Well I'll be buggered!

@Cloffy said: "Me thinks ol’ no. 3 the freaky leaf, has balls 😔"

Hello Cloffy! :)

As a betting man, I wouldn't bet @Fish gumboots that is a male just yet. I'd give it some time. Time holds all answers to all questions. I thought the plant below was a male. In fact, I used a lighted 60x jeweler's loop to show people how to tell this plant was a male. It did not have two white pistils sticking out but a single green 'pecker' looking thing sticking out of a little pod thingy. It turns out to be a female so tall I can't see the top of it on a stepladder. Of course, I have lost all credibility that I know a damn thing about growing pot. So you might not want to believe anything I say. Or bet on it. But those who know me, know that I wouldn't make it up unless it was true.

Btw, what type of shoes are you wearing in the SSH-3 photo? ;) Curious because your hand is so much bigger than your feet? :unsure: Are they paratrooper boots?

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If SSH-3 is a female, I'd bet Fish's gumboots that the plant will be one of your biggest yielder's and certainly the most potent. I am rooting for a female! Wishing you luck!

Bit of an update.
The littl’uns are still powering on, I have taken the tops and are rooting them under 12hr to push the sexing along. (Wish I had more space 😔)
1 is still noticeably different, paler with different physical structure to the others.
Some have changed to an indeterminate or staggered node pattern too.
I’m really enjoying watching these develop, but don’t want to waste too much time and energy on males (will isolate, and bag the pollen down the track)
I’ll hurry up and wait because the end result is more than worth it 👍
Have a good one!


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Jeeze what a month it has been?!
Righto, turns out that all four are lovely ladies.
They have been planted out on my mates farm, with plenty of room to grow in the great outdoors.
The clones I took have now been planted up in my little space, to see what’s what and how they go in the space.
I have a time lapse cam in there so I can keep track.
I know I haven’t got a field/greenhouse/room of ladies to hunt a keeper, but just getting these beans is a bloody good start in the right direction.
Will put some pics up when time permits.
Take care!
turned out that 2,3 and 4 were male. So they are down the back of a mates farm, finishing off so I can get some pollen. #1 (the one I thought would be male) was the only girl. I cut the top off and thought I'd see how she would go in my environment. But she filled the space quick smart with very little flowering for the time spent. So she is on another mates property, as per the attached pic (taken a month ago)

I have cracked another few beans, so will see how we go :)

Come hell or high water, I'll get a SSH keeper. One way or another :)


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So out of 20 beans (including the first 4 above) I have come across 2 females, which is the roll of the dice with naturals :) . One being big bertha in the above pic who is now over 8 feet tall and enjoying the weird Aussie summer we are having. And another who is currently happily flowering away indoors at week 7 (Pics to come)
She was sharing the space with a hungry feeder who has since been harvested, so got a bit upset with the higher levels and now with the feeds dialled down is a happy girl. I grew a lovely pheno of NL#5 for years, and the flower structure reminds me of her except on steroids. Got some massive colas.
She's got a nice, sweet smell and is starting to push out the trichomes like mad. Will be interesting to see how the next month or so goes.

Have fun, be safe and enjoy what you do :)
G'day @shantibaba!
2 girls from 20 beans, the rest were male.
Over the last 6 months I have been hunting, and I understand it takes a much greater number (than one straw) to increase your chances of finding that special girl.
The first girl is leaning towards Haze, over 6ft with the open, airy flower clusters and is happily doing her thing out under the Aussie sun on a mate's farm. Whereas the one I have my eye on is leaning more to the NL side of its heritage.
After seeing many cup winners on the pages of High Times over the years, and being an NL fiend, I was gobsmacked by this strain in 2013 when visiting the good fellows at De Dampkring, the fact that it cut through anything else and was a rollercoaster of a high, ranging from spaced out to euphoria. Simply some of te best medicine I've ever had!

Long time between drinks, hope you’re all doing alright 👍
From the first batch, SSH 1 ended up about 8 foot tall but got decimated by all manner of bugs so was pulled up and ended up on the bonfire.

But, the second girl I found had a rough trot. After a stuff up with watering for over a week, and some other issues brought on by laziness by me, she still showed some potential with some amazing bud structure.
So I have decided to give her a few more runs to fine tune.

One image showing the freshly planted cutting.

The next, after 4 weeks of growth (12/12 from day 1)
She’s already developing a nice fragrance compared to last time and a fine layer of trichomes.

I’m glad I made the decision to give her another go.


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Week 6 update, looking happy as a clam but EC of runoff is increasing. Will adjust accordingly.
Whacked a temp probe in to check for hot spots, but with the cold on its way, don’t think it will be an issue.

Looking and smelling much happier than the last run 😃👍


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On the scissors today, had planned to go a couple of weeks longer than this. But a bit of mould started creeping in, in a few spots so down she comes.
A finicky feeder, but produces some beautiful flowers with only a handful of popcorn (buds smaller than my thumb)
I’m glad I gave her a second chance, as the aromas, size and structure are right up there. But she doesn’t have the smells I’m after so for now, I’ll keep on hunting.

Have fun and be safe!


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Life’s too short, I’m firing up the rest of the straw of SSH, and if I don’t find what I’m after, hell, I’ll just have to buy another straw 😂

8 of the best in some water and Seasol til they sink 👍
How many straws did you get? How many beans per?
Sorry if I missed it, thought I read 2 of 20 are male?

The right pollen can be priceless.
I’m glad I gave her a second chance, as the aromas, size and structure are right up there. But she doesn’t have the smells I’m after so for now, I’ll keep on hunting.
If she looks that good early, a few more weeks and she'd be some serious buds! Sorry you had to chop her early.

Were the aromas similiar to what you're searching for?

Happy hunting my friend.