2023 NORDLE outdoor tent grow

Skuncle Lenny

'23, '24 COE Winner
My first of the year outdoor garage ⛺️ grow will start in early May so it’s already time to get the party started. 🕺😁
I have 26-29 weeks from May-Thanksgiving of outdoor tent time, and I’d like to get three rounds, so I went through my MNS collection to choose the lineup for the 2023 ‘outdoor’ season. I like doing a 30 day soak/germ/seedling, followed by a 60 day veg.
Leading off, designated for the 6 1/2’ tent, is a group I’ve read so much about, so I’m really looking forward to experience NORDLE.
I figure in a 4 x 4 tent, due to its lineage, I can top each of them once, stale 6-8 lead colas and fit nine inside a 4 x 4 tent. Let the games begin.
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So I guess it’s about time I admit that I totally F’d up this grow by using hot soil targeted for later. Rookie mistake.
I wound up killing almost all of them. So this journal is coming to a close.
As famously said by Mickey Mantle as he was dying and made a famous speech, learn from my mistakes…
After reading the recent vintage history of NORDLE(aka Afghan 🦨), since I have one nice strong looking lady left, I figured it was a sign to continue this journal even for just 1.
Despite the killing fields I created, this 1 lady made it thru & she’ll reach 90 days from soak this Friday, the day to flip.
27” tall and reaching for the stars…Looking healthy, happy and ready to flip.

This knucklehead killed off the rest of the crew, I took a handful of clones, so I have more samples for the future.
NORDLE was flipped yesterday. 👏
Weather here has finally reached the time where the night time lows are 50. So this time of year I empty the spare bedroom & move everything to the out door detached 2 car garage which has 3 4x4 tents rather camouflaged. 🤔
This tent has:
2 Mango Widow neighbors, an Early Skunk clone & 2 crosses I made of Sinai dusted with Shit(strawberry pheno) pollen. First time testing this cross.
Looking forward to this eclectic group.
☮️ out
What is the odor like coming off that beauty?
Thanks for asking as it made me go into the garage tent, while they're sleeping, to step inside and do some rubbing and smelling. :cool:
The 1st thing that came to mind is Florally Sweet. Delicious, while not pungent. Yummy
Then the walk back outside from the garage and back into the house exposes all the terpenes on my clothes to the breeze, and man, that aroma is worth $1m. So satisfying, so rewarding, so fortunate for quality seeds (y)