Best storage temps-Is colder better


Well-known member
Hey all
I am storing some jars long term…got the boost 62 in each jar and can store it in closet (65-69F) or basement which is more along the lines of 55-62F

Will the colder storage slow down the aging process best?

And with the humidity packs I assume the headspace doesn’t matter much with the packets keeping RH at 62

Thanks for the advice
Colder storage is better for the long term imo, in my basement i have a pretty consistent temperature between 13-16°C year round.
This slows the metabolic proces of curing and i've noticed that this slows the "browning" of the buds in long term storage also.
Like @Mr. Brown said, fill the jars all the way up with buds.
I plan to make a side by side experiment this year: the basement vs the fridge.

I already froze buds for long term storage but that did not work out for me.
The structure has changed of the buds and I find them to be less desirable...
@Swifty said: "I plan to make a side by side experiment this year: the basement vs the fridge."

I think you can search for years and never find an article suggesting using the fridge. I never did, but it's only been 4 years for me. The constant opening/closing door changes humidity in fridge which in turn creates condensation in jar. I'm sure you do not want that.

Much to my disappointment the same answer keeps coming up - 55-68F(13-20C) steady state - such as a basement. Vacuum sealed or minimum amount of air in container. 55-62RH.

@Swifty said: "I plan to make a side by side experiment this year: the basement vs the fridge."

I think you can search for years and never find an article suggesting using the fridge. I never did, but it's only been 4 years for me. The constant opening/closing door changes humidity in fridge which in turn creates condensation in jar. I'm sure you do not want that.

Much to my disappointment the same answer keeps coming up - 55-68F(13-20C) steady state - such as a basement. Vacuum sealed or minimum amount of air in container. 55-62RH.

Interesting Longball, this is your experience then?
Would that not make the fridge a bad place to store seeds in for these reasons?
Some of you guys might think it's sacrilege, but I vac seal anything for long term storage.

I get it as dry as I want and double bag it.

I didn't really like using the humidity packs in jars the few times I tried it.

But once it's sealed, I store it as cold & dark as possible without freezing.
@Swifty asked: "Would that not make the fridge a bad place to store seeds in for these reasons?"

It could, but keep in mind, and I won't mention that seeds have a harder shell than buds. In seed storage people tend to fill up container if possible. And then people add desiccant's, cotton, or rice, among other things to absorb the moisture. I don't think people would put a desiccant in the bag of pot to keep it dry. No one fills their pot bags with cotton balls or rice either.

But seeds are a bit different because of the harder shell. Basically everyone says things like - 'add rice to keep moisture out'. Whatever they add - it's to keep the moisture out(because of fridge condensation).
I keep my seeds frozen so no worries about that.

in my basement i have a pretty consistent temperature between 13-16°C year round.

I already froze buds for long term storage but that did not work out for me.

If you're lucky enough to have a basement or cellar, then that's the best place imo! Consistent low temps & darkness.

I think if you were going to freeze buds for storage you'd have to use a blast freezer.
Basement for me.

Fridge is fine so long as the product is double bagged and then sealed with all the oxygen removed.

Same goes for freezing.
Some of you guys might think it's sacrilege, but I vac seal anything for long term storage.

I get it as dry as I want and double bag it.

I didn't really like using the humidity packs in jars the few times I tried it.

But once it's sealed, I store it as cold & dark as possible without freezing.
Can’t I just vacuum seal the mason jars

I have a sealer with the attachment and put a boost pack in each jar

Why didn’t you like humidity packs
Freezing buds for the win. Not sure why there is such a big difference in Swifty's and my freezer experience. I pulled some 4 year old out of the freezer recently and told the folks 'it's 4 years old out of the freezer'. All agreed it was the best they have smoked in years. I did unthaw in refrig for 48 hours and then 48 hours at room temp before smoking.

"Many enthusiasts will tell you the best place to keep cannabis is in an air-tight container stowed somewhere cool and dark. But according to the results of a new four-year study, the freezer may actually be a better place—especially if you’re concerned about maintaining that all-important THC content."

I, for one, am VERY CONCERNED about maintaining that all-important THC content! :)

Some of you guys might think it's sacrilege, but I vac seal anything for long term storage.

I get it as dry as I want and double bag it.

