Dancing With the Angels


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Aloha fellow firewalkers!

It has been many years since my last grow of Angel's Breath. Like many of you, I have many seeds in my collection to choose from and there is always some last minute change of plan necessitating a re-shuffling of the cue. The last grow log was @toolwrenchus's grow in 2022 and there hasn't been any real interest and excitement with this variety since @Marcus_in_the_Darkus's Angel Breath grow. Knowing that, it is time for a revisit. As many of you know my laptop blew up several years ago and I pretty much lost all pictures pre-2020. So nothing to fall back on to compare but here goes another round with some 10 year old seeds from the freezer. So far, 17 are up.

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Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Well, I finally got off my ass and transplanted them into larger containers. Other things in my life temporarily took me away from my usual attentiveness. While I wasn't paying attention, several more came up so I have 19 to work with :). They did suffer greatly as I was having to move them from a 70% humidity room to a 35% room with a fan. The leaves got dehydrated. My humidifier has been on the fritz and I finally got it working again. I looked at a new humidifier; the one I bot several years ago for $70 is now $110! WTF. Anyway I am back on track and should have some better pictures soon.
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