Afgan haze grow report



Hi all so afgan haze it is, i plan on growing these organically in soil,i'll be using allmix biobizz feeds and guano a little later.The doses of feed will stay low unless they really need it.
I plan on keeping all potential keepers and then re run them to select a favourite,as for males i will select a few that meet ideal male charatistic's and cross them with a selection of my favourite girls
I started off with 18 seeds which were germinated on 22/2/10,in a tub a little tissue and water,then placed in a dark warm cupboard to germinate.After 48hours all18 germinated,at this point i removed outer shells on some that still had them on, and placed them into small pots filled with allmix.At this point they were placed under sodiums on 18/6 day/night.
Seven days later cotyledons have greened up and first true leaves have appeared,19 days after germination the lights were flipped here's a few picks of the seedlings.They are alot bigger now though,i also forgot to mention that i'll be fowering in 7.5 lt pots to keep the small and managable.


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looking good pluko, will keep an eye on this 1..
good luck mate
Grow safe and be well:)
going to keep a eye on this pluko. since i lost my last afxhz crop still got no2 & no3 in cutting form so still going to go back and finish something on my thread. might be outdoor becouse the police raided my house after i got robed so looks like i losing it. outdoor mostly for a while now till my coutions up;) good luke with ur grow mate its a loverly plant well worth growing mate:).
Billy liar and brock1 welcome, brock1 sorry to hear about your crop suppose you win some and lose some stick at it mate.I noticed that a majority of my afgan haze leafs appear to be on the afgan side of things,all 18 seem to be very simular at the moment but its early days yet its been about 1month from germination here's a few typical pheno's,by the way i ain't noticed any sex yet,enjoy


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i noticed the same afgan looking leaf in growth all about the same size but once i changed the light cycle. everything changed and the differences were easy to see. some of my leafs had what looked like your and a leaf on a leaf aswell after i change the light but didnt seem to do any harm to the plants at all. heres a pic u can just make the little extra fingers out on but it pritty well camouflaged. dont worry mate the only victim from growing cannabis plant is the grower when the cops bust your door down or someone takes your crop in my eyes. as long as i am not hurting anyone growing i will allways be growing;)


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That's a interesting feature you got there block1 i'll keep an eye out for that.
In the last 10 days i've noticed alot of change,it's been 39 days form germination and all have shown sex, the male's were slighty quicker on average.
10 males and 8females was the count in the end so overall i'm pleased with this.The males will be topped and put back into the veg room till i got a place to flower them out and collect pollen off them.
Other then showing sex this week i noticed a majority of them shot up,leaving only a few shorty's i'd guess these have taken from the afgan but still early days.
These are all 8 females,the last is most developed male


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sounds more like everytime you post pluko. i had 8 female and 10 male from my 18 seeds. all looked like afghan doms till flower next you will have 5 sativa dome and 3 indica. like dayshavoo lol.:p
Funny that we both got 8females and 10 males at the moment one of mine seem to be indica dom and seven on the sativa side but its early days, interesting stuff starts now i'll do my best to keep you up to date with things,did you manage to smoke any of yours? I personally never tried any afgan haze so really not sure what to look for,i do however love a good hash so any hashiness and fruitiness would be welcomed with open arms:D.
Things are moving along well,at the moment it seems that all my afgan females are giving out thickish white pistals equally fast regardless of hight or broadness of there leaves.
I repotted into 13cm pots around 10 days ago and untill now ive only used water with a ph 7 i plan on repotting next week into the final 7.5lt pots,i dont plan on feeding untill a week after that.
Im going to have to reveg my favourite females as i may have left it to late to take cuts.Other then that these plants seem very vigorous at the moment,clearly growing with every visit




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mine were about 5 weeks in flower when i took cutting of so you should be fine still if you whant to get getting from them pluko.
2weeks onset of flowering

Hi all at mns

keeping the seed perants in small pots as long as possible has really helped me keep them small and manageble,the tallest at the moment being 30inches and the shortest being only 18inches tall. I repotted about 3 days ago into 7.5 lt pots and this is were i plan on leaving them till the end,i feed them in the 13cm pots just before the repot with 1ml per lt of bio grow.I really dont like adding to much feed i love the taste of organic herb and im really trying to get the best example of my phenos.Ive noticed in the past that feed may mask the delicate flavours held by certain plants.

