What are vape cartridges filled with?

You are sure going in some interesting directions here brah. Regarding your first post, https://mrnice.nl/forum/threads/what-is-the-main-effect-of-cbd.18403/ -> have you read the many numerous articles available on the net about CBD and hemp?
Have you thought to query, "to purchase empty carts to fill with your own oil." I got numerous hits that might better help you.
Just sayin it's a good place to start as we do not sell oil or cartridges here.

Vape cartridges are available from the Mr. Nice/Dr. Nice Shop.
I'm not quite sure if Scott has made them available yet from one of his many other companies such as Sciva Corporation.
There's some very good information on the latter site including time frames of what he was working on through the years. There's also good information about his "trustworthy partner", Dr. Iva Hošková, Ph.D 🙂

Take care and all the best!🌞
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We are still working on these other pop sites as info is not congruent. Best to contact Shanti with your questions and needs as he has the latest info.

It is also possible to purchase empty carts to fill with your own oil.
View attachment 74281
Hi Adam
Yes, it is possible to purchase empty carts that you can fill with your own oil.
If you want to purchase empty carts for filling with your own oil, you can follow these steps:

  • Research suppliers specializing in empty oil carts.
  • Check product specifications for compatibility with your oil.
  • Compare prices and quality from different suppliers.
  • Place an order with the chosen supplier.
  • Ensure a clean and controlled environment for filling the carts.
  • Follow appropriate safety measures when filling the carts.
  • Consider any legal requirements or certifications applicable in your area.
You are sure going in some interesting directions here brah. Regarding your first post, https://mrnice.nl/forum/threads/what-is-the-main-effect-of-cbd.18403/ -> have you read the many numerous articles available on the net about CBD and hemp?
Have you thought to query, "to purchase empty carts to fill with your own oil." I got numerous hits that might better help you.
Just sayin it's a good place to start as we do not sell oil or cartridges here.

want to learn better suggestion from users
Please note that it's essential to ensure the legality and safety of the substances you fill the cartridges with, as well as complying with any applicable laws or regulations in area. Could you please suggest a good online platform for custom Packaging. I want to rebuild my Products design