The Cure (Af/Sk x HzAC)

Bred from complex parallels to combine allot of genetic material from proven male lines of outstanding pedigree since the 70s.

General Information

Bred from complex parallels to combine allot of genetic material from proven male lines of outstanding pedigree since the 70s. This limited seed line has secrets in it if nurtured well and selected with all one`s senses. There are very practical indoor plants to be found and old school aromas waiting to be freed into life.
Af/Sk x HzAC
Exclusive limited editions - New blends of old school genetics
Family Breed
25% Afghan, 25%Skunk, 50% Haze
Preferred Medium
Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
Expected Yield
Expect 500 grams per m2 indoors and minimum 500 grams per plant outdoors.
Flowering Period
Indoor flowering one should be able to find a 9 weeker but the range would be normally 10-12 weeks depending upon the phenotype selected as a mother. Would not recommend for outdoors flowering in the Northern Hemisphere unless in a greenhouse and then it would require shading to complete the cycle. In the Southern Hemisphere June would be an expected time of completion, but too south again we would not recommend for outdoor flowering to completion as the cold and rains can inhibit the plant finishing properly.
For the grower who is keen to learn about Haze hybrids so preferably not first time growers.
Special Notes
Not for the first time grower but it is capable to surprise those who do not get surprised at anything.


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5.00 star(s)
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