a very dry and lately, hot summer in New England.

Here's my marijuana patch and potager as of today...
EQU2EH 08042022.jpg

The Early Haze girls...
EH 08042022.jpg

The Early Queen ladies, with the sativa-leaning EQ#4 in the front and the big girly EQ#2 in the back....
EQ 08042022.jpg

Here are the U2 plants...
U2 EH 08042022.jpg

All are lovely plants. I'll update again when they start to flower.
One month from the autumnal equinox and these early strain plants are getting ready to flower in the exact order their genetic makeup suggests. The Early Queen girls are first, with distinct budlets forming. The U2 plants are just starting to form buds, and the Early Haze plants are just a tad behind the U2. Looks like the polypoid U2 plant is a male, contrary to my initial assessment. Still haven't had it ploidy tested but will send a sample off today. The largest plant of the batch is an EQ, now almost 7 feet tall in a 3-gallon bucket. She's bogarting the sunshine from one of my heirloom tomato plant, but that's OK.

The potager
potager 08212022.jpg

Early Haze
EH 08212022.jpg

Early Queen
EQ 08212022.jpg

U2 08212022.jpg
Very nice thread! Is there a particular reason why you chose 3 gal bags? Not that I find anything wrong with it, just wondering why you chose to do it that way
I wish, I could plant like that again :- )
I know; I'm blessed to have a nice private backyard in a legal state. My first outdoor grow since 1975!

Very nice thread! Is there a particular reason why you chose 3 gal bags? Not that I find anything wrong with it, just wondering why you chose to do it that way
Yeah, a couple reasons. First, I get my soil courtesy of the generosity of @BuzzardsBay, and I don't want to take more than I need. The other reason is because I used 3-gal grow bags in my last indoor grow and I'd like to understand plant size and yield differences indoor vs. outdoor in the same soil and container size.
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