High Rise- The Master Cultivar

But poop? Yuck. As a betting man, I'll bet it smells kinda shitty!
My 1st grow had some Purple Skunk in it. Most of the phenos, didn't turn out purple at all (the one that did was over the top grapefruit) the others, smelled like freshly stepped in dog shit.

Then I encountered a Widow cut, that made me think my dog had an accident inside. While we were trimming it. In both cases, the flavor was a meaty/earthy/skunky/hashy type of flavor.

Often something smells objectionable to us when our olfactory nerves are overwhelmed. This is why things, like durian smell so foul but taste so good and why dogs think, that objectionably smelling things are awesome.

Some of the best cheese, I have ever had, smelled like burnt broccoli when fully ripened.
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Wake up and smell the coffee! Smelling strongly of earth and Arabica this morning. Just shy of 10 weeks, these are the last 3 of the bunch. I will probably chop tomorrow as I like my Master with alert mind and relaxed body.

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