Winter journal

to tell you, I have used to try burning fresh pot, to know what some nutes impact was in my early days...

That is why Iam only using bio, when I can :)
-Day 73-

I have a feeling, the girl welcoming fall colours, is finishing...
Trichomes are milky + some golden, leafs are yellowing and falling..

Smells are sweet & incredible !
So it is like sweet hash dought... :)
Bit of fruity fragrances on the touch...

Branches are very supportive, yet the weight of the mass is heavy..

I will give last bit of fresh water,, and Iam thinking of harvesting soemwhere in 2-5 days (in the midlle of upcoming week maybe)

I think I was right, just few more days !

Today, there was dark, and tomorow there will be second dark, and overall last day.

Trichomes looking milky and few ambers, that is how I like it... And few more days it will be just excellent !

I really enjoyed this grow !!
Now I cant wait for tastes !!!

-day 75 is final-

So it is the end with this beautifull Widow girl...
I hanged her upside down today, after two full sunless days..

She made me a spectacular show, I must say !
And If she tastes as good as she smells, then she can attack top positions of my best plants so far !

(she is on top actually, as I didnt got so much of trichome cover ever, trust me, the photos are without flash, and on real, she is really impressing in that trait)

So here some last photos for you all, and I will be back, when Iam into my next projects... & of course smoke report

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WACO buds were stored for further curing !!

The overall smells are not like when flowering... but are still tasty !
Now the base is like kush-ground / acidic. Hints of fresh spices in background..
..Not that much fruity, altho I can smell Wild garlic in the background.
I pretty much love it so far !!!

I have also tested few lower buds, and I was very satisfied with it so far.
Heady, bit of racey, very smiley,,, one big side effect -> is my empty fridge !!! Be sure, to keep that in mind :_)

(full smoke report, as it setless, as is still progressing to be better !!!!)

#1add: Waco is also great producer 1,3 litres botlle toped by one plant !!!
#2add: All buds are rockhard, still bit on airy-hazy side, but medium to big sized pyramids..
#3add: Not that much „leftover“ smaller buds also !

I made few photos using flash ( covered by hand to compensate for exposition, still need to figure out the use )

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photo using flash

Vape report

I start by picking medium sized bud, cause no smaller ones are/were found on this plant.
WACO is great producer, some 1,3Litres of relatively hard, yet hazy material.
Heavy producer of some delicious Herb WACO is !!

Ground up smell of Herb is what I believe to be Haze cuting thru spicy widowy smells in background. -HERB-
No lemon, no affie.. Not pungent, not sweet..
Original on its own „caramely-sugary-hashy-nutty-spicy smells

It has creamy Widow flavour I know off.
It is rich vapour, creamy-nutty-spicy experience, with slightly nutty hash aftertaste.
I can feel creamy Widow female complemented by AC quite well now !! Wonderfull
The taste of Herb is very rich and is absolutely beautifull in my vaporizer so far.

After session.. It all starts by calmness... Gentle relaxed state of mind...
Listening to Manu chao and some caribean rum in hand, and you would feel like in Mexico basking headless on the sun :D
Motivation for fun to do jobs, like taking photos for example, is great.
It is good till you need to do multitasking tho, cause Oh God, that sucks :D
After few hours of your good time, youre sligtly slaped over mouth, then as you are thinking about it, it is time to prepare another session, maybe eat, or do your normal business.

Friendly reminder: You cannot hear anything about food, drinks, snacks !!
Actually you cannot even listen your neighbours dogs eating :D
I dont know why is this happening imediatelly after session, but it is here, munchies, but Hell a lot !! :D
You have been warned !!

This is the plant I would pick, should there be that endworld scenario of one strain to choose to travel on Mars or other bulshittery
. . .
WACO is 7 from 5 stars for its flavours and tastes for me !!
And that puts it at first place of my list for now !!!!
This strain should have been named AMAZING WIDOW for sure

merged photos - not using flash
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View attachment 70257
photo using flash

Vape report

I start by picking medium sized bud, cause no smaller ones are/were found on this plant.
WACO is great producer, some 1,3Litres of relatively hard, yet hazy material.
Heavy producer of some delicious Herb WACO is !!

