Are all MrNice seeds tested for hop viroid?


New member
Hello Shantibaba and MrNice,
sorry if the question has been answered already. I'm not a native English speaker and I had to translate part by part and it's not easy to find a special information.

I got this Article from december 23 from a friend who hat problems with his plants even when he used only seeds (not MrNice)! So we decided to start new only with tested seeds and he once saw a video where you talked about this viroid. So I came her with hope :cool:

Thanks in advance, Meerkat
it is a transmission which takes place by clones, poor hygiene etc. nothing to do with the seeds
Ooooops! :oops: It has a lot to do with seeds! Of course hygiene is important but when you got infected material the best hygiene will be of no use.

Haven't you read the article? The infection rate of HLVd was also highly transmissible through hemp seeds at rates of 58 to 80%.
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Hi @Meerkat
I understand the problem with transmission of this virus is between cuttings from poor hygiene. Chlorine seems to kill the virus on exposed equipment when used but I believe it has to be in contact for a long period of time (I can’t remember that time frame unfortunately). If a clone is bred or crossed the virus obviously spreads to the seed in some cases. I have understood this to be about 8% in the past from a few different sources. This new article is interesting but if you read it carefully it is a study done an a diseased production system where they are assessing the disease risk between diseased plants. Which in my mind would increase the chances of transmission. This also needs to be a repeated research paper (like all research) where the same results are found to make it more relevant etc. This is not a good sign though for cannabis and more reason to be vigilant and use the best hygienic practices you can when working with the plants. Start with seeds and don’t trade clones and keep your plants away from all other people’s and you’ll be fine. This won’t be the last virus or disease that comes along.
As far as Mr Nice seeds, I know Shanti and the team has been extremely vigilant with HLVd and is way more informed than any of us on it. Remember they have guarded their genetics safely for decades in multiple locations for the safety of the plants/seed.
Why not take a ‘punt’ on a few packs from the auction they are cheap so you don’t have much to loose and the proof will always be in the seed.
Welcome to Mr Nice
I always use removable skalpell blades and soak my other plant tools in a solution of chlorine bleach and also use it to disinfect my used pots. I have just completely disinfected the inside of my tent and want to start again. But I still have plants that are definitely negative. And I don't want to risk infecting them too if I get new plants with infected seeds. That's why I came here to MrNice because I hope that the plants from which seeds are obtained are tested here and you can be guaranteed safe seeds. Then I'd be glad to order seeds. They look very interesting.

So I hope I will get an answer of my question if all seeds (mom and dad plants) are testet.
I've read countless threads here over the years. Can't say I've ever read a report from anyone saying they recieved diseased seeds.

Perhaps send Shanti a DM and ask?
... he once saw a video where you talked about this viroid.

Hey Meerkat,

There is a fairly recent audio podcast by Shanti that was posted to the Forum, not long back; during which Shanti discussed this problem at some length. He said that he runs 5 completely stocked Mother Rooms in 5 different countries, to preserve his genetics. He said that on one occasion, 4 of those 5 rooms got wiped out by the viroid; and since then, he only allows mother plants into those rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned up and restored through professional tissue culture; and repeatedly tested for the viroid. He said that no plant gets into his Rooms that hasn't passed through extensive TC & testing. No way in hell any infected seeds are coming from those plants. Here is the link to that "Pot Cast" in question:

Cheers! - FF
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Ooooops! :oops: It has a lot to do with seeds! Of course hygiene is important but when you got infected material the best hygiene will be of no use.

Haven't you read the article? The infection rate of HLVd was also highly transmissible through hemp seeds at rates of 58 to 80%.
rate from where seeds from who ?

it's more a californian problem

i personaly not beleive the virus is transmited by the genetic
if your seeds have the virus is because they are in contact with the virus
I always use removable skalpell blades and soak my other plant tools in a solution of chlorine bleach and also use it to disinfect my used pots. I have just completely disinfected the inside of my tent and want to start again. But I still have plants that are definitely negative. And I don't want to risk infecting them too if I get new plants with infected seeds. That's why I came here to MrNice because I hope that the plants from which seeds are obtained are tested here and you can be guaranteed safe seeds. Then I'd be glad to order seeds. They look very interesting.

