High Rise- The Master Cultivar

Awesome and Healty looking plants mu!

Can i ask you witch kind of LED u use?

and how do you recycle your soil ? how long dose it take you for refreshing old earth ?

looks like your nitrogen supply in earth is absolute perfect, did u used any bottled fertilizer ?
Aloha braddahs!

If you have read my past posts you will know that some time ago I came into a sativa dominant (Mex/Afg) Diesel clone. I also came into possession of a Master Kush clone as well as a Jack Herer and an AC/DC, all clones. All were originally secured in the areas of the Emerald Triangle and Jefferson county, Oregon. As I've shared before, I threw out my back and got real sick some decade or so ago and was unable to take care of my garden, losing many of my mothers. I lost the Jack Herer and the Master Kush outright.
I was looking for some medicinal crosses before all of the above happened, mostly working the Widow line for its known benefits. I was interested in the far spectrums of the line i.e. LaNina and Medicine Man. I was not interested in anything Skunk (Shark Shock) bc of how it affected me personally. I didn't care for the confusion and lethargy I had experienced from Skunk.
IIRC, I had 6 LaNina and 3? MedMan males to work with. I kept these at a friends house. During this time, I had also isolated and cultivated a handsome Ortega to put into the mix.
The Diesel and LaNina created Wizard, while the Diesel and Medicine Man created Curandera. The AC/DC was combined with Ortega to create Nursie. I did manage to cross the Master Kush before its demise with a S. Amer. sativa; pollen given to me from an old friend but have yet to explore this line. I call it Mandy.
I lost the LaNina and Medicine Man males due to my friend being too much of a stoner letting the plants succumb to a massive spider mite infestation so no bx for you :(. Nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your favorite plants covered in webbing so thick that they were beyond salvaging. I have not spoken to him since that day.

Hey @thaseus92!

I am using HLG 350r's with my metal halide. I am using a 50/50 mix of old soil to new. The old soil is recharged with EWC, biochar, azomite to which I mix in new soil, in this case Ocean Forest for the chitin content.
I have gone to strictly teas these days using primarily EWC, kelp, fish, guano. molasses, etc. with an occasional dose of Peters P&K mixed in during flower. This for ID grow. I am constantly looking for simple and efficient ways, minimum inputs that don't involve a lot of time or money. I used to use bottled. It took so much time to mix it all and the cost was high. Teas are like beef broth to us, easily digestable and nutritious. And they are affordable.
I am getting better water retention with this method and have reduced watering to every 3-4 days. I am still fine tuning the P&K for max yield, though the flower does have potency and fragrance with my existing technique.

Aloha braddahs!

If you have read my past posts you will know that some time ago I came into a sativa dominant (Mex/Afg) Diesel clone. I also came into possession of a Master Kush clone as well as a Jack Herer and an AC/DC, all clones. All were originally secured in the areas of the Emerald Triangle and Jefferson county, Oregon. As I've shared before, I threw out my back and got real sick some decade or so ago and was unable to take care of my garden, losing many of my mothers. I lost the Jack Herer and the Master Kush outright.
I was looking for some medicinal crosses before all of the above happened, mostly working the Widow line for its known benefits. I was interested in the far spectrums of the line i.e. LaNina and Medicine Man. I was not interested in anything Skunk (Shark Shock) bc of how it affected me personally. I didn't care for the confusion and lethargy I had experienced from Skunk.
IIRC, I had 6 LaNina and 3? MedMan males to work with. I kept these at a friends house. During this time, I had also isolated and cultivated a handsome Ortega to put into the mix.
The Diesel and LaNina created Wizard, while the Diesel and Medicine Man created Curandera. The AC/DC was combined with Ortega to create Nursie. I did manage to cross the Master Kush before its demise with a S. Amer. sativa; pollen given to me from an old friend but have yet to explore this line. I call it Mandy.
I lost the LaNina and Medicine Man males due to my friend being too much of a stoner letting the plants succumb to a massive spider mite infestation so no bx for you :(. Nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your favorite plants covered in webbing so thick that they were beyond salvaging. I have not spoken to him since that day.

Thank you for that! And sorry for making you repeat yourself. I have read a lot of your posts, but missed those tidbits.

Having other people take care of your plants... memories to get angry about.... lol... because I don't want to get angry again...

Your spider mite comment just reminded me of this time, while I was living in Olympia, where a friend had brought me in to show his failure of a grow (and to help salvage the scrap) The thing is: the y had this spider mite infestation that they just let keep running, on these plants, that were still in the grow tents, but had completely succumbed to the infestation... to a degree I have trouble fully relating. It was like one of those horrific worse case scenario pictures, in a medical textbook. Like the infestation had become so heavy in places, that the webbing and what have you had developed it's own slightly purplish pigmentation, that DID NOT seem to be botrytis. It was like the stuff of nightmares. Standing 10+ ft away, I swear just looking at this, made it feel like they were crawling on me.

Like... "why didn't you take these plants down....?" I think that it had gotten so horrific that neither of the couple wanted to touch it. Just came to mind.

Thanks again for the details. I hope that you put up some pictures of Mandy one of these days. Any thoughts on Ortega's general contribution in a cross?
I lost the LaNina and Medicine Man males due to my friend being too much of a stoner letting the plants succumb to a massive spider mite infestation so no bx for you :(. Nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your favorite plants covered in webbing so thick that they were beyond salvaging. I have not spoken to him since that day.
DAMN! I feel your heart-break. Sorry for your loss. Sounds more like a "frienemy", with the emphasis placed more on "enemy". Wow! 🤯
Karma will get him eventually, if if hasn't yet. I once fronted a dude a 1/4 lb of hash-oil, which he stiffed me for in the end. A little while after I found out he lost 3.5 fingers in an "industrial" accident. Karma took care of him, imho.

When karma hits back at you instantly!
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Another week has past. Going on 3 weeks and they are now starting to dust up. They have had their 2nd tea and looking healthy. It is a must grow.

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Beautiful plants and shots. In one, it looks like I almost see a tad bit of an aquamarine, to the hue of the flower's foliage. Is that my computer being on his last legs (my ex and I started calling him "Old Wheezy" or is that accurate to what you are seeing?

Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing!

Smelling of earth and coffee

Be still, my heart.