🇯🇵 Japan's Most Senior Oncologist Sounds the Alarm on mRNA Injections.

I'd just look for more actual peer reviewed evidence and not post Gateway Pundit articles, if you want to do more than preach to the choir.

Peer Reviewed Study Is Big Trouble For Big Pharma || Jimmy Dore (a Hardcore Leftist)

Dore was injured by the covid "gene therapy" and from that time on became extremely invested in exposing the censored truth about them, and the corruption of the allopathic medical industry.

Since he broadcasts on YouTube, a highly censored platform, he has to continually claim those EUA "gene therapies" are "safe & effective," just to keep his channel from getting banned; but anyone who follows him closely knows, for a fact, that he doesn't believe, for a second, that they are really safe & effective.

Anyway, in this video Dore reads a peer reviewed medical study, published in the Lancet medical journal. It was first published a year ago, by the Lancet but quickly retracted after 100,000 downloads. The Lancet republished it a year later.

BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online! "A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination" "325 autopsy cases" || William Makis MD on X
B. https://t.co/HCXfeXh0Gk

A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination - PEER REVIEWED
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A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination - PEER REVIEWED

Dr. Mark Trozzi is one of the co-authors of the above peer reviewed medical study. Below is a link to an interview he conducted with Dr. Bhakdi, a medical doctor, award winning microbiologist, and covid era hero:

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi's (MD PhD) covid pandemic insights UNCENSORED, with Dr Trozzi (05/06/24)
Peer Reviewed Study Is Big Trouble For Big Pharma || Jimmy Dore (a Hardcore Leftist)

Dore was injured by the covid "gene therapy" and from that time on became extremely invested in exposing the censored truth about them, and the corruption of the allopathic medical industry.

Since he broadcasts on YouTube, a highly censored platform, he has to continually claim those EUA "gene therapies" are "safe & effective," just to keep his channel from getting banned; but anyone who follows him closely knows, for a fact, that he doesn't believe, for a second, that they are really safe & effective.

Anyway, in this video Dore reads a peer reviewed medical study, published in the Lancet medical journal. It was first published a year ago, by the Lancet but quickly retracted after 100,000 downloads. The Lancet republished it a year later.

BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online! "A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination" "325 autopsy cases" || William Makis MD on X
B. https://t.co/HCXfeXh0Gk

A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination - PEER REVIEWED

Those are much more enticing links. I will certainly check them out when I'm a bit less worn thin.

Hope that you are keeping well.
Peer Reviewed Study Is Big Trouble For Big Pharma || Jimmy Dore (a Hardcore Leftist)

One kind soul recently alerted me to the following news report, which I'm very thankful for; and now I share it with the few members who would care to stay abreast of the latest developments in the ongoing saga:

Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot: Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD

Mercola Article PDF Download Link

BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online! "A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination" "325 autopsy cases" || William Makis MD on X
A. B. https://t.co/HCXfeXh0Gk
A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination - PEER REVIEWED

Dr. Philip McMillan: "Why are Embalmers' Clinical Observations Being Ignored?"

Dr. McMillan is a medical hero, in my book. Anyone who clicks on the above YouTube video link, take the time while you're over there, to look at his video library, for his recent videos about Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D.. Watch them all a couple times. Let them sink in, deeply; and then prepare!!