Ground up smell of Herb is what I believe to be Haze cuting thru spicy widowy smells in background. -HERB-
No lemon, no affie.. Not pungent, not sweet..
Original on its own „caramely-sugary-hashy-nutty-spicy smells

It has creamy Widow flavour I know off.
It is rich vapour, creamy-nutty-spicy experience, with slightly nutty hash aftertaste.
I can feel creamy Widow female complemented by AC quite well now !! Wonderfull
The taste of Herb is very rich and is absolutely beautifull in my vaporizer so far.

After session.. It all starts by calmness... Gentle relaxed state of mind...
Listening to Manu chao and some caribean rum in hand, and you would feel like in Mexico basking headless on the sun :D
Motivation for fun to do jobs, like taking photos for example, is great.
It is good till you need to do multitasking tho, cause Oh God, that sucks :D
After few hours of your good time, youre sligtly slaped over mouth, then as you are thinking about it, it is time to prepare another session, maybe eat, or do your normal business.

Friendly reminder: You cannot hear anything about food, drinks, snacks !!
Actually you cannot even listen your neighbours dogs eating :D
I dont know why is this happening imediatelly after session, but it is here, munchies, but Hell a lot !! :D
You have been warned !!

This is the plant I would pick, should there be that endworld scenario of one strain to choose to travel on Mars or other bulshittery
. . .
WACO is 7 from 5 stars for its flavours and tastes for me !!
And that puts it at first place of my list for now !!!!
This strain should have been named AMAZING WIDOW for sure

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merged photos - not using flash

Muy guapa 😍
View attachment 70257
photo using flash

Vape report

I start by picking medium sized bud, cause no smaller ones are/were found on this plant.
WACO is great producer, some 1,3Litres of relatively hard, yet hazy material.
Heavy producer of some delicious Herb WACO is !!

Ground up smell of Herb is what I believe to be Haze cuting thru spicy widowy smells in background. -HERB-
No lemon, no affie.. Not pungent, not sweet..
Original on its own „caramely-sugary-hashy-nutty-spicy smells

It has creamy Widow flavour I know off.
It is rich vapour, creamy-nutty-spicy experience, with slightly nutty hash aftertaste.
I can feel creamy Widow female complemented by AC quite well now !! Wonderfull
The taste of Herb is very rich and is absolutely beautifull in my vaporizer so far.

After session.. It all starts by calmness... Gentle relaxed state of mind...
Listening to Manu chao and some caribean rum in hand, and you would feel like in Mexico basking headless on the sun :D
Motivation for fun to do jobs, like taking photos for example, is great.
It is good till you need to do multitasking tho, cause Oh God, that sucks :D
After few hours of your good time, youre sligtly slaped over mouth, then as you are thinking about it, it is time to prepare another session, maybe eat, or do your normal business.

Friendly reminder: You cannot hear anything about food, drinks, snacks !!
Actually you cannot even listen your neighbours dogs eating :D
I dont know why is this happening imediatelly after session, but it is here, munchies, but Hell a lot !! :D
You have been warned !!

This is the plant I would pick, should there be that endworld scenario of one strain to choose to travel on Mars or other bulshittery
. . .
WACO is 7 from 5 stars for its flavours and tastes for me !!
And that puts it at first place of my list for now !!!!
This strain should have been named AMAZING WIDOW for sure

View attachment 70258
merged photos - not using flash
I’m gunna have to try Waco now too!
I wasnt really paying attention to WACO...that has changed now. Great report. These buds have a sexy look, fat but still fluffy
I wasnt really paying attention to WACO...that has changed now. Great report. These buds have a sexy look, fat but still fluffy

And I wish I could lend you my senses, because this was best smelling plant for me..
Real Heawen - Sweetish Hash dought

The taste also great... Toped by Up high !!

Just a spectacular plant !!
I hope to replant WACO again in near future