The Stones Special outdoor 2022

You must have a lot of space, al these strains you started.😄
Harvest time from this round is going to be really nice!

Do you grow these strains indoor or outdoor?


Unfortunately not as much space as I would like, and certainly would not count chickens before they hatch, fingers crossed.
I grow indoor and outdoor, do most selection indoor and keep plants smaller, then smoke it all to see what is the nicest, try make some seeds of plants I won't likely keep alive along the way.

This year outdoor will be last years selected keepers,,,
CHZ #1, NORDLE #3, #4, #7, #9, SPICE #4, SHIT #2, MHZ #A, MHZ #F, PF #3, NHS #1,,,

i lost spice #2 which is a bit of a error as it was a 10/10 plant, it cured into beautiful grape and euphoric stone.
I do have spice #3 and #5 still kickin around and will give them another chance as I'm not sure they got best chance last time.

20 regular seeds of 5 strains = 100 regular seeds, = 50 males

then selection of 1 or 2 keeper females of each strain = 5-10 plants
and 1 or 2 keeper males of each strain = 5-10 plants
slightly longer term after some seed making, only keep 5 fem and 5 males
stones is probably my fave of the rock n roll series (that I've tried so far)
that candy cane swirl tho! ++
high AF @acrid,
they all throw beauty plants, i like the way the haze AC father brings out the best of terpenes in the mothers he breeds with while bringing his profile to the palate.

oh yeh and as you say the candy cane swirly flowers, incredible leaf to calyx ratios in the best of them, there is almost no fan leaves !

here is a shot of that stones #1 a week or 2 after clone, sexy girl...

20-07-2023 - STONES #1.jpg
poor girl totally underfed and neglected...
last photo she was supposed to be going back into veg but gave her a decent feed and finished her like this cut yesterday smells like a alley cats urinal.
she has some seeds from the ortega and NL5xAfg males.

03-01-2024 - stones #1a.jpg
i lost spice #2 which is a bit of a error as it was a 10/10 plant, it cured into beautiful grape and euphoric stone.
I do have spice #3 and #5 still kickin around and will give them another chance as I'm not sure they got best chance last time.
What is your opinion of Spice? One doesn't hear much about her, but the little that's said is usually positive. As the only Hawaiian cross, she is unique. What kind of plants did you get?
@Diesel check out the colonels 11 herbs and spices

She is a beauty line, I only popped ? cant remember but i got 5 females so not much of a sample size to really know.
From the 5 ladies, #2 #3 and #4 were the better ones based on quality of smoke after a cure.
all very different plants though.

I look back at that thread and probably judged them all a bit too harshly... FFS ken 5/10 for spice #3, thats not fair, more like a 7.5 to 8 after a decent cure.... and spice #1 and #5 may have needed another 3? weeks to be fully ready but the outdoor harvest has to come in when the rains arrive so i may not have even given those two the conditions to fully thrive and show us what they were capable of.

spice #2 was a great plant. Grape flavor and potent now id giver her a 9/10 all round.
spice #4 was 2nd pick and kept her around for a while.

most my life i havent had enough ganja to cure it longer than 3 months at best, last few years i have been able to get 12 month+ cures which make a lot f difference... sure beats banging it in the oven on 50-60C degrees and fast drying it because stash is so low.

my suggestion is, if you can, pop a whole straw of one strain and see the differences between say 8 females of the same line its a real good lesson into whats possible from the same strain... and opens eyes when growing anything else going forward.

selection is most definitely key because although all spices #2 #3 and #4 were all nice spice #2 was a stand out above the rest.