Triple P Super Silver Haze grow

Alrighty everyone things are heating up the boys are kicking out a little pollen now. Today is day 17 and 3 of the 4 just started to drop a little pollen with one looking to kick maybe tomorrow. The shortest male with the broadest leaf fingers has the largest pollen sacks of the four and either the most dense or second most dense clusters. The tallest one is the double serrated leaf I have had my eye on who has gone about double in height in flower and seems to produce the most pollen from the sacs. These will be the two I will select. Here’s some pics of all of the males though BB23F5BC-2138-433C-90D8-18C6D69ED692.jpeg46DC7F02-E256-4C11-9C83-14793292A9D2.jpeg2C746FED-7640-4409-8BF7-7B5C095BA5F5.jpeg86150144-BAFD-4E11-B7A4-F0338425D7F5.jpeg77B08BDF-9818-433A-9DF5-AA6EE756A534.jpeg
And here are a few shots of the standout girls so far
Really excited to see what they will do in the next couple months.
Alright everyone buckle up things are heating up. Everyone in the flower room has received some pollen from the males I will post pics of them next post I have one female who is standing out from the rest she las s lemony scent to her and is already packing on the trichs. The scents are ranging from floral to citrusy but all look amazing I will post pics of the rest soon lights when out during the photo shoot. But so far this lady seems to be outpacing the rest. I’m still hoping some of the longer flowering hazes will take the cake but I’m not prejudiced to any in the 10 week rangeD7E3F638-A6BE-4BF0-A291-1A2E567DFDFB.jpeg
Today is day 23 of flower
The taller male doubled in height and the shorter went about .5x. The shorter did seem to have larger pollen sacs in comparison to the taller but I felt the taller male dumped more pollen. If I remember correctly shanti said in a previous post that was one of his criteria for males is the amount of pollen they would release. So based on structure smell and pollen releasing I selected the taller to continue on for further breeding
The taller male doubled in height and the shorter went about .5x. The shorter did seem to have larger pollen sacs in comparison to the taller but I felt the taller male dumped more pollen. If I remember correctly shanti said in a previous post that was one of his criteria for males is the amount of pollen they would release. So based on structure smell and pollen releasing I selected the taller to continue on for further breeding
I would also chose the longer flowering male.:)
Did you notice any smell in the two males or resin production?
