Auction ending times and time zones

Time zones

It should be noted that the auctions are designed and mainly targeted to end in the following 2 time zones:

  • GMT+1 (Europe)
  • GMT+8 (Americas)

Ending Times and Days

In order to facilitate the bidding process, we have set the auctions to automatically end on the following days and times:

  • Mondays – Thursdays (8:00 pm – 12:00 am)
  • Fridays – Sundays (8:00 pm – 02:00 am)

The schedule’s purpose is to help people around the world get an equal opportunity of winning auctions.

Our schedule

We plan the auction schedule 1-3 months in advance, so there is a fair cycle of about 2 auctions per strain every 10 days. This  is relevant for all of our THC-rich strains we currently have in stock.

If you have suggestions or questions don’t hesitate to contact auction manager B at [email protected].

Special Requests

If you wish to have a specific strain uploaded and/or a preferred ending time of that strain, please contact [email protected]. This can ease the bidding process for members that would otherwise have to stay up all night, or would have to set their alarm clocks at very inconvenient times just to get the best deals! However, please keep in mind that some patience and fore-planning is needed as sometimes we have too many requests.