What deficiency does this look like?


Well-known member
Normally I would cull this plant but the aroma so early in veg is outstanding.
From the start it has been struggling with the main stalk and roots growing sideways right into the side of container wall.
The plant has been showing the same deficiency since the seedling stages.
I’m surprised it survived but 2 months later after a transplant to center the tap root the main stalk went from bending sideways to straight up.

Next to the plant are others on the same diet and same strain and they are healthy and thriving.

Before I transplant into a larger container what deficiency does it look like it has?


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Hard to tell from that little pic but reminds me of mid-stage Nitrogen deficiency. Also looks a bit like some supplemental deficiencies like Boron and Manganese.

Compare these charts to your plant and see what matches most closely.


Nutes 7-4D59-B9DC-B9FCF929F14C.jpeg

I think I will transplant into a larger container and give it a few weeks then revaluate.

I forgot it’s two months older than the ones beside it which are healthy which are in the same size containers and they are due for a transplant or cloning.
I need a bigger veg room.

Thanks for the chart and pictures.
She’s pruned down a bit and after a root ball soak and transplanted.Not as big as I should have went but enough for a good month of root growth.
I’ll try to post some results and methods in a week to 10 days which should be plenty of time.