The Moon is drifting away from Earth and it’s having a major impact on time

Earth travels around the Sun once a year but it also has a circular pattern inside that pattern that happens over a much longer time frame.
The last time the Earth was at the furthest point from the Sun in the longer pattern we had an ice age.
This is not something new.
Earth travels around the Sun once a year but it also has a circular pattern inside that pattern that happens over a much longer time frame.
The last time the Earth was at the furthest point from the Sun in the longer pattern we had an ice age.
This is not something new.

Do you mean elliptical as per Kepler?
It came from a place of love homie.

It would be better if he said "influencing the length of a day" or something to that effect. Its not an event horizon. Even the mountains are changing at their own speed. I would need to see more elsewhere, to say more, but the moon is not static. That much is pretty clear. Of course the big questions pertain less to the length of a day and more to the effect on tidal forces and thereby, weather. IF said information is in fact accurate.

Real skepticism: how to piss everyone off
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On further examination it seems the Sun is moving away from the Earth.

Perhaps I should have read the article, my apologies FF.

One of the other things the Moon does is hold the Earth on it's axis.
Religion, like politics

Epistemology is much broader than either though. Its more of an approach to logic than a belief system. When something becomes that entrenched, people stop thinking for themselves. Its always valuable to ask yourself "why do I believe this" or "how do I know this to be true," etc. The last thing, I am trying to do is to make up your mind for you. Its just also good to ask yourself: "Is this what I believe and why?" The truth is; orthodoxies evolve around any sort of social structure. People like certainty. Its too bad. That more doesn't exist.

My problem is that I am interested in the syntax. I do want to know what is over the horizon. So to me; a false sense of certainty is "the baggage."

Not directed at you specifically. Just: in no uncertain terms.

Here is some more for any of you other skeptics out there.

I have seen some of this elsewhere to be clear. Its just not my area. So I'd have to look at it further. The Twilight Zone episode is just what came to mind. I could probably relate everything, on any given day to the fucking Twilight Zone though. So not that... special... kind of on the nose though.
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