So I hope I will get an answer of my question if all seeds (mom and dad plants) are testet.
the seeds have been tested by us and majority of people for decade fron nevil to now
the mister nice plant are always large yields of plants full of vigor and very resistant health
I've read countless threads here over the years. Can't say I've ever read a report from anyone saying they recieved diseased seeds.
The articles linked here in the forum are some years old.
The problem is that the viroid is latent, meaning the disease may not emerge until years later. Therefore no one will be able to say my seeds are infected. But it will continue to spread and can spread to all of your plants.
it's more a californian problem

i personaly not beleive the virus is transmited by the genetic
if your seeds have the virus is because they are in contact with the virus
A viroid doesn't stay in its own country, but spreads.
And if 90% are already affected in California and 30% in Canada, you can imagine how great the risk is that it has spread further.
There are just no conclusive studies on its distribution because cultivation is illegal in most countries.
My plants are NOT infected, but it was very time-consuming and expensive to have it examined in a laboratory. So I wan't to be sure to be clean in future, too. You can't tell whether they have the viroid inside them; it is latent and can only break out after years. But then it's too late and your seeds are infected. Previously it was thought that it could only be transmitted by cutting cuttings, later it was thought that it was only outside the seed coat. We now know that it is also in the DNA of the seeds.
the seeds have been tested by us and majority of people for decade fron nevil to now
the mister nice plant are always large yields of plants full of vigor and very resistant health
It's a latent infection. You can't see it. The plant can look healthy for years and can be infected anyways. Only a genetic test offers certainty.
Hey Meerkat,

There is a fairly recent audio podcast by Shanti that was posted to the Forum, not long back; during which Shanti discussed this problem at some length. He said that he runs 5 completely stocked Mother Rooms in 5 different countries, to preserve his genetics. He said that on one occasion, 4 of those 5 rooms got wiped out by the viroid; and since then, he only allows mother plants into those rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned up and restored through professional tissue culture; and repeatedly tested for the viroid. He said that no plant gets into his Rooms that hasn't passed through extensive TC & testing. No way in hell any infected seeds are coming from those plants. Here is the link to that "Pot Cast" in question:

Cheers! - FF
Aah, thanks a lot! 🙏
I can't understand it because I don't speak English well and I use this forum with a translation app but that's what I'm being told.

I think the problem with this viroid is still far too unknown. It's great that things are taken really seriously by Shantibaba. But it should still be better known by customers, too. Because it's great if you have the opportunity to get safe seeds and you should preserve that and not mix it with other genetics from uncertain sources and risk everything becoming infected.

So I will order soon 🤩 and I'm looking forward to sowing them.
The problem is that the viroid is latent, meaning the disease may not emerge until years later.
Again, I've never read a SINGLE thread where someone mentions their plants mysteriously getting sick or dudding. No matter how lomg they have had it. Dudding is what some people called the virus in its earlier days before more was known.

People at this forum tend to keep their mothers LONG TERM. I've yet to read anyone talking about their plants from Mr.Nice becoming diseased or sick no matyer how many years they kept the mother and father planta. I read it plenty on the other forums.
Its for sure, Ive NEVER seen anyone, on this forum, complain about getting seeds, from Mr Nice, with any type of Viroid/Virus, or other type of infection. If they did, it would be plastered all over the forum, and not only this one.

Ive also read it can be transmitted via seeds, and plants, can also become infected, from Leafhoppers. Ive also read Tissue Culture, is not always 100% effective. It is for the most part, but still not 100%
it can be transmitted via seeds, and plants, can also become infected, from Leafhoppers. Ive also read Tissue Culture, is not always 100% effective. It is for the most part, but still not 100%
Yes, and because of that I asked a question. Why are you so aggressive?