I didn't really like using the humidity packs in jars the few times I tried it.

But once it's sealed, I store it as cold & dark as possible without freezing.

I have bottled and Vac packed and stored both in a cool dark closet. The Vac pack stays fresher longer. But opening and closing bottles is kind of similar to the fridge thing whereas the Vac packs are in a 5-gal food-grade sealable container. Seeds the same, in fridge for current projects, everthing else is Vac packed and put to deep freeze. The other way I store for longer term is hash, more compact too. But I have yet to Vac pack it and put in freezer. Anyone do this? Was wondering after @Swifty comment:

"I already froze buds for long term storage but that did not work out for me.
The structure has changed of the buds and I find them to be less desirable..."

What that due to rapid re-hydration making it soggy or something else?

Can’t I just vacuum seal the mason jars

I have a sealer with the attachment and put a boost pack in each jar

Why didn’t you like humidity packs

Vacuum sealing the mason jars is a great idea! If possible get the brown/amber ones. Keep in mind - the 3 quickest destroyers of THC are heat, oxygen, light, and especially UV light.

I love the humidity packs. All the different things that cultures have smoked for thousands of years have been kept under some type of humidity control. Can't have it too dry or too moist.
By what magic does marijuana not need humidity control? We all can't afford walk-in humidors, and the compact ones are to small. What product do you use to keep proper humidity?

Pherhaps this needs futher clarification:

I dry my plants, manicure them and place them in airtight containers with a screw on lid to start the curing proces.
In these first weeks I burp the jars regularly and leave them open for a short bit of time when they need it.
After some weeks I come to a point that they are equally dry on the in- and outside.
At this moment I prepare my small room by installing the dehumidifier and setting it at 55%.
I leave the room closed for a day and then I spread my jars onto a table in this room for 48h to get to the right humidity (dehumidifier still on, no wind blows directly onto the buds).
After these 2 days I go into the room and fill my jars and close them very well.

From this moment on they go to the basement and stay there to cure further and they normally never get opened anymore.
Once I open up a jar it comes out of the basement and generally doesn't go back.
What is typical for this method and jars is that I have to pray to every god and call for my inner animal power to be able to open up the jars (I kid you not).
Seems logical as air gets colder it becomes more dense and makes a vacuum in the jar.

A good year and a half ago I had a couple of SSH jars that were ready and I put one in the chest freezer (also in my basement) and the others as asual.
I smoked one or two jars and then I remembered the frozen jar.
Pulled it out, left it for 2 days in the cellar and then a day in room temp, after opening up they seemed normal (looked greener, no changes in the color like I would see generaly) but the smell was a bit fresher and a bit less complex.
After breaking up a bud I immediatly noticed that these were far more britle, still good smell but slightly different.

I smoked and vaped the jar but in the end I prefered the other jars more, these differences are small but noticable to me.

My experiences @longball and @musashi but try it if you can.

Now my buds from the basement will not be as good after 4 years but in the first 1-2 years I think they are.
Wouldn't an electric wine cooler work?

Isn't that simply a refrigerator for wine?

@curious101 asked: "Will the colder storage slow down the aging process best?"

The role of time and storage conditions on the composition of hashish and marijuana samples: A four-year laboratory study

Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Forensic Toxicology, DMPO Department, AULSS 3 Serenissima, Venice, Italy
Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

The difference between the best place/temp to store your weed/hash and the 2nd best place is like the difference between a diamond and a common piece of asphalt that you will find laying in the road.. This is a White Paper/Abstract. Comments(to them) are welcome. They need people to step up and prove them wrong. If no one can do this then it becomes accepted that their conclusions are true. The scientists email addresses are readily available for you to contact them and explain to them why they are wrong if you believe they are wrong(you will need to show your work that proves them wrong).

Yes, I give away a lot of older stuff in capsule form or just weed to people with sleeping problems. They love it. One older fella told me he used to get up and pee 3x a night like clockwork. If he takes a capsule he sleeps the whole night. Glad I could help! lol I have a number of basement jars that are 6-10 years old. Knock people right out. Guessing it is near 100% CBN now? I was going to throw it out as I didn't get high off it, Right then I learned that THC converts to CBN over time and that CBN can be helpful to some people for insomnia and pain. 💡