Its still early days but one of my females(sativa dom) has a stem that when rubbed gives off really strong odour that resembles blueberries or ribena,this particular stem is also sticky compared to all the others, so i'll be keeping an eye out to see this one develope.

I can see that the shorter phenos seem to be developing buds faster then the taller ones that seem to still be putting energy into growing tall ive not noticed any that have stopped or slowed growing tall yet all seem to be growing with every visit. Heres a few pictures:)



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Hi there all at mns, i can now clearly see that there is 4 indica type plants and 4 sativa type plants,this strain seems very practical to me at the moment,nothing like the sporadic mango haze that i grow last and got 15 females from 18 seeds, that really f*** up my shit,but it was worth it;)

The indica types have tight internodes and slightlybroader leafs although new leafs forming seem to be getting thiner.They really seem to want to grow a single cola also.
The sat. types are taller,have thinner leafs and a greater distance between the internodes.These plants are forming a classic cristmas tree.Ive noticed the first trics forming on water leafs of these plants i might be going crazy but i can smell hints of blueberry,deep chocolate,and what i can only discribe as a 'pong' type of smell.Ive never really revegged before so not really sure how to go about that i'll have go over jkp's work.
Anyway ive split them into 2 groups for the photos heres the indica types.These photo were taken a few days ago and they have greened up some what since then.




Nice start

Hey Pluko,
Nice plants and presentation thus far.These are on my list as well.Look forward to the finish...peace BL
Cheers budluver, here's the sativa types sorry to all about the lack of labelling i will however be labelling them up from now on.



week3 and 3days

Hi all at mns, the afgan haze has really began to develope buds over the last week.Im going to to break them down so you guys can follow progress a bit better.The ones with the more indica type features are #1,#2,#3 and #6 leaving #4,#5,#7 and #8 the more sativa types.

#1 seems to want only to form a single cola no side brunching and short at 22inches,its giving off a mildly sweet aroma but no distintive smell also tight internodes.


#2 stands at just 1inch taller 23inches this to has a single cola no side branching.#2 has a sweeter aroma with slight fruit.


#3 is also very short at 22inches although this wants to form a xmas tree shape much more.This pheno is also not as sweet more pungent wood like aromas at the moment



And last of the indica types #6 being the tallest at 24inches,has good resin production so far,giving off earthy wood like aromas off slighty pungent.


So this brings us to the more sativa types,personally my favourite side so far.They are less developed but taller cant wait to see them at peak.
I'll start with #4,this is a real pole plant straight up31inches tall.Im really loving the aromas of this one,kind of reminds me of that amnesia in dam,sweet smelling blue fruit tones very interesting so far.
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This brings me to #5 a real treat at 36inches tall airy type buds,a xmas tree in shape.The aroma of this is of berry hazesweetness no pungent tones very pleasant indeed.


#7 is slightly shorter at 31inches with airy buds to.Also forming a xmas tree shape,but smelling a bit like hash not all that sweet.


#8 is another treat for me just so pleasant sweet blackcurrent aromas just so sweet.Sativa type buds and standing at33inches tall.


Im sorry cause I miss this thread, looks good.
AH looks like body without so much branches, is that about your growing space/light or its up to genetics .... what is it ?

Nice test grow !
Hi there blizzout welcome,well some seem to only want to grow up,but some are growing into that classic xmas tree shape,im guessing its down to genetics but i'll have to re-run them to get a true understanding of them.It could be down to the fact that i kept them in small 13cm pots till quite late that has helped me keep them small.I run seeds along side main crops and i really dont want them to get to big, my last batch of mango haze seeds kind of took over with 15 females from one pack of seeds hope this helps.
Hi there blizzout welcome,well some seem to only want to grow up,but some are growing into that classic xmas tree shape,im guessing its down to genetics but i'll have to re-run them to get a true understanding of them.It could be down to the fact that i kept them in small 13cm pots till quite late that has helped me keep them small.I run seeds along side main crops and i really dont want them to get to big, my last batch of mango haze seeds kind of took over with 15 females from one pack of seeds hope this helps.

i think its genetic also mate. next time i run the axh i will be topping because a few i grew had a few bottom arms and they had good bud down there. in some of the older thread there's some big yields that have been topped.
Thx pluko, yea it can be cause pots but it must be up to genetics too.
Looks like you really must re-run and check about it, test them in 4L pots.

However for now they looks good.