Three yellow packs of La Nina


New member
Two years ago a friend who was the Amsterdam connection for Shanti's goods gave me three of the old yellow packs of La Nina.

To start my first grow in over a year (illness has prevented me growing in a while) I germed these 3 packs.

Being old, germ rates are low, I got 11 up out of 52.

They grew really slowly in coco, I put this down to their age.

After 4 weeks of 12/12 from sprouting they were still tiny, only 3-4 inches tall, one was 8 inches and looked full sativa.

At this point I removed 5 runts that I just wasn't going to devote any more time to.

Two plants showed male balls at this point and were also removed.

One more grew pistils from the top node and male balls from the next node down, that was also removed.

So now after 8 weeks 12/12 from sprouting there are three left. One is a tiny runt that has split into two meristems of it's own accord and just isn't growing. Another is a female and is flowering, but is only 9 inches tall, I expect it will finish at no more than 12 inches.

The last remaining one is a full sativa, 2 foot tall and no signs of sex after 8 week, but experience tells me it will be a female, the branching is well developed with long, thin wiry stems and pretty thin leaves, dark green foliage. I've topped it and bent it with stem pinching and it's bushing out nicely.

Only this full sativa one is interesting, the tiny runt is not going to do anything and I should have disposed of it but there is space for it in my flowering space so it remains until there is no space left. The tiny midget female I will allow to finish, even though I expect yield will be no more than an few grams.

So I'll keep reporting on this one interesting plant, if it does indeed show pistils I'll post a picture.
i sprouted seed on my last run from Mandala Seeds from 2004 and had a 70% germ should be able to get a pretty high number of viable seeds imho.