
Well-known member
Hello, my fellow forum family! Sadly, because the Z7HzAC didn't win the poll, I did not empty the contents of a straw of it into water. I did however drop four little beauties into a shot of tap water. The result? Four healthy seedlings which all had the shells split and radicle showing within 12 hours! Also, 3/4 broke ground by the next morning and I could see the fourth by the time I got home from work. Growth has been wonderful with them. The Z7HzAC showed faster initial growth vs the ShitAfgHz and G13HzAC.

Though this chemovar lost the poll, I wanted to pop at least a few, I'm shooting for two females. I want something with significant CBD for medicating with. Not only for myself but more importantly, my grandmother. Because this isn't a proper pheno hunt, I'll grow these a little larger than I did with my last Mr. Nice grow. I want to ensure ample amount of material for medication. This does have to last, after all. The nicer flowers will all be jarred up and cured, hopefully for the long haul. The larfe and trim will be turned into some form of topical. I'll look through my older threads when that time comes, I know Mu recommended topicals and specified what/how he prefers.
Any and all advice/comments from others who have grown other AC/Z/CBD dom chemovars who want to chime in and or post a pic or two are more than welcome. This will be my first chemovar with any real amount of CBD in its breeding. Simultaneously, this is also one of my first AC grows. At least I seem to be screwing this up a bit less than my last grow. 😂 So please, pull up a chair. Join me on this wonderful journey.

ps. I'll take better photos of the plants soon. I hadn't puffed any Medicine Man yet when I took this photo. Hurting, I rushed with the photo. The first is a group shot of the tent, the second you can see the Z7HzAC.


Hello, my fellow forum family members. The Z7HzAC are reaching for the roof! They are easily the tallest chemovar I'm sifting through, atm. Here are some photos of them before they got their first topping. I removed a good few nodes per plant. First up a group shot of the four. Next are phenos #1-4, respectively.






Hi all. I inspected the Z7HzAC while watering them, ph 6.6. #1 and #4 are both sporting preflower pistils, and #3 has beautiful long pre-flower sacks. #2 is taking its time and hasn't declared itself either way yet.

They all look super healthy and are responding well to their first topping. I am much more excited about them than I thought I would be! I got them more as a curiosity and for my grandmother, and at the time mom, but I am thoroughly enjoying watching them grow. 😀 They popped almost immediatly, have vigorous early growth, and don't bat an eye at messing with the growing environments.
Two females so far is perfect.

Sorry for the lapse between updates. The mums have been sitting around, basically getting overgrown. They had gotten about twice as tall as the mum cab itself! Needless to say, they got a haircut and clones have been taken for flowering out. Unfortunately, Z7HzAC#1 rotted at the stem. I have replaced said clone with some new growth. #2, #3, and #4 were taken out of the humidity dome last night, #4 doesn't look happy and has been added back to the dome.

Once they are all rooted I will begin vegging them for their final home, 5gal fabric pots.



Looks like I'm moving forward with three out of the four phenos. The clone Z7HzAC#4, which is a female, never rooted. So, I'll be flowering out phenos #1, 2, and 3. #1 is a female, #2 is undeclared, and #3 is a male.

I plan on making f2's of the Z7HzAC, and also dusting the 5HzZu with the Z7HzAC pollen.

I'll post pictures once they grow out a bit.