What is Breeders Support and Information?

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Site Moderator
Staff member
This heading, is listed as number 6 under the overall heading: MNS Strains and Grow Diaries- for growers to exchange photos and reports of all MNS strains. As one can see from the heading, it is primarily designed for MNS growers and breeders of MNS stock; a place to come and discuss your best practices, your efforts and your successes in working with MNS seeds.
Lately, some have taken it upon themselves to post and promote seeds and breeders of other companies under this heading, necessitating this clarification. This was not what this forum was designed to do and these posts have typically been taken down. We are secure in what we at MNS have to offer; we do not care to become a clearing house or an advertising platform for others. We try to exercise patience and tolerance, however some take advantage of our kindness. I'm sure they have their reasons and motivations, unfortunately we cannot accommodate everyone and in the end, it defeats the true purpose of this site which is to promote MNS.
Continuing forward, please feel free to submit anything and everything that has to do with MNS seeds and the breeding of. Submission of other strains from other companies in this section is inappropriate and will be removed. Thanks for your understanding.
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