CBD Nordle grow


'21, '24 COE Winner
I started my first CBD plant and it is turning to very cute Nordle plant, here are some photos.

I got some acidic soil and I dont know how long the shop I bought theese seds from had them stored, so dont panic over duckling stage
I didnt want to place the photo here at first, but at least you can see, that this could be trigered even by myself. So look how the plant developed so far.

There is nothing bad to look at her now, as I trimmed the duck leafs earlier, before flowering.

So wait for some more photos. I think there will be something to look at.
The trychomes starts to develop at 2nd week of flowering, which is right now.

-stay tuned-

I let the plant do 3 weeks of growth.

Few days after planting

Before flowering switch
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nice recovery from the ugly duckling stage. do you think it was from the soil?

I usually chalk those up to old seed or inbreeding. I've seen it with Nevil'sMango and Mr. Alkaline's Vitality.

Well, actually, I dont know.
But for me it doesnt matter once it is about feminized seeds.

If it where about standardized seeds, then I would cull it probably.

But the ressurection seems a OK.

And that fresh smell is kinda, new for me. So Iam glad to keep this one :)
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Very nice.

Out of curiosity, which lamp fixture do you use ? ( HPS ? LED ? )
there's a nice trichome production already visible : are you using UV/IR supplementation ?

are you using a home made nutrient line or a specific brand ?
do you use a special technique to favor bud growthn over leaves ?

Keep up the good work :)
its 4x Bridgelux Vero 29 + 10x IR LEDs -around 330 Watts

Iam using full BioBizz nutrients line, only fishmix not included yet, still planing on that.

The soil for now is 1/2 lignocel from petshop 1/2 garden store soil + perlite + litlle bit of bat guano.
-Everytime I use lignocel/coco I say I dont do it anymore, becausse the plants are so thirsty, I hate it :) And so easy to overwater

So Id say again, I will never use that again :D but youll still see it :_)
Hope you guys love it like me, definitely buyng some regular Nordles, there will be some great Affie like plant Iam sure in parentage. Definitely what Iam looking for, even better and its today start of 3rd week 8)

So we gonna upload 4rd week !!

See this? On real its much flashier : o

Like this but more crispy !!

Even more !! And all over the leafes I love it..
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Aloha brah!

Those Indies typically make the best pictures with their pronounced leaf morphology and their overabundance of big headed trichomes. Hope it smokes the way you want it to. Great job brah!



Iam sorry for lacking updates, was really busy start of year.

So, I will show you how it all looks now..
It is done, it was harvested after 8Weeks of flowering, little early, but just a little..

-The buds are rockhard-solid

-The smells really reminds me of weed I used to smoke on High school and I love it so far!! Not overpowered, very gentle fresh, and just a litlle bit of afghan - which made me to decide to buy 2packs of reg. Nordle :D

Wait for Smoke report, as I dont think it is time just now.
But I can already tell what I think after smoking this, that I didnt smoke weed with flavour for long time.!

Also it calms my body just as any indica does, but, I dont feel a lot of high also, which is excellent & for doing lots of things, without people getting looks at you and so :) And its very good after-work smoke.

So first impressions are very good.
Great day-time smoke for sure, and has plenty of flavours, just not that simple to guess, the flavour is still curing tho :)

Now, one think to mention, I also harvested Snow Moon and 2x OG kushes, and to tell you, I dont care, I just smoke Nordle :D

And also, my first plant from MNS/CBD crew




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Sweet looking stuff brah! I love those short stocky plants and all the colors they display in flower!

End of the line:

So, I decided it is time to tell you how is this stuff..

Plant growth:
I think the duckling stage was just my fault, overall it recovered fastly.
The plant didnt need much special atention or care.

Plant flowering:
Here is where Nordle shines very much.. So fastly blossoming and so rich in trichome production, from the start up till the end.

Bud structure:
Hard medium sized nuggets. Dark green-olive in color, covered in many-many trichomes... Some leafs in the bud too.

100%Afghan that evolves to fresh oranges with hints of pepper when crushed.

The taste is curing slowly a bit, but it seems like there is just hints of skunk sweetness and proper afghan on exhale.

Litlle bit of hunger :) No caughing, no red yes, no negativeness.

High type:
There is some! Just a litlle bit of calming effect to it, as I say heating blanket. Not much power to it - as I expected in the end.

Surely, good for my chronical back pain, very good stress relief, and very good at calming headaches

Very satisfied, it just did what it is meant to. Cannot say anything negative. Just positives and also it reminds me of my old Affie from sensi seeds circa 15y back.
Nice report brah!

I like the format and will use it in my future reports. It is simple and understandable. Lots to like about Nordle. Good medicine; it makes great hash, oil and salve.

Yes, dont give away this hobby..
I was on the that road on past too.. Several times to say ..

But the plant deserves our care ;)
Even if you plan smaller plants..

I wanted to end too...
But then I find MNS :D now I cannot end :D

*edit (answer for now deleted user)