Well I'll be buggered!

You did alright if you got 28 seeds in a straw.
Never heard of that before.
Never heard of a 1 in 10 ratio of female to male either.
Maybe you should get a second opinion next time when doing the sexing.
And post some pics of the males reproductive parts.
You might be throwing out females by the sound of things.
It can be very difficult to tell sometimes,
sativas also take longer to show sex in most cases.
Often displaying intermediate/leafy bits that are not a true indication of their sex
It would be nice to have some close-up photos of those males so we can look at them and verify your claims.
Best of luck moving forward.
I grew them all out and have nabbed some sweet pollen from a couple of males selected for certain traits, so can definitely confirm they had balls.

At the end of the day it is what it is :) For me it makes the hunt more interesting.

Side note, all 8 sunk and have been put in the "fridge" to sprout. 🙏
Sometimes it seems we make hard work of something that nature has already perfected and made simple.

Sprouting seeds in the fridge, what will they think of next?

I am wondering if the stress of germinating at 3 degrees Celsius might have something to do with your male/female ratio.

"Sorry for the confusion, I won my first straw at auction and rolled the (d)ice and didn't win. A dear mate gifted me the remnants of another straw"

Sorry mate if this sounds rude but what you are saying still doesn't make any sense.

You won a pack but then you lost it, then a mate gave you the leftovers of his pack.

Best of luck
G’day @Uncle Jack,

The “fridge” is a modified contraption that provides a climate controlled environment for germination/sprouting.

My first straw of SSH I won at auction had 20 beans, and got 2 females from it.

A second straw that a good mate had was given to me that had 8 beans in it. As my mate found what he was looking for and didn’t bother firing the rest up.
Righto, managed to get a couple of SSH from what I had left, I drowned a few :(

But these two are looking happy enough. the larger one is just beginning to show itself. they both have a nice smell from the stem rub. Will pot them up tomorrow into some larger containers for more of a buffer, but I reckon we don't have many hot days left.

Let's see how they go!


Moved them into the tent for a couple of weeks under 12/12 and out came the balls!!!
I’ll be finishing the bigger fella outside as it has a great branching structure and some strong incense on the stem rub. and let nature do its thing (maybe with a little help) with a nice NL5xHaze Girl that was lacking “something”

I’m gonna try my luck with a straw I have of her sister strain, Mango Haze, and not be so narrow minded.

I’ll snag another straw and roll the dice again somewhere down the track.


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Moved them into the tent for a couple of weeks under 12/12 and out came the balls!!!

Hey cloffy, I suspect that light stress may have been the primary cause of that reaction.

If the CRI rating of your indoor light isn't close to the sun's, and if its spectral output is different as well, that could do it, I think; if the transition was immediate, with no gradual steps involved. Were they gradually introduced to that artificial light?

Cheers! - FF
Hey cloffy, I suspect that light stress may have been the primary cause of that reaction.

If the CRI rating of your indoor light isn't close to the sun's, and if its spectral output is different as well, that could do it, I think; if the transition was immediate, with no gradual steps involved. Were they gradually introduced to that artificial light?

Cheers! - FF
Thanks for the input, FF.

I have cranked out plenty of sweet girls using the same lights with a variety of MNS seeds, so no dramas there.

Started under CFL, then to LED, then to HPS in the tent.

It is what it is mate :)

I'm not disheartened at all, if anything it fuels me to keep a huntin'